13th June 2017

Dear Parents

Lytham Club Day: Saturday 24th June 2017.

We have once again been invited to take part in this community celebration representing St Peter’s School. The school has taken part in this tradition for many years and I would like to invite the children to walk with the staff. Children walking should assemble at the front of church in the garden area for 9.45am. Please can you ensure that your child is in school uniform and that they bring a waterproof jacket in the event of rain. Only children in uniform may join the procession. Parents are welcome to walk with their children.

Mrs Hazeldine has had an operation and will be off school for the rest of term. She is recovering well and we keep her in our thoughts and prayers.

Sports Day: Sports day will be held, weather permitting, on Tuesday 4th July. Junior races will take place in the morning and Infant Sports in the afternoon. In the event of wet weather, the reserve date is Monday 10th July.

School Uniform: Uniform is now purchased through Top Marque in St Annes. The new PE kit will be phased in and pupils may continue to wear the original kit next term.

Dinner money; Lunches cost £2.20 per meal, £11.00 for a full week. Payment is due every week but may also be made for the half-term. Payment may be made online or by cheque or cash. A few families have arrears of dinner money and these must be cleared before we break up for the summer.

Castlerigg 2017: A reminder to the families of children in Year 5 that the next payment for the trip to Castlerigg in 2017 is due this week.

Winmarleigh 2017: It is hoped to put photos of the childrens’ activities this week on the school twitter page and on the PTFA Facebook page for you to see what Year 6 are up to!

Parking: May we once again ask you to park with consideration when bringing or collecting your children from school. There is no access to the car park at any time and cars must not be parked on the private road. Please maintain access to all driveways and avoid parking on the grass verges. Thank you.

First Holy Communion Photos: A reminder to the families of children who made their First Holy Communion last month, that payment for the photographs remains outstanding for some families. We would appreciate payment this week.

Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers: This promotion has now ended in the stores. We shall shortly be placing our order and would be glad to receive any vouchers which you may have at home.

P.T.F.A: The next meeting of the P.T.F.A will take place tomorrow, Wednesday 14th June, at 8pm in Wetherspoons. All welcome.

Postage Stamps: Please continue to save any stamps you receive and bring them into school. Thank you.

Yours sincerely

Mrs A Heyes



Birthday Lunch – Wednesday 28th June

My child…………………………………………will celebrate their birthday in June and would like to join the birthday table meal. I enclose £2.20 to cover the cost, or 50p if my child will bring a packed lunch.

