Kippax Parish Council

Meeting Minutes

15th October 2015

Cllr’s Morley, Laycock, Shaw, Purcell, Gaitley, Spivey, Bentley, Woolnough, bate, Montague, Kelly. / Absent.
Key Issues / Updates and Actions
1. To accept apologies / Cllr Parker, Hardwick, McEwan Cllr Eyre
2. Declaration of interests / None. / All
3. Police and Crime Commission / Crime figures. The crime figures were presented. See Police web page for details.
NOTE> Please pass on the information that the elderly should not open their doors to people they do not know.
The seat on Cheney Basin has been painted red. The police confirmed this is criminal damage. / Police
4. Public Forum. / No comments. / Public
5. Minutes of Last Meeting / Confirmed as a true record with the amendment. The plaques on the entrance to the village depicting the success of Kippax in Bloom had been discussed.
Footpaths were also discussed. / All
6. Matters arising from previous minutes. Not on this agenda. / The meeting at Allerton Bywater with the prospective developer was cancelled.
Barry Chew has complained to L.C.C about the state of Foot path 35. The leader of L.C.C has cascaded this down to the ward councillors.
Cllr Spivey 's apologies for the September meeting were not recorded / All
7. Finance and Corporate Governance Meeting. / FINANCE.
i)Accounts for payment. Approved.
ii) Funding Applications.
Growing Zone application deferred.
Corporate Governance.
i)  i) Bank Accounts inspected. All correct. / Clerk
Cllr Hardwick
Cllr Kelly
8. Planning / A) Questions on published report.
The building work on Oxford Drive has not started without planning permission.
The planning application for Beech lane has been declined.
B) Items requiring decisions.
Neighbourhood plan
Due to health issues Mike Dando has had to with draw from the group. Cllr Morley is in touch with a write the report. (David Gluck)
Site Allocation Update.
A report had been issued by Cllr Payne.
C) Items requiring Expenditure.
None / Planning Committee
Cllr NHP Group.
Cllr Payne
9. Youth Group / A) Questions on published report.
Cllr Montague gave a presentation on the Skate Park Project.
B) items requiring decisions. None
C) Items requiring expenditure.
Skate Park. Funding for the next stage of the project was deferred pending a reply from our ward councillors / Youth Advisory Committee
10. Communications / A) Questions on published report.
B) Items requiring decisions. The theme for the photographic competition next year will be The Flora and Fauna of Kippax.
C) Items requiring expenditure. None / Communications Advisory Committee
11. Village Services / A) Questions on published report.
Cllrs Shaw and Bate gave a verbal report.
This included Footpaths 22 and 35.
Flower bed project on Leeds Rd from Moorgate to Calvert close.
B) Items requiring decisions. None
C) Items requiring expenditure.
i) Lengthsman. A draft specification was issued for discussion. Feed back to the Clerk required.
ii) War Memorial.
Restoration work is about to start and will be completed in time for the Remembrance Parade.
iii) Cllr Kelly gave a report on discussion regarding the closure of local refuse sites. It is a 19 mile round trip to the site in Seacroft. / Village Services Advisory Committee
The Clerk/All
Cllr Morley
Cllr Kelly.
12. Projects. / 1. Update on meetings with L.C.C Ward Councillors. No meeting had been held with L.C. C Councillors.
2. Update on current projects and projects under consideration.
I i)) Kippax in Bloom.
Wild flower beds can damage grassed areas.
The flower bed project between Moorgate and Calvert Close was discussed. Further discussion regarding how this can be funded is to take place.
Signs recording the success of KIB are to be discussed with L.C.C. The proposal is to put these on the Highway Signs on the entrance to the village.
ii) Kippax Meadows. Nothing to report.
iii) Progress on Multi Wheeled Facility (Skate Park) as above.
iv) Flower Bed Project. No further progress. Work to commence shortly.
v) Christmas lights project. Switch on 26th November. Several acts are being considered.
vi) Leeds Rd. Moorgate to Calvert Close. As above. / Cllr Morley
Cllr Bate
Cllr’s Shaw and Bate
Cllr Bate
Cllr Morley
Cllr’s Morley,
Cllr bate
11. CORRESPONDENCE / Issued via email. Advertising brochures have been received for Street Furniture. / Clerk
12. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING / None were put forward. / The Clerk
13. Date of next meeting. / 19th November 2015 / The Clerk

Chairman’s Signature & Date