Dear Colleague

Membership of the Churchill Luncheon Club is open to all paid-up members of the Conservative Party, particularly but not exclusively members of the Chichester, Arundel & South Downs and the Bognor Regis & Littlehampton Conservative Associations.

The object of the Club is to enable members to meet socially for luncheon and to support the aims and objects of their Conservative Associations. Members’ own guests are very welcome

We usually have four or five luncheons spread out as equally as practicable each year. We always have a guest speaker. In 2014our guest speakers were:

Nick Herbert MP

Penny Morduant MP

Philip Jackson, the sculptor

Flick Drummond PPC for Portsmouth South

Alan Finch, ExecutiveDirector of the Chichester Festival Theatre

We use a variety of local venues for lunch including Crouchers Country Hotel, the Chichester Park Hotel, Cowdray Golf Club and the White Swan, Arundel. The rules provide that we make no appeals nor do we sell any tickets (including raffle tickets!) at our luncheons.

We have a small annual membership fee of £10 per household payable by Standing Order on joining and then on 1st November each year. Lunches in 2015will be between £22 and £27 per head depending on venue. Members’ guests are always welcome.

New membersare warmly welcome and we invite you to complete the application form and Standing Order on the reverse of this letter.Please note membership is payableonly by Standing Order.

Yours sincerely

Tony Dignum



Highgate House West Broyle Drive Chichester PO19 3PP

Hon Secretary: Mrs Barbara GarrettChairman: Mr Tony Dignum


Personal Details: Please use BLOCK CAPITALS:

Last Name: ………………………………… First Names: ….……………………………………………

Title: (Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms) …………Member of ………………………Conservative Association

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Postcode: ……………………… Telephone Number: ……………………………


I agree to abide by the Rules and Constitution of the Churchill Luncheon Club and to pay the Annual Subscription to that Club on the day that it shall fall due.

Signed: ………………………………………..Date:


Your Bank Details: ……………………………… Bank plc

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………


Sort Code: ...…………………………………Account Number: …………………………….

Account Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Please pay to theChurchill Luncheon Club, National Westminster Bank plc, 5 East Street, Chichester, PO19 1HH Sort Code: 60-05-24, Account Number: 62655027 quoting Ref No..:

the sum of£10(ten pounds)on receipt of this order, and on the first day of each succeeding November, until this order is cancelled in writing.

Name: ………………………………………..Signed: ……………………………

Date: …………………Address: ……………………………………………………………


When completed this form should be sent to:

The Hon Treasurer, Churchill Luncheon Club,

Highgate House West Broyle Drive Chichester PO19 3PP