At Freeport Minerals Corporation in Ajo, we understand that our social license to operate is directly dependent on community relationships. Community engagement and consultation is the key to successful two-way communications so that community members have input into our programs, as well as to ensure local understanding of our operations, impacts and mitigation plans. We believe social investment is about listening to our communities and understanding their needs, priorities and ideas — and being a catalyst for the formation of partnerships that increase prosperity and sustainability.


Ajo, AZ


This application is for use to request contributions from the Freeport Minerals Corporation in Ajo.

·  Each request should be for less than $10,000

·  Each applicant must submit a current Form W-9, including Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification

·  Any request for $10,000 or more should be submitted to the Freeport-McMoRan Foundation Social Investment Grants Program and must meet the criteria of that application. More information regarding this program is listed on page 2 of these guidelines. To access that application, visit our website at www.FreeportInMyCommunity.com


Applications will be reviewed on a quarterly basis.

Organizations should submit only one application per year and the application should address all monetary and/or in-kind requests for the year. If circumstances arise that warrant a subsequent application, contact Jessica Knowlton ().


Local Contributions Applications should be completed/saved as a Word or PDF document and submitted via email along with Form W-9 to .


It is our aim to support organizations, programs and projects that are addressing a priority issue/need. The identified priority issue areas are: Community & Economic Development, Education & Training and Health & Wellness.

We also seek to support projects within these priority areas that support women’s development.


Funds will not be awarded to the following:

·  Organizations that do not have 501(c)(3) or other eligible non-profit status as designated by the IRS. (Note: governmental offices or agencies are qualified as long as the project or activity is eligible as outlined in these guidelines).

·  Requests for individuals, including those for travel support, teams that are restrictive in participation or anything else that benefits a single individual or a very limited number of individuals.

·  Fraternal, labor or veteran organizations/activities limited to organization membership

·  Religious activities, churches or church sponsored activities limited to church membership

·  Political or lobbying activities

·  Organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, or veteran status


For more information on the Local Contributions Program guidelines, application or the process to submit the application, please contact Jessica Knowlton, Community Development Specialist at 520-393-2214 / .


Mini-Grants for Education

§  Designed to support K-12 teachers and schools. Grants in the range of $100 to $500 will be awarded to support projects in the eligible project categories (Environment; Mining, mineral and natural resources; Reading and literacy; and STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). A school is eligible to receive up to four (4) mini-grants during each application period. Each applicant/teacher/classroom may receive one mini-grant award per school year.

§  Application Period: May 1st – October 1st / Deadline: October 1st

STEM Innovation Grants

§  Designed to support K-12 teachers and schools in their efforts to develop, improve or expand innovative instructional programs in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Grants up to $5,000 will be awarded to support projects in the eligible project categories. A school is eligible to receive up to two (2) STEM Innovation grants during each application period. Each applicant/teacher/classroom may receive one grant award per school year.

§  Application Period: December 1st – March 15th / Deadline: March 15th

Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Foundation Social Investment Grants

§  The Foundation’s General Social Investment Program is available to eligible nonprofit organizations/programs that serve Freeport-McMoRan communities. Only IRS determined tax exempt entities such as nonprofits with a 501(c)3 designation, schools and government institutions are eligible for social investment dollars from the Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Foundation.

§  Eligible communities: Ajo, AZ

§  Application Period: March 1st – August 30th / Deadline: August 30th

For more information visit: FreeportInMyCommunity.com