Version 2


Regulatory Reform Order

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FSO) came into effect on 1 October 2006 and requires that a fire riskassessment is carried out in all relevant premises to determine what fire safety measures are necessary.

The Responsible Person* in most cases the Premises Licence Holder/Designated Premises Supervisor for the premises has additional responsibilities relating to fire safety under Articles 8 to 23 of the FSO. Details of which can be found through the following link:

*"Responsible Person" means;

(a) in relation to a workplace, the employer, if the workplace is to any extent under his control;
(b) in relation to any premises not falling within paragraph (a)—

(i) the person who has control of the premises (as occupier or otherwise) in connection with the carrying on by him of a trade, business or other undertaking (for profit or not); or
(ii) the owner, where the person in control of the premises does not have control in connection with the carrying on by that person of a trade, business or other undertaking.

Fire Risk Assessment

This form is intended to assist small businesses in carrying out the fire risk assessment. It is suitable for use in smallbuildings, with a simple internal layout, e.g. small offices, shops or industrial units. In buildings with complicated escapearrangements, large numbers of people or high fire risk processes a more comprehensive fire risk assessment may benecessary.

Note: It is recommended that this risk assessment form is completed in conjunction with the relevant Communities and Local Government guidance publication for ‘Small and Medium Places of Assembly’ premises use. These can be found through the following link:

The enclosed information follows a simple 5 step guide to completing a suitable assessment. The fire risk assessment does not need to be complicated, it should be a common sense review to identify the hazards(what could start a fire and what could burn), followed by consideration of the possible effects of a fire on people usingthe building.The important thing is that the fire risk assessment is systematic to ensure that every part of the premises is assessed.Every room, space or area, especially those not often used, should be included.

If you identify any significant risks you should consider if they can be reduced: first by removing the hazards and secondlyby providing fire protection measures (e.g. automatic fire detection). These points should be addressed within the ‘What needs to be done to make each situation safe?’ section.

If your business is located within a larger building and if a fire in your business could affect your neighbours, you shouldshare the findings of your fire risk assessment with your neighbours.

Your fire risk assessment must be kept up to date. It is important to update the assessment if anything is changed thatmight affect the risk (e.g. new ignition sources or use of flammable liquids etc.).If you identify that either the likelihood of a fire or the risk to people is not LOW you may want to consider seekingprofessional assistance.

