Directions to Austin Road Middle School: 100 Austin Road, Stockbridge GA 30281
Turn right onto Hwy 155. Go approx. 5 miles to stop sign/light. Cross over Hwy 138 and continue to the next stop. This is Fairview Road. Take a left on Fairview and follow for approx. one mile. Turn right onto Austin Road and go to the second drive on the right. (the school is behind the elementary school.)
Directions to Dutchtown Middle School: 155 Mitchell Road, Hampton GA 30228
Turn left onto Hwy 155. Go to McDonough and turn right heading into square. Follow straight ahead onto Jonesboro Rd. Go over I-75 heading towards Lovejoy. Go approximately 6 miles and turn right onto Mitchell Road. The school will be on the right.
Directions to Eagle’s Landing Middle School: 295 Tunis Road, McDonough GA 30253
Turn left onto Hwy 155. Go to second red light, turn right on Campground. Turn left onto Hwy 42. At red light, take right onto Jodeco Rd. Go to second red light, take right onto Tunis Rd. School is on the left.
Directions to Hampton Middle School: 799 Hampton-Locust Grove Road, Hampton GA 30228
Turn left onto East Lake Road and follow to Hwy 155. Turn left onto Hwy 155 and follow to John Frank Ward Blvd. Turn right onto John Frank Ward Blvd and follow to the McDonough square. Go ¼ way around square and turn right onto GA Hwy 20/GA Hwy 81 heading towards I-75. Follow GA Hwy 20/GA Hwy 81 for approximately 8.5 miles and turn left onto Hampton Locust Grove Road. Hampton Middle school will be just ahead 1mile on the left.
Directions to Henderson Middle School: 494 George Tate Drive Jackson GA 30233
Turn right onto East Lake Road and follow to the stop sign. Turn right onto Airline Road and follow until it dead ends in to Rodgers Road. Turn left onto Rodgers Road and follow to North Bethany Road. Turn right onto North Bethany and follow through the red light at the intersection of Hwy 81. Once across Hwy 81, make a slight left onto Old Jackson Road. Follow Old Jackson Road for approximately 8 miles. (it will become Wolf Creek Road once you enter Butts County). At the railroad tracks, turn right on to Old Bethel Road and then immediately turn left onto GA Hwy 42. Follow Hwy 42 for 3 miles and then turn left onto Hwy 42/Hwy 16 heading into the city of Jackson. Turn right onto South Harkness Street and then turn slight right to stay on South Harkness St. Take the first left onto George Tate Drive and the school will be ahead on the left.
Directions to Henry County Middle School: 166 Holly Smith Drive, McDonough GA 30253
Turn left onto Hwy 155 into McDonough. Turn right on Covington St. Go around one quarter around the square and turn right onto on Hwy 81 West/ Hampton St. Go over railroad tracks, keep going straight, turn left onto Philips Dr. (Henry Co. Police building will be on right after turn.) Turn right on Holly Smith Dr. School is straight ahead.To get to the new gym, turn right onto Windy Hill Road BEFORE you get to Holly Smith Drive.
Directions to Locust Grove Middle School: 3315 South Ola Road, Locust Grove GA, 30248
Turn right onto East Lake Road and follow to Airline Road. Turn right onto Airline Road and follow four miles. Turn left onto Rodgers Road and follow for 0.6 miles. Turn right onto North Bethany Road and follow for 1.5 miles. You will cross over Hwy 81 and North Bethany will change into South Bethany. Turn slight left onto Old Jackson Road and follow for approximately 4 miles. Continue straight onto South Ola Road and follow for another 2 miles. You will cross over Peeksville Road and the schools will be just ahead on South Ola Road on the left.
Directions to Luella Middle School: 2075 Hampton-Locust Grove Road, Locust Grove GA, 30248
Turn left onto Hwy 155. Go into McDonough and turn left onto Covington Street. Take a right at the light. You are back on Hwy 155. (South Cedar Street) Take Hwy 155 out to I-75. Pass under the expressway. Keep going straight about three miles. Turn right on Hampton/Locust Grove Road. Go about 1-1 ½ miles. School is on the right.
Directions to Ola Middle: 353 North Ola Road, McDonough GA 30252
Turn left onto Hwy 155. Follow just past the second stop light and turn left onto Turner St. Take a right at the stop sign onto Hwy 155. Turn left at the stop light onto Hwy 81 towards Newton County (east). Follow approximately 7 miles and turn left onto North Ola Road. The road to turn into for Ola Middle/High will be ahead on the left.
Directions to Stockbridge Middle School: 533 Old Conyers Road, Stockbridge GA 30281
Turn right onto Hwy 155. Go approx. 5 miles to stop sign/light. Take left onto Hwy 138. Turn right onto Conyers Road (Metro Heights Baptist will be on left across from road) Go several miles, pass through stop sign. School will be about 2 miles on right.
Directions to Woodland Middle School: 820 North Moseley Drive, Stockbridge GA 30281
Turn right onto Hwy 155 heading north. Follow for approximately 4 miles to Hemphill Road and take a left. (There is a shell station on the left.) Follow Hemphill to the four way stop and take a right onto North Moseley Road. Woodland Middle will be just ahead.