10/26/11- Page 6 of 6




I. Call to Order and Roll Call

At 7:31 p.m. President Albert R. Pino, called the Meeting to order. The Deputy Village Clerk led the pledge of Allegiance, and then called the roll:

Present in Person: President Pino, Trustees Boland, Herrmann, Johnson, and Weiner

Absent: Trustee Kafka (arrived at 7:45 p.m.) and Trustee Kolar

Also Present: Kathy Nelander, Village Clerk

J.W. Braithwaite, Village Attorney

Kris Lennon, Deputy Village Clerk

Elaine Silets, 125 Arrowhead Lane

H.L. Silets, 125 Arrowhead Lane

Ronald Hamelberg, Venturi Partners Construction, Barrington

Keith Venturi, 297 Homewood Lane, Property Owner

Melissa Roth, 208 N. Highway 59

Stephanie Kohl, Barrington Courier-Review

Ed Harris, Lake County Sherriff’s Department


There was no one who wished to speak.


Motion: On motion of Trustee Weiner, seconded by Trustee Boland, the consent agenda consisting of the following agenda items was approved:

A. Motion to approve Minutes of Regular Board Meeting, 9/28/11

B. Motion to approve 10/26/11 Vouchers for payment of bills

C. Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the 5th month of Fiscal Year 2012

Discussion: There was no discussion.

Vote on Motion

By Roll Call: Ayes: President Pino, Trustees Boland, Herrmann, Johnson,

and Weiner.

Nays: None

Absent: Trustees Kafka and Kolar

Abstain: None

President Pino declared the motion approved.


A. Consideration of Ordinance # 1210, Amending Village Code, 5-3a-7b

President Pino explained that the Ordinance proposed to amend the Village Code provided that the Village Forester and Trustee in charge of roads would have authority to remove dead and diseased trees from road rights of way. It was noted that the language as amended allows the person or agency under contract with the Village for routine road maintenance to remove trees which have fallen or which are determined to be in danger of falling or blocking the public right of way.

Trustee Herrmann inquired about whether roads that have been dedicated but not built would be subject to the proposed ordinance. President Pino replied that it would not be applicable to unimproved roads. Trustee Boland stated that the Village is not obligated to remove trees in unimproved road ways.

Motion: Trustee Boland moved to approve Ordinance # 1210; seconded by Trustee Weiner:

Discussion: There was some discussion.

Vote on Motion

By Roll Call: Ayes: Trustees Boland, Herrmann, Johnson, and Weiner

Nays: None

Absent: Trustees Kafka and Kolar

Abstain: None

President Pino declared the Ordinance adopted.

B. Report and possible action as to Nicor Franchise Ordinance

Village Attorney J.W. Braithwaite stated that Nicor has been non-communicative and suggested leaving the Ordinance as is. It was noted that the Ordinance may be repealed, if necessary.

V. ADMINISTRATION – President Albert Pino

A. Village Update

President Pino provided updates on two meetings held at the Village Hall in October regarding:

·  the proposed Miller Road Project

·  the proposed intersection improvement located at Route 22 and Old Barrington Road.

It was noted that a summary of the meetings will be provided and/or reviewed by Baxter &

Woodman, Inc. There was brief discussion among the Board about the road projects.

B. Consideration of possible settlement, 297 Homewood Lane

President Pino stated that a meeting was held 10/4/11 at the Village Hall with the owner of the property, which is occupied by tenants, to discuss the conditional certificate of occupancy permit, which the Village contends had expired, and applicable fines for the remaining work on the house, detached garage, and property, which the Village contends was incomplete.

President Pino explained that it was agreed upon that subject to Board approval, the matter would be settled by the payment of $5,000 to the Village which covered Village expenses in the amount of $3,317.97 plus additional fines. President Pino recommended that the Board accept the amount of $5,000 as a settlement amount between the Village and the property owner.

Trustee Boland asked that the matter be further explained. Village Attorney J.W. Braithwaite stated that the property owner had corrected all outstanding violations had recommended the acceptance of $5,000 in full settlement.

President Pino noted that the certificate of occupancy would be released upon final payment.

It was noted that Trustee Kafka arrived during this portion of the meeting.

Motion: Trustee Weiner moved that the Board approve acceptance the amount of $5,000 in full settlement regarding the property located at 297 Homewood Lane relating to the expired certificate of occupancy permit, outstanding violations and applicable fines, subject to actual payment; seconded by Trustee Herrmann:

Discussion: There was some discussion.

