Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Workshop

Building 3, NASA Ames

Day 1 UAS program: Tuesday, March 28

8:30-8:45Organizing committee brief on logistics (Matt Fladeland/Bruce Quirk/John Stock)

[Trail balloon talk titles to be amended by speakers]

8:45-9:10Eugene Tu, NASA Ames Center Director: Welcome

9:10-9:30Virginia Burkett, Associate Director Climate and Land Use, USGS: Fusing orbital and airborne assets to solve science challenges

9:30 – 10:00Robbie Hood, NOAA


[Instructions to speakers: overviews of the science problems their folks are solving with UAS.Each speaker starts off with slide(s) that lists these. ]

10:20-10:50Matt Fladeland or, NASA

10:50-11:20Matt Trani, NGA

11:20-11:50Victor Wilhelm, USACE

11:50-12:20 Jami Anzalone, USFS


[Panel speaker instructions for 5-7-min talks: describe science challenges of project, results and issues/challenges]

13:00-13:45UAS Policy Panel - Mark Bathrick, Phil Hall, Richard Schlatter

13:45-14:30UAS Operations in the NAS – John Newhouse, ParimalKopardekar, USCG?, DOE?, UofAK?, Robert Moorhead (ASSURE)?

14:30-15:15Coastal & marine applications - Chris Sherwood, John Warrick, VedChirayath, Todd Jacobs

15:15-17:00Afternoon breakout/poster sessions on panel topics

  • DOI OAS breakout (Brad, Colin, & Steve) Training, Procurements, and Future UAS

Day 2 Federal UAS: Wednesday, March 29

8:15-8:30Organizing committee brief on logistics (Matt Fladeland/Bruce Quirk/John Stock)

[Instructions to speakers: overviews of the science problems their folks are solving with UAS. Each speaker starts off with slide(s) that lists these. ]

8:30-9:00Jill Brown, NASA Langley: Lessons, Learnings and Paths Forward

9:00-9:30Matt Bobo, BLM

9:30-10:00Justin Jager, NPS


10:30-11:00Matt Klein, BOR

[Panel speaker instructions for 5-7-min talks: describe science challenges of project, results and issues/challenges]

11:00-11:45Air chemistry & weather studies – Brian Gullett, Dale Griffin, Christoph Kern,NOAA

11:45-12:30University studies- Bod Dahlgren, AmericaView, University of Florida, Robert Moorhead?, Matt’s ideas on locals


13:00-14:00Mapping, monitoring and measuring landscapes –Matt (NGA), Wye (SRI), Bauer, Adams, Richards, Hutt, Vogel, Torak,

14:00-14:45Habitat & Wildlife studies – Leanne, Chris HoJo, University of Florida, NOAA


15:00-15:45Data management & image quality – Ryan Longhenry, Dennis Helder, JC Coffey

15:45-17:00Afternoon breakout/poster sessions on panels

  • Mapping, monitoring and measuring landscapes breakout/posters – Bauer, Adams, Richards, Hutt

Day 3 High Altitude Long Endurance: Thursday, March 30

8:30-8:45Welcome and logistics (Bruce Quirk, John Stock)

8:45-10:00XXXX (Federal agencies):

Earth Science use cases for HALE

10:00-10:30Matt Fladeland (NASA):

Atmospheric and Biospheric use cases for HALE


10:50-11:20Solar Impulse:






12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:00Breakout sessions report back to audience, Open forum on questions

Concurrent session: SfM Workshop – how to process UAS data using Photoscan

8:30 – 12:30 Introduction to data processing

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:30Finish and questions

Contacts:Matt Fladeland () Bruce Quirk () or John Stock ()

Please submit questions to Bruce Quirk () or John Stock () by 13:00, May