TCEQ – 20672 (Revised 12/2013)Page 1 of 4
This form is subject to revision
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Application to Use Allowances for Offset Requirements
Form ECT-4O Instructions
The Application to Use Allowances for Offset Requirements (Form ECT-4O) allows a company to set aside Mass Emissions Cap and Trade (MECT) Program or Highly-Reactive Volatile Organic Compound (HRVOC) Emissions Cap and Trade (HECT) Program allowances to satisfy all or part of the 1-to-1 portion of offset requirements for facilities subject to the federal nonattainment new source review requirements. These same allowances are also used by those facilities for compliance with the corresponding cap-and-trade program.
Allowances that are set aside to satisfy all or part of the 1-to-1 portion of offset requirements will be linked exclusively to the facility or facilities whose emissions are being offset. These allowances cannot be banked, traded, or used by other facilities at the same site. For additional guidance regarding the use of allowances to satisfy offset requirements, refer to the TCEQ Guidance on the Use of Allowances for NNSR Permit Offset Requirements.
The Form ECT-4O must be submitted by December 2 of the calendar year before the facility or facilities will commence operation. In addition, the allowances to be used must be obtained prior to submitting this form. The owner or operator of the facility or facilities using allowances for offsets is responsible for completing and mailing the Form ECT-4O to:
Emissions Banking and Trading Program, MC-206
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
PO Box 13087
Austin, Texas 78711-3087
Form Instructions
Company Information
Name/Address: Enter the legal name of the company and mailing address. The company name on this form should match the name in the TCEQ Central Registry Database.
Customer Reference Number: Enter this TCEQ-assigned number, which starts with “CN” followed by a nine-digit number. If your company does not have a CN, submit a Core Data Form. Contact Central Registry staff at (512) 239-5175 for assistance regarding the CN.
Site Information
Name/Address: Enter the site name and physical street address. If no street address is available, provide directions of how to reach the site. Enter the city (or the nearest city), county, and ZIP code where the site is located.
Regulated Entity Reference Number: Enter this TCEQ-assigned number, which starts with “RN” followed by a nine-digit number. The RNis assigned by the TCEQ to the entire property owned or controlled by the company at a specific location. If your site does not have an RN, submit a Core Data Form. Contact Central Registry staff at (512) 239-5175 for assistance regarding the RN.
Air Account Number: Enter the TCEQ-assigned number for the site, if available.
Portfolio Number: Enter this Emissions Banking and Trading Program-assigned number, which starts with “P” followed by a four-digit number. Visit the Credit and Allowance Registry to determine your portfolio number or contact Emissions Banking and Trading Program (EBTP) staff at (512) 239-4900 for assistance.
Technical Contact Information
Provide the name, title, mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the person the TCEQ should contact for technical questions. This person can be a consultant.
Company Contact Information
Provide the name, title, mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address of a company official authorized to make binding agreements and representations on behalf of the company. This person cannot be a consultant.
General Project Information
NSR Permit Number: Enter the New Source Review (NSR) permit number authorizing the facility or facilities to use allowances for the offset requirement. Contact the TCEQ Air Permits Division at (512) 239-1250 for assistance regarding the permit number.
Program/Pollutant: Select the applicable Emissions Banking and Trading Program and corresponding pollutant (MECT/NOX or HECT/VOC) for the facility or facilities that will use allowances for offsets. Select only one program/pollutant per form.
Total Allowances for Offsets: Enter the total tons per year (tpy) of allowancesthatwill be used for offsets. This amount should be consistent with the NSR permit special conditions authorizing the use of allowances for the offset requirement. For verification purposes, submit a copy of the applicable NSR permit special conditions and maximum allowable emission rate table with this form.
Facility Details
Enter the Facility Identification Number (FIN), FIN Name, and Emission Point Number (EPN) for each facility that will use allowances for the offset requirement. Indicate if the facility is a new construction or if the existing facility will undergo modification. Enter the expected date the new or modified facility will start operation. If the space given in this form is not sufficient, attach additional pages as necessary.
Authorized Signature
The Form ECT-4O must be certified with an original signature, in ink, by a company official with the authority to make binding agreements and representations on behalf of the company. A consultant cannot sign the form. If the form is faxed or e-mailed, the hard copy with the original signature must be mailed as well.
TCEQ – 20672 (Revised 12/2013)Page 1 of 4
This form is subject to revision
Texas Commission on Environmental QualityApplication to Use Allowances for Offset Requirements
Form ECT-4O (Table 1)
Company Information
Company Name:
Mailing Address:
City: / State: / ZIP Code:
Customer Reference Number: CN
Site Information
Site Name:
Street Address:
City: / County: / ZIP Code:
Regulated Entity ReferenceNumber: RN
Air Account Number (if applicable):
Portfolio Number: P
Technical Contact Information
Technical Contact Name:
Mailing Address:
City: / State: / ZIP Code:
Telephone: / E-Mail:
Company Contact Information
Company Contact Name:
Mailing Address:
City: / State: / ZIP Code:
Telephone: / E-Mail:
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Application to Use Allowances for Offset Requirements
Form ECT-4O (Table 2)
General Project Information
NSR Permit Number: / Program/Pollutant: MECT/NOx HECT/VOC
Total Allowances for Offsets (tpy):
Facility Details
FIN / FIN Name / EPN / New or Modified / Operation Start Date
Choose OneNewModified
Choose OneNewModified
Choose OneNewModified
Choose OneNewModified
Choose OneNewModified
Choose OneNewModified
Choose OneNewModified
Choose OneNewModified
Choose OneNewModified
Choose OneNewModified
Choose OneNewModified
Choose OneNewModified
Choose OneNewModified
Choose OneNewModified
Authorized Signature
The signature below confirms that I am authorized to make this submission on behalf of the owners and operators of the facility or facilities included in this application. I certify that I have knowledge of the facts in this application and attachments and that these facts are true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further state that I have read and understand Texas Water Code (TWC) §§7.177–7.183, which define criminal offenses for certain violations, including intentionally or knowingly making or causing to be made false material statements or representations in this application, and TWC §7.187, pertaining to criminal penalties.
Name: / Title:
Original Signature Required / Date
TCEQ – 20672 (Revised 12/2013)Page 1 of 4
This form is subject to revision