U.S. History IICivil Rights Movement


1. ______ : leader of SCLC, an alliance of church-based African American organizations

dedicated to ending discrimination.

2. ______ Association of student activists from throughout the South.

3 ______: Type of protest led by the SNCC which was successful in integrating many

southern restaurants.

4. ______: With the success of the Montgomery

Bus Boycott, the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) expanded into this organization.

5. ______: Type of protest supported by the SCLC.

6. ______; He believed in methods of nonviolent resistance learned from Gandhi.

7. ______: This group took bus trips through the South to draw

attention to the violations of the Supreme Court ruling that segregation in facilities that served interstate travelers

was illegal.

8. ______: Blamed the Freedom Riders for the violence that broke out in

Birmingham, Alabama, and therefore sent no police officers to the bus terminal.

8b. ______dedicated to practicing nonviolent protests(organization)

9. ______: The student who entered the University of Mississippi, over the protests of

Governor Ross Barnett who tried to prevent him from registering.

10______: He suggested using schoolchildren to protest when the

Birmingham protests seemed likely to end in failure as adults declined as they were unwilling to go to jail

11. ______: Speech delivered by Martin L.King at the March on Washington which

is one of the most famous speeches in U. S. History. (1963)

11b. ______lawyer working on Brown v. Board of Education.

12. ______: Banned discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color,

religion, sex, or national origin.

______: They debated 75 days before passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

13. ______: Worked hard in 1963-64 to have a civil rights bill passed.

14. ______: Director of the March on Washington.

15, _______: NAACP field secretary assassinated in 1963.

16. ______: In regards to voter registration, he stated that “If we can crack Mississippi,, we will

likely be able to crack the system in the rest of the country”.

17. ______: Banned the payment of poll taxes as a condition for voting in federal


18. ______: a plan which brought white volunteers into the voter registration effort.

19. ______: CORE worker murdered in his fight to register African Americans to vote.

20. ______: The passage of this put the voter registration process under

federal control.

21. ______: The leader of the Nation of Islam in the 1930’s.

22. ______: At first he championed African american separatism, he left the Nation of

Islam and converted to orthodox Islam and now called for unity among all people.

23. ______: This organization was created by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale

calling for bread, land, housing, education, clothing, justice and pace for African Americans.

24. ______: Assassinated by a sniper, James Earl Ray,, on April 4, 1968.

25. ______: Constructed ResurrectionCity in WashingtonD.C. to protest poverty among

African Americans.

26. ______: The SNCC did not want to unite with the Black Panther Party because of their

support of this.

27. ______: Supreme Court decision limiting the use of busing as a means to

achieve racial integration.

28. ______: Gave preference to ethnic minorities and women in admission and hiring.

29. ______: Shot and killed Medgar Evers outside his home in 1093.

30. ______: The first African American to be elected mayor of a major U.S. City, Cleveland

31.______: This made it a Federal offense to prevent any qualified person from voting.

32. ______: Supreme Court case striking down the quota

system in regards to university admission.

33/ ______was the way in which Black Power was expressed in this way in

The 1970’s and 1980.

34. ______was most difficult state to register African Americans to vote.

35. ______assassinated MLK.

36. ______used the courts to attack racism.

37.______saw voter registration as the way to bring change.

38.______delegation at the 1964 Democratic National Convention wanted to replace

the existing delegates with their own.

39. ______common goal of the sit-in-movement.

40.______formed the Poor’s People Campaign as he felt poverty affected people from

Gaining true equality, turned out to be a failure.

41.______led to decline of the Civil Rights Movement in 1960s.

42. ______disallowed for discrimination against certain groups – such as

Applying for jobs, colleges, etc.

43. ______is to exist through culture, habit, not law.

44.______offered African American students help with academics and taught them about

Black history.

45. ______legalized segregation