The Story of Keesh Vocabulary

1.abated - became less intense

2.apportioned - divided and distributed

3.prophetic - predicting a future event

4.assailed - attacked

5.contended - argued

6.corroborated - supported a statement

7.context clues - are words in a text that help you figure out the

meaning of an unfamiliar word

8.setting - time period and location in which a story takes place

9.gale- very strong wind

10.grapple - fight without weapons, wrestle

11.character - someone depicted in narrative or drama.

12.oft - literary form of often

13.aghast - filled with horror, shocked

14.mock - a joke; the subject of teasing or criticism

15.presumption - the act of doing something without the right or

permission to do it

16.conflict - central problem a character struggles with in a narrative

External conflict - struggle between the main character and other people or outside forces, such as a natural disaster

Internal conflict - struggle within the main character’s own mind.

17.unprecedented - never done before

18.In token - as a sign or symbol of

19.arrogance - an exaggerated sense of one’s importance

20. rising action - a series of events that builds up to the climax, or main

confrontation, in a story.

21.carcasses - the dead bodies of animals

22.entrails - the exposed internal organs of an animal, guts

23.declined - turned down

24. merit - value; worthiness

25.exceeded - went beyond

26.prosperity - wealth; success

27.taxed - confronted

28.hastily - on short notice, hurriedly

29.cunningly - resourcefully, with skill

30.affirmed - agreed

31.wrought - caused

32.relieved - took the place of

33.bidding - asking

34.tremulous - timid; nervous; shaky with fear of nervousness

35.composed - feeling in control

36.blubber - fat under the skin of a whale, seal or polar animal

37.climax - most exciting or important part of a story, which usually

comes near the end

38. Resolution - the outcome of, or solution to, the central conflict, that

brings the story to the end