Hyderabad – 2012 / December - 1st World Parliament on Spirituality

The Cosmic Creator Model and the Vital Spark which impregnates Everything

The Universe is formed by an immense Living Structure of Macro Nádí (called Cosmic Strings) through which the Vital Pránic Energy flows, feeding all Living Beings.Those Cosmic Strings connect the Super Galaxy Clusters, belonging our Milky Way,and itsLocal Cluster, to one of them – the Virgin Super Cluster.

This immense Vibrating Net – the Macro Tree KalpaTaru – not only nurtures the Vitality of everything that exists, but it also has Secret Designs; one of them is to transform the very small – starting from the smallest dimension of Plank (10 -23cm)–into the immense Macro Cosmos;

One other design is to render each timemore complexthe simple substancesand shapes, for example – from simple oxygen until forming the incredible uranium 238, and in biology´s case – from unicellular bodies – to the multi complex Human Being – this latter said to be made “at the Image and Likeness” of the potential Creator – and therefore gifted with “Free Will”.

The Universal Planning coming from before the Instant Zero – the Mahá OM (today called Big Bang) is put to practice trough a Numerological Program (the Universal Constants) – which allow the Ordered Cosmic Expansion, as well as their Wise Harmony.

One of the most interesting aspects of this “Planning” is the creation of favorable Zones for these Beings’development – the so called “Paradises” (in our case the Planet Earth) – so that there is stability and time, for the discovery and total unraveling of all the latent complexity.

It is necessary therefore to remind today’s Humanity, immersed in the reducing darkness of the Kali Yuga, surrounded by aggression and disrespect for Life, and for Dignity –that we are Beings of Light, that we are Divine, that we are Brothers, that the Vital Energy that nurtures all the Cosmic Macro Structure – also feeds us and the Planet – to cut its access, or to unplug us from that Pránic Sap – is to disconnect us from the Grand Creative Spark – and that would mean annihilation (as the fruit would rotwhen cut away from the tree); the same would happen to the Ecosystems–which we constantly persist in destroying, causing the Mother Planet to be ill – and consequently causing the Human Race to be ill - and its Children, and to take away this wonderful perspective – that we urgently have to remindall, and once again regain that Noble Philosophical Wisdom.

The constant practice of the Traditional Yoga of Bhárata – the Wise India – Motherland of Yoga – revealed in the Sacred Shástra – confers to the human being a strong personal basis and inter-relational (throughYama / Niyama), a Pránic integration on the Grand Cosmic Vital Tree, a functional health and longevity (giving time for the Grand Liberation), unusual Humility and detachment – great allies of the Sage, and extreme Lucidity – provided by the daily practice of the Samyama (Dhyána / Samádhi).

The Yoga Portuguese Confederation, and the Yoga Sámkhya Institute, proposed to the World, in 2001 (at the UN and the UNESCO) the creation of the 1st Global Day – Inter Cultural, Inter Ethnic, and Inter Religious – and that Day was called– World Yoga Day (WYD) – celebrated on the Solsticeof June, 21st – a Cosmic Auspice (Supra Human) on the Day of Light – which defeats darkness (the Longest Day of the year), the Day of Respect for Life, and for the Human-Cosmic Integration.

In 2011 – December, at the city of Bengaluru, the main Yoga Lineages and Masters – joined in an Historical Summit – Proclaimed the creation of the World Yoga Day, as well as its Programmatic Principles – for the Global practice of Yoga, for the inclusion of Yoga in the educational curricula of allnations and continents, and to end the bloodshed, the wars and aggressions – Ahimsá, and preference for Diplomacy in the resolution of all conflicts, for a human and Just Globalization, for Forgiveness, and for the Respect for Ecosystems.

- Now a lot is waited from this Parliament of Hyderabad where so many Spiritual Powerful Leaders from all the World will meet forming a Powerful Galaxy of Chintámaní- Transmutation;and so that when the participating Masters return to their influence zone – a morphic transformation occurs – a Lift of Consciousness, which marks the beginning of a New Age –the final Meditation of this Event is an announcing Beacon of the Future with Light – where the Importance of what – we have in common – Life, and where diversity is seen as an Universalwealth.

Yoga is the practice of the 3rd Millennium, of the Satya Yuga – the Age of Aquarius–and should promote Humanities´ Enlightenment, and Human Fraternity.

May all the children of the Planet have a Healthy, Just and Bright Future.

For World Peace
