Primary 2-MKB – Speech & Language Centre
Curriculum Content for Term 2.1
Jan 8th – Feb 9th 2018
Children will be supported with their individual targets in learning and play situations.
Children will engage in: Attention and Listening activities, Circle Time, Oral Language skills, Emotional Literacy: “Our Feelings”, Social Stories to support their wellbeing.
Language & Literacy
Oral Language: Emotional Literacy Story Time, Re-telling a Story, Recounting events, following instructions.
Reading: Big Cat Reading Scheme. If you don’t know a word……Look at the picture, make the sounds, look for chunks/little words, read over the sentence again, read on and then go back to the word. Practise and reinforce the tricky words at home.
Jolly Phonics Programme: Sounds and actions for u/l/f/b.
Jolly Phonics Programme
Writing: Persuasive writing – writing to encourage healthy eating.
Phonics: Letter sounds and actions ai oa ie ng
Spelling: Middle ‘a’ and middle ‘e’ words.
Mathematics & Numeracy
Mental Maths focus: Rote counting to 30. Using concrete materials to add doubles (4 + 4, 2 + 2), taking away 1 and 2.
Number and other area of maths: Using concrete materials investigate ways of making 6 and 7. Money – touch counting 1p and 2p and 5p coins (tap the 1p coin once/tap the 2p coin twice/ tap the 5p coin 5 times).
Begin to investigate measures- Measuring length and height-using non-standard units of measurement. Use of language longer, shorter, taller, smaller than.
Measures-Time-Naming the months of the year and sorting them into seasons.
Problem Solving Strategy: Investigate different ways to make 5p. Investigate what you can use to measure length and height with e.g. hands, feet, lego, markers etc.
World Around Us.
Theme and topic: Healthy Living: The importance of healthy eating and exercise. Finding out about the human skeleton and how to keep our teeth and bones healthy. The importance of hygiene, for example, when we should wash our hands.
Science investigation being carried out: Investigate what happens to our heartbeat and our breathing when we exercise.
Religious Education
Theme 4: The Holy Family -Mary and Joseph bring Jesus to the temple.
-Jesus grows up in Nazareth.
Theme 5: The Story of St. Brigid. 1st February - St. Brigid’s day.
Personal Development & Mutual Understanding
Social Break- at one table with teacher with an opportunity for chat and wellbeing.
Keeping healthy and staying safe –We explore the importance of exercise and foods that make us healthy and strong. We think of ways to keep safe for example the dangers of medicines and drugs and the importance of hygiene.
The Arts
Music: A winter sound story using percussion instruments.
Art: Making skeletons using straws, cotton buds and matchsticks, healthy eating plates, fruit faces using fresh fruit and vegetables.
Drama: Story of St. Brigid.
Physical Education
“Daily Mile”- 1st routine every morning: walking/jogging around playground (weather permitting).
Gymnastics: Exploring different ways of jumping and landing. Move across, over and under apparatus. Balancing, stretching and curling up. Different ways of rolling across mats.
Games: Fundamental skills with a focus on striking the ball using hands, feet, tennis rackets and hockey sticks.
· P2A assembly: 2nd February 2018 @ 9:30am
· Celebration of Chinese Culture- Year of the Dog 26th January 2018
· Catholic Schools Week: 29th January to 2rd February 2018