Unit Theme: Making ConnectionsWeek: #:______

Teacher: Subject: English Grade: 7th Date:

Desired Result
Enduring Understanding
Example: Students will understand that...
EU1. Literature both reflects and contributes to knowledge.
EU2. Reading helps us make sense of the world.
EU3. Prior knowledge and life experience shape how writers develop and present their ideas.
Assessment Evidence
SummativeEvaluation (Performance Task) - (unit projects, exams, etc.) Book Commercial - Book Commercial - Character Blog - Fractured Modern Fairy Tale Story - Making Connections Essay
Learning Plan
Suggested Learning Activities:
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Standards / READING
Expectations / 9.R.1a: Make Inferences and Draw conclusions to support analysis
9.L.1d:Listen to a variety of literature to make connections
9.W.1: Justify opinions and positions
9.S.1: Listen, support discussion, and interact with peers. / 9.R.3l: Analyze the connections among ideas and events
9.L.1b: Follow turn-taking and show consideration with others. Extends ideas and
9.S.1: Listen, support discussion, and interact with peers.
9.L.1a: Ask relevant questions and respond to other’s questions and comments / 9.S.2b: Explain, restate, and discuss information.
9.R.10: Read and comprehend a variety of literature of appropriate grade level. / 9.R.1: Use in-depth critical reading of a variety of texts
9.W.1: Justify opinions and positions using valid reasoning / 9.W.4:Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning
9.W.8: Write routinely to develop types of paragraphs
Academic Strategy
Objective / Haven read a short text aloud the student will be able to infer and connect ideas to the real world accurately.
/ Having concluded reading the given text, student will be able to make inferences about cause and effect relationships and share written responses to provide feedback between partners. / Given enough information about book reviews student will be able to write a brief persuasive summary of given text. / Having selected areading text, student will take notes and write a brief plot summary and make connections to previously read text. / Having read selected text and notes taken student will write the first draft of script for the book commercial.
InitialActivities / DAILY REFLECTION
To introduce the unit, teacher read aloud a short text and stops to make inferences, and writes ideas to make connections to the real world. Using a chart with “In the text…”/”In the world…”/”So therefore…”
Suggested text: “Broken Chain” in READ XL / DAILY REFLECTION
Review text from the day before and review making inferences about cause and effect relationship. The teacher presents a cause and effect chart and writes events in the effect column.
Suggested text: “Reading Movie Reviews” in READ XL / DAILY REFLECTION
The teacher presents and explains what a book review is. The teacher explains book reviews are used to convince others to read it. Review rubric.
Suggested text: page 323 “Proud and Defiant” / DAILY REFLECTION
Review previous class. Student select texts. / DAILY REFLECTION
Student will review notes taken from the previous day. Teacher will explain the Performance task for book commercial.
Development Activities / The teacher and student collaborate to write a sample response including reasons from text that supports the inference. / The teacher asks: “Why did this occur?”, “What cause this to happen?” The student will complete a similar chart using the same text the day before. / Work with attachment 9.5 Book Chat / Studentwill read the selected text, take notes and write a brief summary indicating why someone would like to read it. / Student will write a rough draft of the script for his/her Book Commercial. Review script with peers.
Closing Activities / Student will complete a similar using the notebook using a different text. The teacher evaluates and writes comments in the student’s journal to extend or expand thinking. / In pair, student will share their written responses to discuss cause and effect relationships and provide feedback to partners. / The student will select a text and write a brief summary of why someone might enjoy reading it. / Student reread text in order to make connection with any previous reading text. / Student will trade draft with peers and spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Formative Assessment – Other evidence / Double entry journal (Look at the map)
Differentiated Instruction Strategies
___ Special Education ___ LSP/LEP
___ Section 504 ___ Gifted
Teacher Reflection