AP Anglo Saxon Test Name: ______
Date: ______
Section 1: Multiple Choice – write the correct letter on the line (1pt each).
1. _____ The Iberians came from what two modern day countries:
(A) Italy and Switzerland (C) Holland and Germany
(B) Spain and Portugal (D) Denmark and Sweden
2. _____ Julius Caesar came to Britain in the year:
(A) 2000 BC (C) 55 BC
(B) 600 BC (D) 43 AD
3. _____ Hadrian’s Wall was constructed to keep out what peoples?
(A) Danes and Swedes (C) Scots and Geats
(B) Picts and Danes (D) Picts and Scots
4. _____ The Angles came from the area now known as:
(A) Italy (C) Germany
(B) Portugal (D) Sweden
5. _____ The first Archbishop of the Christian Church of England was:
(A) Edwin (C) Augustine
(B) Hadrian (D) Patrick
6. _____ The only English king to have the title “the Great”:
(A) Alfred (C) Augustine
(B) Hadrian (D) Patrick
7. _____ Regional kings that ruled over other kings were called:
(A) scops (C) megaliths
(B) aethelberts (D) bretwaldas
8. _____ The large groupings of ceremonial stones were known as:
(A) meads (C) monoliths
(B) aethelberts (D) bretwaldas
9. _____ The full scale Anglo Saxon invasion is generalized at what date?
(A) 410 (C) 450
(B) 350 (D) 600
10. _____ The year that Rome granted Britain its independence was:
(A) 410 (C) 450
(B) 441 (D) 600
11. _____ The man who became the first “missionary” was:
(A) St. Patrick (C) St. Augustine
(B) Claudius (D) Charlemagne
Section 2: Historical Matching - some may be repeated, some may not be used. (1pt each).
____ 1. Major event of 1066
____ 2. The first bretwalda
____ 3. Sent by Rome in 597
____ 4. Buried in Sutton Hoo
____ 5. United the kingdom except for the Danelaw
____ 6. Translated Bede’s History
____ 7. Becomes King in 1042 – the confessor.
____ 8. Cousin of Edward.
____ 9. Major event of 878
____ 10. King of East Anglia.
Section 3: Define – write complete definitions for the following vocabulary. SKIP ONE. (2pts each)
1. Alliteration –
2. Thanes –
3. Scop –
4. Bretwalda –
5. Kenning –
6. Caesura –.
7. Comitatus –
8. Wergild -
Section 4: Literature Matching -not each one is used. (1pt each).
1. _____ The “weirds”
2. _____ 3 line mnemonics
3. _____ Conversion of Edwin
4. _____ A man and his cat
5. _____ Irish Channel
6. _____ Grey-crested
7. _____ Epic Poem
8. _____ Changing of seasons
9. _____ Abandoned peace-weaver
Section 5: Fill in the Blank - (1pt each).
1. The priests or religious leaders of the Celtic religion were called ______.
2. The person that wrote the Ecclesiastical History is ______.
3. The ______are held responsible for the downfall of the city in The Ruin.
4. Hadrian’s wall separates modern day England from ______.
5. Originally, there were no ______for the poems found in the book of Exeter.
Section Six: Beowulf – answer each question with one or two words. (1pt each).
1. Who is the ruler that Beowulf goes to help? ______
2. Beowulf takes place in what modern day country? ______
3. Who taunts Beowulf? ______
4. Beowulf comes from what people? ______
5. Who stands with Beowulf to defeat the dragon? ______
6. Who is Hygelac? ______
7. What is Hrunting? ______
8. Where does Beowulf battle the Grendel’s mom? ______
9. What does Beowulf use to kill her? ______
10 What wakes up the dragon? ______
Section Seven: Short Answer – Choose 2 of the following and answer in at least 2 complete sentences. (5 pts each)
1. Describe The Ruin in its original condition and how/why it changed.
2. How are The Wife’s Lament and The Ruin similar in content?
3. Why is Bede’s Ecclesiastical History so important/valuable?
4. What are the characteristics of an epic hero?
5. What are the characteristics of an epic poem?
Section Eight: Culture Shock!
Shock Mr. Mortensen with your knowledge of the culture of one group discussed in class. (Picts, Scots, Geats, Danes, Jutes, Angles, Saxons, Frisians, Normans, Vikings…) YOU MUST provide 3 facts – bulleted or sentence format. (3 points)
Section Nine: Map – on the map are letters at the areas where certain people groups resided. Fill in the following blanks to indicate where the people came from. (1pt each)
1. ___ Geats
2. ___ Angles
3. ___ Jutes
4. ___ Danes
5. ___ Scots
6. ___ Picts
7. ___ Saxons
8. ___ Vikings
Section Ten: Essays (20 pts – 10pts each)
Choose two of the five essays and answer each in at least two paragraphs (5 sentences per paragraph). Be sure to use the text to support your answers. Write clearly.
1. Describe Beowulf as a Christ-figure (or not) and how he interacts with the religious views throughout the book. Remember, this is a literary assignment, not a place for spiritual apologetics.
2. Discuss the interaction between Christianity up to the 9th century and the pagan cultures of the day. Tell how this might influence our understanding of Beowulf if at all.
3. Describe Beowulf as an Epic Hero in the midst of an Epic Poem. Be sure to define the characteristics of an epic hero and poem.
4. Compare and contrast Welsh, Irish, and Anglo-Saxon writings. Use the works from class as examples.
5. Describe and discuss the literary elements found in the “Dream of the Rood.” Use specific quotes to back up your analysis.
Extra-Credit Super Bonus Warrior Lightning Round! (1 pt each)
1. What was the cause of Beowulf being discovered?
2. What college does Mr. Mortensen go to?
3. What year did Hygelac die?
4. What is the due date for Mr. Mortensen’s baby?
5. Who is the translator of Beowulf in the textbook?
6. Whose translation of Beowulf does Mr. Mortensen adore?