P. O. Box 503

Noblesville, In. 46061

To: All Hamilton County Veteran Service Organizations and Businesses

Date: Feb. 26, 2013

Commanders, Presidents & CEO’s,

We are coming to you and your organization for help and support in a cause we know you and all your members/employees are interested in, the reconditioning and 2 stone addition to the Hamilton County War Memorial at the Crownland Cemetery in Noblesville, Indiana.

The Hamilton County Veterans, a non-profit 501C3 Organization, has been working with the Crownland Cemetery Board and we are ready to move forward with the request to clean up and make additions to the present War Memorial there. The War Memorial, dedicated in 1953, originally listed names of the Hamilton County Fallen Heroes from WWII. Since then additions were made to add the names of the Fallen from the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Well now it is time for us to stand up and add the names of our Fallen Heroes from WWI and from the Persian Gulf War…. This is where we need everyone’s help in making this a reality for Hamilton County.

Last year we performed some maintenance to the Memorial but that was not enough to keep it standing. In the plans for adding the 2 new stones we must also remove the existing ones and build a complete new footing so that the Memorial will remain erect for years to come. Of the two new stones, one will be etched with the names of our WWI Fallen Heroes and the other will list the names of or Gulf War Fallen Heroes. Robinson Monuments will be donating the lettering for the stones, but we need help in raising the estimated $6,000.00 plus to complete this wonderful project!!

We would like the funds to be raised in time for us to complete the Memorial and Re-Dedicate it on Memorial Day, 2014. To do this we are coming to all our Hamilton County Veterans Organizations/Businesses asking for your help in raising these funds and we need someone who has these masonry skills on our team to make this happen. Here are a few ways we would like your help or if you have a better idea please let us know:

  • We would like to place a donation bucket in a highly traveled location inside your Organization with a note on it explaining what the donation is for, like at the bar where the bar tender can also push for the donations….. or
  • If your Organization/business has funds for making donations, please ask your Officers/board to vote in a donation to this wonderful cause.
  • If one of your Organizations or if any other person(s) or business would like to sponsor this Project, we would take a good look at placing a marker either around the Memorial or we will find another way of letting the public know who assisted us in making this dream become a reality!!
  • If anyone would rather mail in their donation, please make the check payable to Hamilton County Veterans and send it to:

Hamilton County Veterans

P.O. Box 503

Noblesville, IN 46061

If you have any questions please contact:

  • Ron Wilson - HCV President / Project Chairman Ph: 317-3790-1101


  • Wayne Long – HCV – T/HCVSO Ph: 317-776-9610


From the Families of our Fallen, thank you for your consideration of this Hamilton County War Memorial Update and Re-Dedication Project.


Ron Wilson, HCV President / Project Chairman

Ph: 317-379-1101 Email: