14.BILL CLEMENT MBE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) J Wilkinson

1- 81s set & dance down between 3s & cast up to end LH with partner facing 1st crnrs

9-161s set & turn inwards to face 3rd crnrs, 1s set to 3rd crnrs & turn crnrs LH to end RH with partner facing 2nd crnrs

17-241s set & turn inwards to face 4th crnrs,1s set to 4th crnrs & turn crnrs RH to end 2nd place own side

25-322s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back


R Goldring 24 G & S Dances

1- 81s+2s dance Diamond Poussette

9-161s dance down for 2 steps, turn 2H, dance up to top & turn 2H

17-241s+3s dance double Fig of 8 round 2s with 1s casting to start

25-321M+2M turn LH 1.1/2 times while 1L+2L turn RH 1.1/2 times, 1M+3M turn RH 1.1/2 times while 1L+3L turn LH 1.1/2 times

16.SCOTT MEIKLE (R4x32) 4C set

A McLean Laurieston Coll 1

1- 81s cross RH & cast to 2nd place, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s

9-161s+3s dance RH across, LH back

17-241L followed by 3L dance Tandem reel of 3 across with 2s (1L ends 3rd pl) while 3M followed by 1M reel of 3 with 4s (3M to 2nd pl)

25-321s+4s dance 1/2 R&L, turn partners RH 1.1/2 times


A Holden Birmingham Diamond Jubilee Bk

1- 81s+2s Set & Rotate : -

` Set, rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides (1s in 2nd pl)

9-162s+1s+3s+4s dance RSh reel of 4 on sides

17-241s & 3s dance round 2s/4s RSh & turn LH 1.1/2 times on own sides to end 2 3 1 4

25-322s+3s dance RH across & LH back while 1s+4s dance RH across & dance 1/2 Diamond Poussette. 2 3 4 1

18.THE MEETING OF THE WATERS (R8x48) 3C (4C set)

I Boyd Strathtay Album

1- 81s+2s dance reel of 4 across (1M & 2L pass LSh while 1L & 2M cast), 1L ends facing out

9-161s dance parallel Figs of 8 round 2s & 3s on own sides (pass 2s RSh to start)

17-241L followed by 1M casts round 2L, cross down between 3s, cast up to 2nd place on Men’s side & cross to own side as 1M ends Men’s side

25-321s dance RH across with 3s & LH across with 2s

33-402s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on own sides (1s giving RSh to 3s to start)

41-482s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back


/ Drumlanrig Scottish Country Dance Club
7.30pm Friday 28th March, 2014
Old Parish Church Hall, Hawick
Stuart Anderson and his SDB
Tickets £6 /

1.DOMINO FIVE (R5x32) 5 person Sq.Set with 5th person in centre

D Haynes Carnforth Coll 4

1- 85+1+2 dance RH across, 5+3+4 dance LH across

9-165+1+3 dance RSh reel of 3 (5 & 1 pass RSh to start)

17-245+4+2 dance LSh reel of 3 (5 & 4pass LSh to start)

25-325 changes place with 1 (pass RSh), 1 change pl with 4, 4 change pl with 3, 3s change pl with 2 & 2 becomes new 5 (similar to Fisherman's Reel)


B Fordyce Morison's Bush Coll

1- 81s cross RH & cast 1 place, lead down between 3s & cast behind 4s

9-161s dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides beginning by dancing up between 4s

17-241s cross RH & cast up 1 place, lead up between 3s & cast up behind 2s

25-321s dance reels of 3 on own sides beginning by dancing down between 2s

33-401s cross RH & cast down 1 place to give RH to partner & LH to 1st corners, Bal-in-Line & turn partner RH to give LH to 2nd corners

41-48Bal-in-Line & 1s dance out & cast down behind 3s, lead up to top crossing to 1st place own sides

49-601L+2L & 1M+2M change places RH on sides & 2s+1s cross over LH, repeat with 3s & 4s until reaching the bottom of the set

61-64All turn RH 1.1/2 times

3.GANG THE SAME GATE (S8x32) 3C (4C set)

M Levy RSCDS Bk 36

1- 81s cross RH & cast down to 3rd place, cross RH & cast up to 2nd place on own sides

9-161s set adv to ptnr & turn 1st crnr 2H to face 2nd crnr, 1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 ending M b’tw’n top cple facing down & L b’tw’n bottom cple facing up

17-241s set adv to partner & turn 4th corner (pstn) 2H to face own 1st corner (pstn), 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel with 1st corners ending in 2nd place opp sides

25-323s+1s+2s Set+Link for 3 twice


R Goldring RSCDS Leaflet 9

1- 81s cross down & dance out between 2s+3s turning 3s by near hand to meet ptnr, dance up & turn 2s by nearest hand to 2nd place opp sides

9-161s cross down to 3rd pl & dance reel of 3 own side (2s dance out & down as 3s dance in & up b’tw’n 2s), 1s end (hold LH) facing 1st crnrs

17-241s set to 1st crnrs, turn inwards & set to 3rd corner as 3rd crnrs set adv to dance RH across with 1s, 1s end turning to face 2nd crnrs

25-321s repeat bars 17-24 with 2nd/4th corners but dancing LH across


1- 8All circle 8H round to the left & back (popular variation - 8 hands all the way round to left)

9-24Ladies dance in front of ptnr & behind next Man, into RH across, in front of Man opp own ptnr & behind next Man, into RH across & back to place