Vote on Motion

By Roll Call: Ayes: President Pino, Trustees Boland, Herrmann, Johnson, and


Nays: None

Absent: Trustee Kolar

Abstain: Trustee Kafka

President Pino declared the motion approved.

C. ComEd Electrical Upgrade, Route 59 – authorization to allocate funds to bury lines south of Miller Road

President Pino stated that the matter was discussed at the September Board meeting. ComEd proposed an electrical upgrade by the installation of overhead lines from the Lake Barrington Shores entrance on Route 59 to just south of Miller Road, with 3 of the proposed 13 poles to be installed in North Barrington. The Village of Lake Barrington chose to have the lines buried. The total contract amount to have the all of the lines buried is $49,714.39. The prorata share for the portion of the work within North Barrington is $5,669.21. It was the general consensus of the Board during the September Board meeting to approve the amount of $5,669.21.

Motion: Trustee Boland moved that the Board approve the amount of $5,669.21 for costs associated with the electrical upgrade and installation of ComEd lines to be buried underground along Route 59, south of Miller Road, in North Barrington; seconded by Trustee Johnson:

Discussion: There was some discussion.

Vote on Motion

By Roll Call: Ayes: President Pino, Trustees Boland, Herrmann, Johnson, Kafka,

and Weiner

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee Kolar

Abstain: None

President Pino declared the motion approved.


A. Trustee Edmund “Pete” Boland

Trustee Boland reported that a formal reply is needed for Village President Kathleen Leitner and the Tower Lakes Police Department following their presentation in May of 2011 for their police services.

Motion: Trustee Boland moved that the Board formally thank the Village of Tower Lakes for their police services presentation although advising that the Village of North Barrington is satisfied with its present services with the Lake County Sheriff and will continue with the its current contract with approximately 2 ½ years remaining; seconded by Trustee Weiner:

Discussion: There was some discussion.

Vote on Motion

The voice vote was unanimous in favor.

President Pino declared the motion approved.

Trustee Boland noted that the Village of Deer Park terminated its polices services with the Kildeer Police Department and are currently negotiating with the Lake County Sheriff and noted that it will not affect police services with the Village of North Barrington.

Ed Harris, Lake County Sherriff’s Department, addressed the Board and stated that the Lake County Sheriff is considering placing (9) officers with the Village of Deer Park which would increase response time within the Village of North Barrington in the event an additional officer is needed.

B. Trustee Gery Herrmann

Trustee Herrmann had nothing to report.

C. Trustee Brent Johnson

Trustee Johnson had nothing to report.

D. Trustee Ann Kafka

Trustee Kafka reported that the Fall Festival was a success and well attended. The Parks & Recreation Commission continues to work on the Santa and live reindeer event to be held December 10th.

E. Trustee Mark Kolar

1.  Village owned Property – Authorization to list 112 Old Barrington Road for sale

Trustee Kolar was absent.

Village Attorney J.W. Braithwaite suggested that the Board authorize Trustee Kolar to list the property located at 112 Old Barrington Road in the amount of $589,000. Attorney Braithwaite additionally suggested that the Board authorize an adjustment in listing price upon the recommendation of Trustee Kolar and concurrence by the Village President.

Trustees Boland and Weiner disagreed that the Board authorize an adjustment in listing price upon the recommendation Trustee Kolar and concurrence by the Village President.

It was the general consensus of the Board that that a special meeting would be held in the event there would be an adjustment of the listing price to less than $589,000.

Motion: Trustee Weiner moved that the Board authorize Trustee Kolar to list the property located at 112 Old Barrington Road in the amount of $589,000; seconded by Trustee Boland:

Discussion: There was some discussion.

Vote on Motion

By Roll Call: Ayes: President Pino, Trustees Boland, Herrmann, Johnson, Kafka,

and Weiner

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee Kolar

Abstain: None

President Pino declared the motion approved.

F. Lawrence “Lawre” Weiner

Trustee Weiner had nothing to report.


There was no new business to discuss.


There was no old business to discuss.


There being no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Weiner moved to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Trustee Johnson. The voice vote was unanimous in favor.

At 8:58 p.m. President Pino declared the meeting adjourned.

These Minutes were approved by the Board at a meeting held November 21, 2011.


Kris Lennon, Deputy Village Clerk