Exam Administration Request for DSS-Affiliated Students
We want the students for whom we proctor exams to have the best possible chance to demonstrate mastery of the subject. Therefore, we cannot act as readers for a test in a foreign language, where our lack of fluency could be detrimental to a student’s academic performance. Similarly, we cannot describe images, diagrams, charts or graphs for students, as our interpretations could adversely influence the student’s answers. If you have a question about how to structure a test with these elements for a student with a disability, we would be happy to discuss it with you in advance of the test.
DSS does not support changing the time or date of an exam for reasons other than documented disability needs. We will not provide proctoring for exams rescheduled to facilitate travel, vacations, social events, etc.
Instructor’s Name: / Phone: / Email:Course: / Meeting Time(s):
Student’s Name:
Please fill in the following information based on the exam as it is being given to the class as a whole. We will make the appropriate adjustments to meet the student’s accommodations.
1. Are the students allowed any materials during this exam?
Open Books: / Computer Use:Open Notes: / Calculator:
Other (please specify):
2. How are the answers to be recorded?
On question sheet / Scantron* / Blue Book*Other (please specify):
*If on Scantron or Blue Book, please provide us with the appropriate media.
3. How will you send us the test? NOTE: Exams must be in our possession at least one business day prior to the scheduled testing time.
Email: / Will drop off:Other (please specify):
4. How would you like the test returned to you?
Email: / Campus Mail / Will pick upPlease deliver to room:
Other (please specify):
5. Schedule:**
Date test was/will be given to class:Start time: / End time:
**Exam administration will be scheduled during our office hours, 8:30-4:30, Monday through Friday. Because of limited resources, we cannot proctor exams that are untimed or have “unlimited time”.
Questions? Please call or email
Meghan Sooy, DirectorDisability Support Services
121 Roscoe West
/ Karen Smeltz, Program Assistant
Disability Support Services
122 Roscoe West