Chester First Aid Squad, September 27th 2010 Meeting Minutes

President Mary Robinson called the regular business meeting to order at 7:00 pm hours.

Flag Salute & Roll Call

Mary went over the new meeting rules that had been previously emailed to us by the Meeting Committee.


Russi Champi moved to approve the minutes from the August 23rd 2010 meeting that had been posted on line. Holly Flanagan 2nd the motion. The motion was passed.


Julia Robinson gave the Treasurer's Report and read correspondence.

Julia also reminded the new members that the squad is a non-profit organization and therefore is not obligated to pay sales tax. If you need to purchase something for the squad please get a tax-exempt form from Julia. Holly Flanagan added that keep in mind we also have some discount cards that should be used such as Sam’s Club.

Holly Flanagan moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Russi Champi 2nd. The motion was passed.

Debbie Johnston asked for clarification about members being able to make purchases on behalf of the squad. Only officers should make purchases. If you would like to make a purchase, please check with the Quartermaster or the Treasurer. Purchases over $500.00 need squad approval first. There is a standing order for food training sessions.

Holly Flanagan moved we pay the bills once properly audited, Dave Fretwell 2nd this motion. The motion was passed.



Holly Flanagan recommended a good article in a recent Gold Cross on medical ID's, and passed it around.

She also reminded us that we have direction books in every rig; do not call dispatch for directions.

Holly has heard back from only three members in response to her email about dedicated nights; if we don't get any more we won't do that.

Although some members are nurses or paramedics, when we are on call we are all acting as EMT's or First Responders; nothing should be said on a call about a member being a nurse or a medic.

Holly received an email from the Comm Center that one of our members dialed 911 to ask for the apartment number in the Cole Court Building for a call. No one should call 911 for any non-emergency reason.

Beginning August 1st 2010, EMT certification will now be a five-year certification period; Alex DiLauri and Jason Dilley are our first two EMT’s with five-year certifications.

Developmental Disability Awareness training is now mandated for all NJ emergency responders. Go to to access the course, and save the course certificate as proof that the training was completed. This course should be taken as part of your 24 elective CEU’s. It is mandated by law that everyone must take this course at least once and must give the Captain proof that they did take it.

There is NJ legislation pending which the First Aid Council is against, which would grant municipalities authority over EMS and their jurisdictions. Rigs would have to be licensed, and we would need two EMT's on every call.

Second Lieutenant

Becky Dilley reminded us that if you cannot run your duty team please find coverage; if you cannot find coverage you must inform your crew chief to make sure that an adequate number of people are available to respond.



Eric Prach said that the next drill will take place Monday, October 4th at 6:30 pm and will be on Firefighter Rehab. The drill should take about an hour. An email reminder will go out. There are some upcoming courses out of Raritan Valley. Another preparedness conference will be in Morristown; Eric will post the information. An AHA CPR instructor course will be offered at the academy for $65 October 19th and 21st at 6:30 pm.


Sandy Smith presented two applicants: Christopher Dalton, paramedic and firefighter, and Katherine Galler, who has previous squad experience. Mary reminded Sandy that we would need to get a letter from Katherine’s squad). Both would be EMT's and full members. She also introduced Martin Steenbock, firefighter, who would like to be a driver. Holly introduced also Ellen Runyon, who has previously applied. Holly recommends that we place her application on file.


Dave Fretwell handed out a quick survey for everyone to fill out.


Tom Munro reported that the Respect Committee is still working and something will be forthcoming at the next meeting, when they will need 15 to 20 minutes.


Mary Robinson brought up the NJ OEM convention. Ordinarily we haven't let probationary members attend conventions; however we have one probationary member interested in attending. Mary opened up this issue for discussion. General discussion ensued. Mary made a motion that probationary members not be allowed to go to convention. Holly Flanagan said this member has already been told she could attend. Debbie Johnston suggested that in the future full members have first choice of the spaces available, and then if there are still openings open it up to probationary members. Tony Grego suggested that if a probationary member goes to a convention and then becomes an inactive member that they could then reimburse the squad the money spent to send them to the convention. Tom Munro said he saw merit on both sides of the issue. Mary withdrew her motion but suggested that the SOG Committee bring this issue up in future discussions.

Mary reported that she spoke to Mayor Cogger regarding the DPW not repairing our rigs. The Mayor will speak to them and will get back to Mary on this. Mary told the Mayor that Russ Apgar needs to do some tune-ups on the rigs and he said by all means set it up with DPW. Daniel said apparently Andy is not returning calls on his cell; maybe Russ would have better luck if he calls the regular DPW number.

Holly Flanagan reported that Debbie Johnston has helped Holly reword the new member contract, which has also been approved by Mike Pelletier, and she passed a copy of the contract around.