25-32All Promenade clockwise

33-401s & 3s dance cl'wise behind next couple & Men dance past cple as Ladies dance in between cple & both turn R to face cple, all set & turn RH

41-48All dance parallel reels of 4

49-561s & 3s dance a full Fig of 8 round the standing 2s/4s

57-641s & 3s dance LH across, 1s & 3s dance back to places (Men round & Ladies through the standing 2s & 4s)

65-962s & 4s repeat 33-64

97-104All Promenade anticlockwise

105-120Men dance in front of ptnr & behind next Lady, into LH across, dance in front of Lady opp own partner & behind next L into LH across & back to pl

121-128All circle 8H round to the right & back (popular variation - 8 hands all the way round to right)


V Sproule & S Gillan

1- 82s+4s dance RH across, 2s dance up while 4s dance down, 2s & 4s casting round ends on own sides to face 1st corners

9-162s+4s Pass+Turn with 1st corners, pass partner LSh & Pass+Turn with 2nd corners & into centre facing partner (L facing down M up)

17-242s+4s dance reel of 4 ending in original places on sides

25-322s & 4s set & cast down 1 place while 3s & 5s set & dance up 1 place, 1s & 2s turn RH & cast down 1 place. 3 1 5 2 4

7.JOHN OF BON ACCORD (R8x32) 3C (4C set)

R Goldring RSCDS Bk 33

1- 81s dance 4 progressive 1/2 diagonal reels of 3 firstly 1s pass RSh to 1/2 reel with 2L then 1s pass LSh & 1/2 reel with 2M

9-161s pass RSh & 1/2 reel with 3L & lastly pass LSh to 1/2 reel with 3M. (2)(3)1

17-241s turn RH & cast up to 2nd place on own sides, dance 1/2 Fig of 8 around the 2s to 2nd place opposite sides

25-322s+1s+3s turn 3/4 RH to end in line in centre of dance facing partners (M facing down & L up) & set, 3/4 turn RH to end on own sides & set

8.PELORUS JACK (J8x32) 3C (4C set)

B Skelton RSCDS Bk 41

1- 81s cross RH & cast 1 place, dance RH across with 3s & 1s end with Man facing his 1st corner with his partner behind him

9-161s dance Alternating Tandem 1/2 reel of 3 with 1st corners, 1s dance Alternating Tandem 1/2 reel with 2nd corners

17-241s dance Alternating Tandem 1/2 reels of 3 with Ladies 1st corner (pstn),1s dance Alternating Tandem 1/2 reel with Ladies 2nd corner (pstn)

25-321M followed by partner dance into LH across with 2s, 1s retain LH & 1/2 turn to own sides & 2s+1s+3s set

9.THE ETTRICK WATER (S8x32) 3C (4C set)

R Goldring Wells House

1- 81s cross RH & change places with 2s on sides, 1s cross RH & change places with 3s on own sides

9-163s+1s set, cross RH, cast up above 2s (3s leading) & 3s lead down, cross to own places with 1s following who end in 2nd place

17-242s+1s set, cross RH, 1s, followed by 2s, dance down behind 3rd couple and cross up between them, staying in the centre ready for:

25-321s+2s dance Allemande


10.TRIBUTE TO THE BORDERS (J8x32) 3C (4C set)

R Goldring RSCDS Leaflet 11

1- 81s cross RH & cast 1 place, turn RH 1.1/2 times to end in prom hold facing 2M

9-161s dance 1/2 RSh reel of 3 on Mans side, cross to face 3L & dance 1/2 RSh reel on Ladies side 1s end facing 3L (in top place)

17-241s set to 3L, turn & set to 2L, turn & set to 2M, turn & set to 3M ending with 3s+1s+2s in centre ready for Allemande

25-323s+1s+2s Allemande

11.SOCIETY PIPER (R8X32) 3C (4C set)

R Goldring 10 Social Dances

1- 81s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s & meet in centre facing down, 1/2 turn 2s with nearer hand & 1/2 turn 3s with other hand 1s ending in 3rd pl opp sides

9-161s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 3s & meet in centre facing up, 1/2 turn 3s with nearer hand & 1/2 turn 2s with other hand

17-241s dance down centre to 2nd place, set to 3s, set to partner & set to 2s

25-321L dances RH across with 2L+3L on own side & 1M dances LH across on Men’s side, 1s dance up & cast to 2nd place own sides

12.THE SINGING SANDS (S3x32) 3C set

B Priddey Silver Rose

1- 81s & 2s dance the Tourbillon : -

`1s & 2s turn partners 2H 1/2 way, 1M & 2L lead partners on 1 place clockwise to end 1s on Ladies side & 2s on Men’s side, 1s set to 2s

`1s & 2s 1/2 turn partners 2H, 1L & 2M lead partners on 1 place to end 2s in 1st pl & 1s in 2nd pl & 2s+1s cross RH to own sides

9-161s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (Man round 2s & Lady round 3s), 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 (Man with 3s & Lady with 2s)

17-241s dance Diag R&L to end 3 1 2

25-32All set & 3s+1s dance RH across 1/2 way while 2s cross RH, all chase clockwise 1/2 way to end 2 3 1

13.MAUREEN'S REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set)

D Haynes Carnforth Coll 1

1- 81s cross RH, cast 1 place, cross LH & cast to left to end facing 1st corner

9-161s set to & turn 1st corners RH, set & turn 2nd corners RH & end BtoB in middle (Man facing up)

17-241s dance Crown Triangles & Petronella turn to 2nd place on own side

25-322s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back

Charles Upton ~ MINICRIB ~