December 12, 2016

The Chester County Health Department has provided us with the following information about pertussis. Your child may have been additionally exposed through December 9, 2016. Pertussis is a very serious respiratory (in the lungs and breathing tubes) infection that can even affect children and adults who are fully vaccinated. It is highly contagious and is spread through the air when an infected person sneezes or coughs. It can live in the body for up to 21 days before coughing starts.


·  Starts with cold-like symptoms and a mild, occasional cough.

·  The cough becomes more persistent causing coughing fits.

·  The cough may become violent causing vomiting or turning blue.

·  Some people experience a whooping noise but many do not.


·  If your child has a cough, contact your physician and let them know that your child may have been exposed to pertussis.

·  Even if your child’s test results have not come back, if your physician suspects or diagnoses your child with pertussis, they must remain at home until they have been on antibiotics for 5 days.

·  If you are pregnant or have pre-existing health conditions, you may wish to contact your physician for additional guidance.

·  Be sure you and your child are fully vaccinated.

o  Children should receive one dose of the DTaP vaccine at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 15-18 months, and at 4-6 years.

o  The Tdap booster is given at age 11.

o  Adults should also receive a Tdap vaccine.

o  Pregnant women should receive a Tdap with each pregnancy, preferably during their third trimester.

The DTaP and Tdap vaccines are available at doctor’s offices, health care centers and immunization providers. The Chester County Health Department Clinic can offer free vaccine to those who meet eligibility requirements. Contact 610-344-6252 for more information.

Please consult your physician if you have any questions regarding your immunization status or your child’s and if your child develops any symptoms of pertussis. For more information on pertussis, please go to

Amy A, Meisinger, Ph.D. Gail Hamman, BSN, RN, CSN, M. Ed

Principal School Nurse