Mary Robinson said that no one wanted to go to the New Jersey State First Aid Council conference, so the 8th district asked if they could get a proxy letter from us that would allow them to vote on our behalf. Holly Flanagan moved that we allow the 8th district a proxy vote, 2nd by Mike DeFelice. The motion was passed. Mary will send them the proxy letter.

Mary read a letter from the Borough of Alpha seeking donations to help them celebrate their 100th anniversary and attend their parade June 25th 2011. Holly suggested we table this until next February.

Holly reported that we have a lot of computer equipment that needs to be gotten rid of. The big copy machine that was given to us needs service. Do we want to spend money on this? Eric Prach suggested we get prices for new copy machines. Tom Munro said he might be able to get us someone to service the machine for free; he will look into it.

Holly also brought to our attention the fact that this building is not wired for fire; if we have a fire we could lose everything. Mary will call the mayor about the possibility of installing a fire alarm system.

Dave Fretwell said that we have so many events in Chester, more and more each year, with many people and vehicles causing gridlock in town. Eric Prach and Sam Rosenfeld recently rode around town on bicycles during the Oktoberfest as a trial run to consider the idea of having some members on bikes on heavily trafficked days. They put together some rough pricing to get together two bikes, outfitted, with outfitted riders – it should be about $3000 maximum. Dave wondered if we might perhaps do some targeted fundraising for this. Cris Champi asked if the riders would go to bike school like the police do; Dave said yes. Eric said the training is tailored specifically for police and EMS and he is looking into it. Julia Robinson said she would like to know more before making any decision. Dave said he is just introducing the idea; if people have any questions or ideas in the next few weeks let him know. Dave will get back to us with more specifics.

Holly Flanagan reported that several members have been working on firefighter rehab. They recommend that we purchase some extra equipment for a maximum of $1500 to 2000 – fans, heaters, extra generator equipment, large triage kit, means to transport water, a few five-gallon containers – for 3156. Becky Dilley asked if everything actually is going to fit into the rig. Eric said there should be plenty of room; most of the equipment will be collapsible. Russi said the last fire call was extremely well run and well organized. Holly made a motion to purchase the equipment needed for 3156 for a maximum of $1500 to 2000 maximum, 2nd by Dave Fretwell. The motion was passed.

Holly Flanagan moved that we adopt the new member contract, 2nd by Julia Robinson. Motion was passed.

Cris Champi said a family member of a recent patient on Deer Hill Road gave her a $50 gift certificate to a restaurant in Peapack. Mary moved that Cris use the certificate, 2nd by several people, and the motion was passed.

Holly thanked everyone for all our coverage on these busy weekends.

Tom Munro said that the intersection at 206 is still a mess and it takes him three or four light cycles to get across when responding to a call. Holly said the construction is supposed to be completed by November. Cris reminded us to use IAMRESPONDING so we would know when members are on their way. Mike Mastro added when you log onto IAMRESPONDING you now need to put the agency (CHESTERFAS) in all caps.

Mary Robinson said that she and Julia did a standby at the Oktoberfest in 3153. They were given a trophy for first place in the Service Division from Mercedes Benz.


Mary asked for a moment of silence for Helen Toth, the chaplain for the NJ Council who recently passed away.

She also reminded us that when you enter the driveway for calls remember that other people use the building, the barn and the driveway. Exercise caution.

Mary read an email from Rob Cline regarding the new ambulance. Rob said he spoke with Matt Kass from the Township Council. It is pretty evident that they will not do anything earlier than February to purchase the new ambulance. Rob went through the reason we switched from Ford to GMC and that any other changes from the last ambulance purchased are minor. Later this fall Matt would like Rob to follow up with him so we are included in the February bond.


Mary read Chris Haarmann's letter of resignation. Holly Flanagan moved that we accept Chris’s resignation with regrets, 2nd by Mike Mastro. The motion was passed.

The following members were voted off probation: Jason Dilley, Paula Meade, Mike DeFelice, Christopher Gold, Tina Avallone, and Dalton Kinnard (who is no longer a cadet).

Christopher Dalton was also voted as a new member on probation by a vote of 24 yes and 1 no.


Mary gave a general wrap up of the meeting. Holly needs certifications for the American Disability Act training course, we have a drill October 4th for fire rehab, Tom will check on prices for the copier, the Alpha parade will be put on hold, Mary will call the mayor about the fire alarm system for the building, Dave will get back with more specifics on the bike patrol.

Mary asked for feedback on the new format of the meeting. Becky thought it ran more smoothly, and people were more attentive. Holly said we covered a lot of ground and the meeting was well attended.

Tom Munro moved to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Dalton Kinnard. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Pauline Alexander

Secretary, Chester First Aid Squad