The 5 Stepsto Fire Risk Assessment
Premises Name:Wanstead Rugby Club
Address: Roding Lane North
Woodford Green
IG8 8JY / Use of Premises:
Recreational activities and social events
Tel No: / Responsible person for Occupiers of the premises:
Club Chairman or their designated person
Date of Risk Assessment4th January 2016 / Date of Review:3rd January 2016
Name and relevant details of the person who carried out the Fire Risk Assessment
Dave Barclay
NEBOSH, A1 Assessor, V1 Verifier, Buildings FireInspector. CFBTI
Contact: 07903 327607
The responsible person must review the assessment regularly so that it is up to date; It is recommended that the maximum time period for a review should not exceed 12 months irrespective of whether any significant changes have taken place.
The Order states that the assessment should be reviewed when there is reason to suspect that it is no longer valid or there have been significant changes in the matters to which the original assessment relates. Significant changes could include, structural, or material changes to the premises, internal layout, changes of use, increased number of employees, introduction of mobility or sensory impaired persons, fire alarm actuations, fire incidents or near misses. (Article 9 (3)).
The aim of the policy is to ensure compliance with all fire safety regulation in regard to such premises.
Signed: Print Name: Date:
Risk Level:Following this assessment the level of risk is now deemed to be: (Acceptable/Unacceptable, further control measures required) / Acceptable but with further control measures required.
In line with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order:
Fire Alarm System to British Standard 5839 Part 1: 2002 code of practice for fire alarm systems.
Emergency lighting to British Standard 5266 Part 1:2005
Premises is provided with suitable and sufficient fire safety signs to comply with the Health and Safety (signs and signals) Regulations 1996.
The Fire Safety Order makes reference to “general fire precautions” under article 4 (1) these general precautions should be considered in the fire risk assessment
Maintenance of the safety measures of this risk assessment
This assessment is produced as per the requirements of the RR(FS)Order and review of all required actions will be carried out by the assessor on the due dates.
Premises is a 2 storey brick building. Changing rooms and showers/toilets downstairs with 3 exit doors. Upstairs are toilets. Kitchen and bar. Main seating are and a members lounge with 2 escape routes.
Occupancy: / Size:
Times the Premises are in use: / 08-00 to 24-00 / Building footprint
(Metres x Metres):
The Total Number of Persons Employed within the Premises
at any one time: / Number of Floors: / 2
The Total Number of persons who may resort to the premises at any one time: / 230 / Number of Stairs: / 2
Fire Warning System: (i.e. automatic fire detection, break-glass system to BS5839, other) / Yes. Maintained by ????
Emergency Lighting (i.e. maintained/non-maintained, 1hr/3hr duration to BS5266) / Yes, Maintained by ????
Other: (i.e. Sprinkler System to LPC rules BS 5306) / N/A
Fire fighting equipment
Fire extinguishers, hose reels and fire blankets / Foam and CO2 extinguishers. Fire Blanket
Fire Resisting construction
Identify what fire resisting construction is required to secure the means of escape / 60 minutes fire resisting stairsways are in place
Fire resisting doors must be fitted with self closing devices or kept locked shut, doors must close fully on their stops. / Fire resisting doors are fitted
Fire Exits
Identify what fire exits are required / 2 x Exits are in place from both upper and lower areas.
Complete a simple line drawing of the premises and identify your fire safety provisions – including escape routes, extinguishers, emergency lighting and fire alarm.
Step 1 ~ Identify fire hazards / Are existing control measures suitable?
Sources of ignition / Location / Existing control measure
Naked flames
/ Kitchen / Fire Blanket and extinguishers are being supplied. Fire Doors that separate the kitchen from the escape route are to be kept closed / NO
Heaters / N/A / No alternative heaters are used. Internal heating system installed. / YES
Electrical equipment e.g. overloaded sockets etc. / Main bar, Kitchen, Members Lounge / PA testing regime not evident / / NO
Cooking facilities
/ Kitchen / Oven unit maintenance records need to be kept. Other heating elements, evidence of PA Testing needs to be evidenced / NO
Lighting equipment
/ Entire premises / Evidence of lighting maintenance and emergency lighting testing regime required. / NO
/ Entire premises / Unlikely event / YES
Smoking materials / N/A / Smoking is not allowed within the building / YES
Other sources
/ N/A / No other sources evidenced / YES /
If you have answered NO to any question above complete the details below -
What needs to be done to make each situation safe? / Action required by? / Date due / Signed completed
Naked Flames. All Extinguishers to be serviced annually. Fire doors that separate the kitchen from the escape route are to be kept closed. / Responsible Person/Kitchen staff / 30th January 2016
Cooking Facilities. Testing/maintenance records must be kept and available at all times. / Responsible Person / 29th February 2016
Lighting equipment. Evidence of a testing and maintenance regime and records are required. / Responsible Person / 29th February2016
 Electrical Equipment.PA testing regime not evident / Responsible Person / 29th February 2016
Step 1 ~ Identify fire hazards(continued) / Are existing control measures suitable?
Sources of fuel & oxygen / Location / Existing control measure
Wood/paper/cardboard etc / Escape route from Members Lounge / Staff/ Members are required to remove objects to pass by. / NO
(including packaging)
/ Training equipment storage area / All equipment stored away from any ignition source / YES
Electrical equipment
e.g. overloaded sockets etc. / Main bar, Kitchen, Members Lounge / PA testing to be evidenced / NO
Furniture and fixings
e.g. curtains / N/A / All are kept clear of ignition sources / YES
Flammable gases/liquids
e.g. oils/solvents etc / N/A / None observed / YES
Textiles / Kitchen / Items kept on or around heating and oven units / NO
Display materials / N/A / All kept away from ignition sources / YES
Waste materials / N/A / None observed / YES
Additional oxygen supplies
e.g. air conditioning units / N/A / None installed / YES /
If you have answered NO to any question above complete the details below -
What needs to be done to make each situation safe? / Action required by? / Date due / Signed completed
Wood/Paper/Cardboard. Regime of not storing or removing obstacles from Fire Escape routes must be immediately implemented. / Responsible Person/Kitchen staff / 1st February 2016
Electrical equipment. PA Testing regime to be implemented. / Responsible Person / 29th February 2016
Textiles. Must be kept away from heating and oven units at all times. / Responsible Person/Kitchen staff / 1st February 2016
Step 2 ~ Identifying people at risk / Are existing control measures suitable?
Consider who might be at risk? – e.g. staff, visitors, guests, customers etc.
Why are they at risk? / Location / Control measure / Are existing control measures suitable?
Staff working alone / N/A / None observed. Staff are never alone. / YES
People with disabilities (including
mobility, hearing, vision impairment) / Main Bar / Stair lift installed. / YES
Unfamiliar with the building / Entire premises / Staff and Members have not received training to ensure safe evacuation. / NO
Contractors / N/A / Contractors are never unsupervised / YES
Other / N/A / YES / NO
If you have answered NO to any question above complete the details below -
What needs to be done to make each situation safe? / Action required by? / Date due / Signed completed
Unfamiliar with the building. Staff and Members must receive training t ensure safe evacuation of all occupants. / Responsible person / 1st February

