Killingly High School
Writing Rubric - Inform and/or Explain
Learning Expectations #1: The Killingly High School student will communicate clearly and effectively by (a) communicating purpose; (b) organizingsupporting evidence and detail to reflect purpose; and (c) applying mechanics of language and other modalities to convey experience, knowledge, and vision.
4 3 2 1
Criteria / Exemplary / Proficient / Progressing / BeginningContent
and Development / ALL of Proficient PLUS:
Makes connections to outside sources.
(at least 2, based on personal experience or real world situation/connection) / Develops main idea supported with distinct, specific details. (state unit title, 2 assigned topics, and a brief introduction in opening paragraph)
Provides accurate information relevant to the topic with concrete details, quotations, extended definitions or other information for each idea presented. (mention major points/ importance of major points of chosen topics with specific details from powerpoint slides for each topic)
Interprets by making inferences and/or drawing conclusions. Supports by using specific details. (action and consequence, cause and effect, connects prior units if applicable) / Meets
2 of Proficient / Meets 1 or less of Proficient
Organization and
Clarity / ALL of Proficient PLUS:
Summarizes major ideas in conclusion. (restate unit title, two topics and their importance)
Demonstrates exceptional transitions that guide the reader. (clearly links thought/paragraph to next thought/paragraph, must have transition in both body paragraphs and paragraph to paragraph)
Leaves the reader with a strong, final impression. (call to action, predict consequences) / Structures ideas in a logical way including an opening, body and conclusion. (4 paragraphs, generally 4-6 sentences per paragraph)
Demonstrates ideas in a cohesive, logical and meaningful progression. (Ideas clearly flow together)
Consistently uses varied transitions. (at least 2, can’t use same wording for transitions)
Uses precise language and content specific and/or technical wording. (use correct terminology) / Meets 3 of Proficient / Meets 2 or less of Proficient
- grammar
- punctuation
- spelling
- capitalization - usage / ALL of Proficient PLUS:
Demonstrates sentence variety appropriate to task. (avoid starting sentences with same words or repeating words)
Demonstrates one or no errors. / Demonstrates an awareness of task, audience and purpose. (Understands assignment, writes as if person reading has no prior knowledge)
Demonstrates effective sentence structure. (avoid run-on, fragmented sentences)
Demonstrates grade appropriate word choice. (avoid slang, texting language)
Demonstrates control of grammar, usage, punctuation and spelling with less than 5 errors that do not interfere with meaning. (indent, capitalizing, spacing) / Meets 3 of Proficient / Meets 2 or less of Proficient
______Content and Development 100 (17 boxes) 94 (16 boxes)
______Organization and Clarity 88 (15 boxes)
82 (14 boxes)
______Conventions 76 (13 boxes)
70 (12 boxes)
______Total Points 64 (11 boxes)
58 (10 boxes)
52 (9 boxes)
46 (8 boxes)
40 (7 boxes)
34 (6 boxes)
28 (5 boxes)
22 (4 boxes)
16 (3 boxes)
10 (2 boxes)
Correction Notes:Note: / Meaning
TR / Transition
OS / Connection to Outside Source
CTA / Call to action
POC / Predicting of consequence
NT / Need Transition
PW / Poorly Worded
MI / Missing Information
AWK / Awkward
ROS / Run on sentence
FRAG / Fragmented sentence
NO / Incorrect information/or doesn't match summary topic
RW / Repeating Words/Phrases too often
VT / Vague terms (thinks, like, etc)
AT / Avoid this term/word
NTI / Need to improve
If something is circled / Spelling/punctuation/capitalization/spacing error