Name: Key

Management Acronym Jumble

Unscramble the letters to find the full name of each acronym.

Then provide a concise statement as to the importance of each term to management.

Sample: VMG: AIVTROCI M TEGYT = Victoria M. Getty = Your N322 instructor, who enables you to learn management concepts you will need for the RD exam. J

1. EEOC: LUQAE PTNEMMLYOE ROTPNTYPUOI MSINICMOOS = Equal Employment Opportunity Commission = body established by 1964 Civil Rights Act; is charged with

regulating and overseeing complaints regarding discrimination in the workplace.

2. ADA: NREACAMI EIDTECTI CTSOIASONIA = American Dietetic Association = largest organization of Registered Dietitians

3. ADA: NCIMARAES TIHW SBLIDIIASTEI TAC = Americans with Disabilities Act = legislation passed in 1990 that “prohibits discrimination against qualified persons with disabilities in all aspects of employment” (text, p. 521)

4. HIPAA: EHATHL CRNAISNUE TBLEAPTYIRIO DNA LYCONUCAABITIT CAT = Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act = among other things, this legislation, which went into effect in April 2003, mandates the establishment and maintenance of procedures to ensure privacy of patient health information

5. JCAHO: = NTIJO OMNSICISMO NO DATENICOACIRT RFO CHTAHELAER GRAINAZONSITO = Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations =

organization that sets standards and grants accreditation to healthcare organizations; for example, hospitals need to prove that they comply with JCAHO standards for patient care and foodservice sanitation.

6. OSHA: = PATINCOLANOCU EYFTAS NDA HEHATL TAC = Occupational Safety and Health Act (Administration) = The 1970 legislation (Act) or the organization (Administration) that sets safety standards and mandates that workplaces are kept free of known hazards

7. CADE: = MICSOMINSO NO DATENICOACIRT ROF SEIDTECTI TNDCUEOIA = Commission on Accreditation of Dietetics Education = organization that sets standards and grants accreditation to programs that provide dietetics education (i.e. DPD programs like ours, dietetic internships, and coordinated programs)

8. NLRB: = LANTONAI RBAOL RLAIEONST RODAB = National Labor Relations Board = established by the Wagner Act of 1935, the NLRB administers and interprets the Act pursuant to protecting workers from unfair labor practices

9. OBRA: = MNIOSUB TGUDEB CICONOAREIITLN CAT = Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act = 1987 legislation that established federal regulations for nursing homes to improve care for residents. Can’t tell that from the name, can you?

10. COBRA: = SLADCNTIDOOE MNIOSUB TGUDEB CICONOAREIITLN CAT Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act = 1985 legislation that mandates that employees leaving a job can continue health insurance coverage for up to 18 months. The employees must pay for this themselves, but the advantage is that they can pay group rates. This gives workers a bridge to continue being covered by insurance until they can find a new job with new health insurance coverage (limit = 18 months).

3/09 vmg