2016Mississippi REALTOR®Affiliate of the Year Nomination

From the ______Board/Association of REALTORS or

______submitted as an At-Large Nominee

(Please choose one of the above options.)

Please read carefully before completing nomination form:

  • MAR will award up to three regional REALTORAffiliates plus one overall recipient.
  • The committee will make its selection based on the information included on this form, so please clarify carefully and include all pertinent, detailed info.
  • Individuals nominated for this award do not have to meet all criteria listed in order to be considered for this honor. The award is based on numeric scoring to allow for a variety of strengths in a variety of areas.

For consideration of nomination:

  • A photo of the nominee is required. E-mail high quality (300 K or higher) to SabrenaPatrick at MAR (). Professionally printed photos may be submitted by mail.
  • Any attachment(s) must follow the same format and order of this form.
  • This form must be received at MAR no later than September 2, 2016

1. Name of Nominee: ______

2. Firm Name: ______

3. MAR member since: ______

7. E-mail Address: ______

8. This nominee is: ___ submitted by a local board ___ an at-large nominee.

9. ACHIEVEMENTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS: Remarks should be closely related to the category in which they appear. A section for other pertinent information and comments is included at the end of this form. (The percentage for each category is listed for your information and will be used by the MAR REALTORAffiliate of the Year Selection Committee in scoring candidates.)

A. Affiliate Spirit

(This category counts 50%. Please indicate years of activity or participation.)

1. Enthusiasm


2. Willingness to Participate


3. Attitude


4. Activity in Local Association

• Meeting Attendance

• Committee Involvement

• Participation in Sponsorship Programs


  1. Activity in State Association

• Attendance at State Meetings (Convention, REALTOR Day at the Capitol, etc.)

• Committee Involvement

• Participation in Sponsorship Programs


B. Professionalism

(This category counts 20%. Please indicate years of activity or participation.)

• Conduct / Reputation

• Cooperation with Real Estate Offices and Agents

• Promotion of the REALTOR Organization


C. Activity in Community / Civic Affairs

(This category counts 15%. Please indicate years of activity or participation.)

• REALTOR-sponsored events

• Other


D. MARPAC Participation

(This category counts 15%.)


Return this completed form with photo no later than September 2, 2016 to:

Sabrena Patrick, MAR, PO Box 321000, Jackson, MS 39232 or .

Signature of Nominator: ______

Printed Name of Nominator: ______

Title: ______

E-mail Address:______

Phone: ______Date: ______

At-Large Nominations

Please complete the following only if your nominee is an at-large nominee and is not the local REALTOR®Affiliate of the Year chosen by your board/Association:

Signatures of at least five REALTOR® members are required for an at-large nominee for Mississippi REALTOR®Affiliate of the Year:







If you have questions, please contactBeth Hansen at or 601/932-5241