Fraternity and Sorority Relationship Agreement


The purpose of this agreement is to reaffirm the relationship between Student Involvement and Leadership and the fraternities and sororities that are recognized by The University at Albany. The University’s continued commitment to fraternities and sororities is based upon the significant opportunities they provide for academic, leadership, cultural, social and interpersonal development. Fraternities and sororities have made substantial contributions to campus life as these organizations complement the educational mission of the University.

In recognition of the important role of fraternities and sororities, Student Involvement and Leadership staff will continue to assist in fostering their growth and development which includes a commitment to assisting member organizations of the Diversified Greek Council (DGC), Interfraternity Panhellenic Council (IFPC), and the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), to pursue a positive academic atmosphere and meet the standards of each chapter’s national organization, local alumni chapter and the University.

In order to be in good standing, recognized chapters must follow the guidelines set forth by each of the individual sub-governing Councils, the All Greek Council (AGC), Student Involvement and Leadership, the University at Albany.

Requirements of Members

  1. Each chapter must follow the teachings and values contained in your Ritualand use them according to your national headquarters recommendation.
  2. Achieve an overall chapter GPA above the all men’s and all woman’s average to be considered in good standingwith the university and your respective council.
  3. Organizations must achieve/maintain membership in one of the 3 sub-governing council’s in order to receive/keep campus recognition (DGC, NPHC, IFPC).
  4. Individuals must have a 2.5 overall GPA in order to join a Greek organization (this may be higher per the respective governing council or National Guidelines).
  5. Chapter and Council presidents and e-board officers must maintain a 2.75 GPA in order to be eligible to hold office.
  6. Chapters must perform a minimum of 15 hours of community service per member each semester..
  7. Chapters musthost a minimum of 6 programs (in addition to any RUSH or Membership Intake related programs) on campuseach semester in order to be considered in good standing.Three (3) of those programs must be informational in nature. (Examples: HIV/AIDS awareness, sexual assault awareness, financial responsibility, etc.) Two of those programs must be academic in nature. (Examples: Tutoring sessions, open study sessions, test taking tactics, etc.). Finally, one (1) of those programs must be a social program. (Examples: party, step/stroll exhibition, cookout, etc.)

  1. Each chapter must co-sponsor a program with an organization from each of the other two sub-councils your chapter is not affiliated with. (Example: An IFPC organization must co-sponsor 1 program with a NPHC organization and 1 program with a DGC organization.)
  2. Each chapter and council must update their individual My Involvement page at least once a month.
  3. Each chapter and council must check its mailbox weekly.
  4. Each fraternity must attend the Brotherhood Chat program each semester
  5. Each sorority must attend the Sisterhood Chat program each semester
  6. Respond to official correspondence (email, mail, or phone calls) in a timely manner (i.e. within 48 hours) or within the time period indicated in the correspondence.
  7. Submit a completed ChapterEvaluationeach semester on Reading Day.
  8. Submit all paperwork and information as requested by Student Involvement and Leadership and or the Coordinator of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs on the date it is due to remain in good standing.
  9. Chapter Presidents, New Member Educator/Intake Coordinators, and advisors must sign the Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Hazing Form each year.
  10. Communicate openly and honestly with the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership and theCoordinator of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs regarding violations of chapter, university, and/ornational policies.
  11. Attend the All Greek Council and your respective sub-governing council (IFPC, NPHC, DGC) weekly meeting and pay dues on time.
  12. Submit a signed grade release form for all new members at the beginning of each semester.
  13. Update your chapter’s roster each semester. Roster must include all active and non-active members, positions held, student ID, email, and contact number.
  14. Attend all programs as designated by your respective council, All Greek Council, your organization, Student Involvement and Leadership, and Fraternity and Sorority Affairs.
  15. Submit your chapter’s community service hours, percent of members involved at The University at Albany, monies raised for charity and academic incentives along with any other materials in your chapter evaluation each semester on Reading Day so that it can be included in the Fraternity and Sorority Life Report.
  16. Chapter president must attend scheduled president's meetings.
  17. All new members of each chapter must attend Greek Life 101 (Greek Convocation), 102 and 103 workshops each semester (see Coordinator of Fraternity and Sorority Affairsfor the dates).

Services given by Fraternity and Sorority Affairs

1. Provide professional staff to advise fraternities and sororities.

2. Provide advising for the All Greek Council and the three governing sub-councils (DGC, NPHC, and IFPC)

3. Provide a comprehensive Fraternity and Sorority Affairsweb site.

4. Provide assistance to the councils in recruiting new members.

5. Provide a graduate assistant to assist the respective councils and chapters.

6. Provide chapter scholastic report and rankings fall and spring semester.

7. Provide leadership training.

8. Provide financial advisement to all organizations.