Please complete this form and email to post to Volunteer Manager, National Folk Festival, PO Box 179, Mitchell ACT 2911, by Friday 24 March 2017.

Full Name of person with disability

Contact Details:

Postal Address:
Email Address:
Mobile Phone:
Home Phone:
Nature of disability or medical condition
Do you need access to power? / Yes ❏ No ❏
If yes, give reason
(Please bring a long extension lead that has been Tagged and Tested)

Camping Requirement Details:

Accommodation Type (Select one) / Tent ❏ / Caravan ❏
RV ❏ / Camper Trailer ❏
Number in party: / No. Adults: / No. Children
Details of stay: / Arrival Date: / Time: AM ❏❏PM 
Departure Date: (all campers must vacate the site by 12 noon Tuesday 18 April)

Access Campground Camping Information

General Information

The Festival has a dedicated area of the campground reserved for Access Camping.People with a disability or those with a condition requiring power to run medical equipment can submit anAccess Campground Registration Form to reserve a space to ensure access to power and to disability toilet and shower facilities.

The Access campground has limited space and power capabilities and is allocated on a needs basis. There are also over flow areas that may be allocated if and when the Access Campground fills.These are located further from the Festival entry in the general campground.

You will need to outline your specific requirements in the form to enable us to best cater for your stay at the Festival. If you do not register with the Festival, we are not able to guarantee you power or an accessible campsite.

For those wishing to make their own arrangements, the Cotter Campground amenity blocks and the amenity block beside the Kosciusko / Farmer's market building both have wheelchair accessible toilets and showers.

Confirmation of Registration

The Access Coordinator will contact you via phone or email 2 weeks prior to the Festival to confirm your site location, you will be sent a site map at this time. If you do not receive confirmation by this time please contact us.

Arriving at the Festival

When you arrive at the Festival take your PDF tickets to the Well Station ticket office and collect your Festival passes.

If you require assistance contact the Access Team on 0406 375 694 who will show you to your campsite. The Access team operates from Thursday – Monday of the Festival. If you are arriving at the Festival before this time please call when you are on your way and we will arrange for a volunteer to meet you and show you to your site. The Festival campsite opens at 9am Monday 10 April.

Your site will be marked out with your name and site number on it. If you require power this will be labeled in the power box near by. (Please remember to bring a tested and tagged power lead with you if you have requested power).