AP Biology CardioVascular System Study Guide


1.  Describe the shape and location of the human heart.

2.  What are the functions of the chamber walls, the valves and the large vessels of the heart?

3.  Describe the location of the atria and ventricles of the heart.

4.  Explain the function of the interatrial and the interventricular septa.

5.  What is the function of the heart valves?

6.  What are the AV valves and where are they located?

7.  Give the location and function of the pulmonary and aortic semilunar valves.

8.  Give the general flow of the blood through the heart.

9.  Give the general structure of a heart valve.

10.  Describe what happens when the heart contracts and another word for it.

11.  Describe what happens when the heart relaxes and another word for it.

12.  Explain what is meant by the cardiac cycle.

13.  Give the normal heartbeat per minute range in adult humans.

14.  How long does a cardiac cycle take?

15.  What happens in phase one of the heart cycle?

16.  What happens in phase 2 of the heart cycle?

17.  What happens in phase 3 of the heart cycle?

18.  On what 2 factors does cardiac output depend on?

19.  What is the typical CO of the human heart?

20.  What is the function of the SA node?

21.  Describe the intrinsic conduction system of the heart.

22.  Describe what happens in each of the 3 phases of the intrinsic conduction system of the heart.

23.  Describe a typical cardiac muscle cell.

24.  Describe the functions of gap junctions and desmosomes.

25.  Explain the idea of the cells of the heart being electrically coupled.

26.  Give the 3 basic phases of the operation of the heart.

27.  Explain the “lubb dub” sound the heart makes with it it working.

28.  Trace the path of the blood from the time it enters the heart, to the lungs, out of the heart and back again.


1.  Where does the word cardiovascular come from?

2.  Give the 3 main types of blood vessels.

3.  Give the 3 main layers in blood vessels and what they are made of.

4.  How does the structure and function of veins differ from that of arteries?

5.  Explain the difference between the pulmonary circuit and the systemic circuit in the human body.

6.  Explain what it means for humans to have a closed circulatory system.

7.  Explain the difference in functions between the right and left sides of the human heart.

8.  Give the main function of the capillaries.

9.  Give the main function of the sphincters.

10.  Explain what the pulmonary capillaries do.

11.  Explain what the alveoli do.

12.  Explain the structure and main function of the interface between the pulmonary capillaries and the alveoli.

13.  Explain what happens to CO2 and O2 in the blood capillary.

14.  Explain what metabolites are and give a couple of examples.

15.  What happens to metabolites in the blood capillary?

16.  What happens to water in the blood capillary?

17.  Where is blood pressure highest and lowest?

18.  Explain what causes the systolic pressure in humans.

19.  Explain what causes the diastolic pressure in humans.

20.  What 3 factors most influence the blood pressure in the arterial system?

21.  Explain what these 3 factors mean.