Account management= management of costs, cash and margin (gestion des comptes)
Credit= method of deferring payments for goods or services usually including interest on top of the original amount of money
Terms of payment= conditions under which credit is granted and the way in which it is to be honoured (conditions de règlement)
Risk assessment= evaluation of customers' credit and financial positions in order to establish the reliability and ability to pay debts (évaluation des risques)
Credit-rating= agency firm which specialises in keeping a list of people who have defaulted on payments in which, in return for a fee, can check if a particular firm has ever had problems or if it has a clean record of reliability. (cote de crédit)
Creditworthiness= reliability and ability to pay debts/credit worthiness (solvabilité)
Ratios= relationships between a company's assets and its liabilities aimed at establishing credit limits/debt-equity ratios (ratio, rapport, taux, pourcentage..)
References= testimonies of the reliability and trustworthiness of the customer; trade references, bank references
Credit control= account management activity dealing with customer monitoring, credit limits and payments (contrôle des crédits)
Debtor= person or firm owing money to another person or firm (débiteur)
1)tied up (capital)= any capital that is not immediately accessible as money, so it can be investment bonds with a specific term but it can also be property or other investments (capital lié)
2)bills= invoice (une facture)
3)bad debt= debt unlikely to be repaid ( une créance irrécouvrable)
4)a statement=written accounts (from the bank…) (un relevé, une déclaration)
5)account reminders= something (oral, written) that serves as a reminder of another thing and makes you think about the other thing (un rappel des comptes, une relance)
6)credit periods= the time periods a creditor extends credit to a customer. At the end of the credit period, the customer of the business is expected to have met all financial obligations in exchange for the goods or services which were obtained on credit. (durée de crédit)
7)credit limit= the maximum amount of credit that a financial institution or lender will extend to a debtor for a particular line of credit. (plafond de dépenses, de paiement)
8)corporate customers=client of a business corporation (client corporatif, entreprise cliente, client commercial)
9)companies House=the UK's registrar of companies. For example, it incorporates and dissolves limited companies, registers the information the companies have to give…..
10)credit position= someone's position (the credit they have at their disposal) at a particular point in time (situation de crédit)
11)credit clearance period= the time interval that occurs between the point at which an account is marked for final collection and the point at which any available credit is removed from the account (période de crédit, solvabilité)
12)marginal customers= customers who present an abnormal risk of non-payment. A marginal account is usually characterized by slow purchases and slow payments, inadequate working capital, weak or indifferent management, and/or excessive liens and judgments against the person or the firm. (clients peu éligibles)
13)reliability= when people or things can be trusted to work well or to behave in the way you want them to (confiance)
14)sales orders=orders issued by a business to a customer for products or services (ordre de vente, bon de commande, document de vente)
15)take orders= request for a product to be made for you or delivered to you (commandes)
16)monitoring accounts= supervising, watching accounts ( la surveillance des comptes)
17)overdue (payments)= late, past deadline (en retard)
18)sales force= number of salespersons employed and managed directly by a firm (personnel commercial,personnel de vente)
19)administrative staff= workers in the administration (personnel administratif)
20)salespeople= shop assistants, representatives (vendeurs, personnel commercial)
21)due payments= payments that need to be paid ( à échéance)