BIOL/CHEM/GEOL 4260: Environmental Lab and Field Studies

Summer II 2009

CRN: 11308 // 11312CREDIT: 2 hrs

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Brad HogePHONE: (713) 221-8289



MTWTh 8:00-noon; NOFFICE HRS: by appointment

Welcome to Environmental Lab and Field Studies

COURSE DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES:The aim of this course is to provide students with a fluency in the design and execution of scientific research, particularly as it applies to the study of the natural environment. Students will receive instruction in a variety of field and laboratory techniques in environmental biology, chemistry and geology, as well as experimental design and statistical analyses. Students will be required to engage in their own independent research projects and to present their findings to the class.


Credit for BIOL 1302/1102, CHEM 1308/1108, GEOL 1306/1106 and credit for or enrollment in BIOL 4360, CHEM 3320 or GEOL 3303.


Course grades will be based on a straight proportion (points attained / points available), and they will reflect the standard grading scale of the University of Houston-Downtown. Grades will not be curved. Extra credit assignments may be given at the discretion of the instructor, and if given, such assignments will be related to the goals of the course.

The grading scale for the course is:

A90 – 100%

B80 – 89%

C70 – 79%

D60 – 69%


The above stated grade scale is final and grades will not be rounded. For example, 79.9% in the course is a “C” since it does not reach the threshold of a “B”.

The overall course grade can be broken down into constituent parts as follows:

Assessment TypeRelative Grade Contribution

Class Work / Assignments150 pts

Annotated Bibliography50 pts

Presentation of research proposal100 pts

Written research report100 pts

Presentation of research findings100 pts


HONESTY: The University Academic Honesty Code will be adhered to strictly. This code is described in the student handbook, which can be accessed online.

LATE POLICY: When something is due you must turn it in at the beginning of class (8 am) or it is late. My late policy is you lose 5% if you turn something in the day it is due, but after the start of class. You then lose 10% for each day it is late, including weekends. This is points off even before I start grading.

Should you know in advance of a conflict that will preclude you from coming to class, you are to notify the professor immediately so that alternate arrangements can be made. Make up sessions will not be given, but in the case of illness or injury, concessions can be made. In such cases, formal documentation must be provided to the instructor.

LAB BEHAVIOR: Decorum in the laboratory should adhere to the guidelines delineated in the student handbook. The instructor reserves the right to remove any student from class or lab who is disrupting the class or endangering the welfare of other students. The use of cellular telephones or any other digital device is strictly prohibited in the laboratory or classroom.

The study of environmental biology in the field requires additional preparation and necessitates additional precautions. We will be going into the field most of the second and third weeks of class, and students should come prepared. These preparations include, but are not limited to, proper sturdy footwear, long pants and sun protection (hats, sunscreen). We will be visiting Sheldon Lake State Park, Brazos Bend State Park, the Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge, and Bolivar Peninsula.All of these locations include or are near bodies of water. We will also be using a boat for some of our field work. Though everyone will have safety vests and all safety precautions will be followed, please let us know if you are anxious about being on a boat. We will also utilize the bayous and areas around the UHD campus, and may also use the boat in this area.

YOU WILL GET DIRTY IN THE FIELD AND IN LAB! Participation in this course will require mild to moderate exercise for prolonged periods, therefore students should also be mindful of personal medical conditions (sensitivity to sun, allergies to plants or pollen, asthma) and should take preventative measures. IT WILL BE HOT!AND THERE WILL BE BUGS! Dress appropriately for the heat, but do not come “exposed” to the elements. We will provide bug spray, but students should bring sunscreen and PLENTY OF DRINKING WATER! A hat and a towel are also recommended.

Students should notify the instructor if they have any medical condition that might either compromise their abilities to perform in the class or that might endanger his or her own welfare.

UHD adheres to all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Students should register with Disabled Student Services (713-221-8430) and contact the instructor in a timely manner to arrange for appropriate accommodations.

If you have questions during class please feel free to ask them. My hope is that most of the time, class will feel like a discussion. Please do not eat in class. If you are exhibiting rude or immature behavior I reserve the right to ask you to leave the class.

WITHDRAWAL: July9th is the last day for official withdrawals (Grade = W)

Tentative Schedule:

Week/Dates / Topics for the Week
July 6 - Mon.
July 7 - Tu.
July 8 - Wed.
July 9 - Th. / Introduction: The Nature of Science and field study
Integrative Science: Types of Data
Introduction to Field Study Design and Statistical Analysis
Introduction to Research Projects
Introduction to Literature and Library Skills
***Research Topics Due July 9***
Library Research Day
July 13 - Mon.
July 14 - Tu.
July 15 - Wed.
July 16 - Th. / Introduction to Field Study – Habitats and Communities
Sampling Techniques – Soil Chemistry
Sampling Techniques – Water Chemistry
Sampling Techniques – Vegetative Cover
July 20 - Mon.
July 21 - Tu.
July 22 - Wed.
July 23 - Th / Measuring Biodiversity
Dichotomous Keys
Species-Area and Trophic Relationships
Animal Behavior
***Annotated Bibliography Due July 27***
July 27 - Mon.
July 28 - Tu.
July 29 - Wed.
July 30 - Th / Proposal Presentations
Independent Research Projects
Independent Research Projects
Independent Research Projects
Aug. 3 - Mon.
Aug. 4 - Tu.
Aug. 5 - Wed. / Independent Research Projects
Independent Research Projects
Research Presentations
***Research Papers Due Aug. 5***