Step 3 ~ Evaluate, remove, reduce and protect from risk
Can hazards and risks be removed or reduced?
The following examples can greatly aid the protection of people and property –
Separate ignition sources from combustibles
Improve security
Remove or improve storage of highly flammable materials
Replace temporary heaters with permanent fixed ones
Regularly remove refuse and packing materials
Provide automatic fire detection
Provide emergency escape lighting (in some circumstances provision of a torch may be suitable)
Test and maintain all fire safety equipment (i.e. fire alarm, emergency lighting and fire extinguishers)
Arrange electrical testing of appliances
Evaluate fire safety arrangements
Are ignition sources controlled to minimise the likelihood of fire? / NO
Are combustible materials kept away from ignition sources? / NO
Would a fire be discovered quickly? / YES
Will everybody be warned of the fire immediately? / YES
Is escape available in more than one direction? / YES
Can everyone escape without assistance? / NO
Are exits easily identified? / YES
Are escape routes free from obstruction? / NO
Are doors to outside easy to open? / YES
Are Fire Resisting Doors are well maintained / NO
Is the alarm system tested and maintained in accordance with relevant British Standard / NO
Is the Emergency Lighting system tested and maintained in accordance with relevant British Standard / NO
Are fire extinguishers serviced in accordance with relevant British Standard / NO
If you have answered NO to any question above complete the details below -
What needs to be done to make each situation safe? / Action required by? / Date due / Signed completed
Ignition sources and combustible materials must be kept away from heat sources. / Responsible person/kitchen staff / 1st February 2016
Escape without assistance and escape routes. Not all can escape without assistance so all escape routes must be kept free from obstacles such as spare tables, boxes, etc. / Responsible person/kitchen staff / 1st February 2016
All fire safety equipment must be maintained and tested. This all to be recorded. / Responsible Person / 29th February 2016

Step 4 ~ Record, Plan, Inform, Instruct and Train
You must record your fire safety arrangements – this includes:
Have you made an emergency plan and does it include the points below? / NO
Your emergency plan should include -
How will people be warned if there is a fire (this may range from a simple rotary gong or air horn fixed behind the counter to an electrical fire alarm system): / Fire alarm system
What should staff do if they discover a fire: / Signs are present, additional training required.
How should the evacuation of the premises be carried out: / By staff /members who have received regular training.
Where should people assemble and how to check premises have been evacuated: / Assembly point designated. Staff/members should approach and inform if any persons not accounted for.
Duties and identity of responsible staff if there is a fire: / Undefined at present
Have you provided instruction and training to staff
Has instruction and training been provided to all staff on what to do in case of fire? / NO
Are there records of fire drills, instruction and training? / NO

If you have answered NO to any question above complete the details below -
What needs to be done to make each situation safe? / Action required by? / Date due / Signed completed
Additional training required by all staff and Members / Responsible Person / 29th February 2016
Evacuation of premises. Should be practiced annually. Training must be given. / Responsible Person / 31st March 2016
Evacuation and Assembly point training is required. / Responsible Person / 31st March 2016
Duties and identifying responsible staff procedure and policy must be produced. / Responsible Person / 15th March 2016

Step 5 ~ Review
Your risk assessment must be kept up to date
Date of next review
It is recommended that you review your risk assessment every 12 months
if you make changes to the layout of your premises, significantly increase the amount of combustible materials stored or displayed, change your opening hours (e.g. to include night time opening etc) you should review your fire risk assessment. / 3rd January 2017
Fire Safety Risk Assessment for Small Premises 1