Roi Community Newsletter

November 2015

Important Contacts

Onsite Building Manager (please do not call before 7 am or after 9 pm):

Mario Interlandi

Ace Body Corporate Management:

Angelo Voulgaris

Emergency after hours contact:Angelo 0418264350(building related issues only)

Fitzroy Police (24 hours):99346400 (security issues and excessive noise)

EPA (24 hours) 1300 372 842(noise after 10 or 11 pm) See

A note from the Owners’ Corporation Committee

Our apartment complex continues to be highly valued by prospective ownersandtenants. While its eco-friendly features such as usage of rain water andsolar water heating, as well as our attractive foyersandgardens, are well documentedandhighly visible, it’s really its people that make the difference. The committee is constantly endeavouring to keep the complex attractive, safeand in good order for all ownersandresidents.

Many of the measures undertaken need residents’ co-operationandwe would like to

  • thank all residents who have removed the material stored outside their storage lockers
  • thank you for complying with the parking rules by not parking your vehicle in a visitor car park
  • thank you (in advance) for supplying your information in the bicycle audit
  • remind you that a security system is only as good as those who use it. Please make sure you know anyone who contacts you via intercom to gain entry to the building, andplease take care not to allow strangers to ‘tailgate’ your entry to the building or carpark.

The Committee’s responsibilities also include ensuring compliance with all fire regulations. We are pleased to advise that we have sought andreceived certification that the aluminium cladding on the building’s exterior meets fire safety regulations - no dodgy material was used at Roi.

As part of this responsibility, all residents who have erected or affixed non-approved screens to their balconies are now being advised that these must be removed. Any screening must be approved by the OC before installation. Fire safety is everyone’s business.

Your OC committee meets regularly andwelcomes any suggestions or requests. Please email Ace Body Corporate management.

Art brings the outdoors, indoors at ROI

The winner of the 2016 ROI Art Prize was local artist Helga Groves for the beautiful and intriguing limited edition pigment print, Optical Terrane series 2015. The judge, Dr Catherine Bell, who selected the artwork said ‘…it is like a series of meditative portals that transport the viewer to the natural world and bring them face to face with the microscopic beauty of coastal lichen. The work also relates to the architecture of the foyer and the cluster of modular residential spaces that make the ROI complex.’

Helga was awarded $10,000 and we have acquired this artwork for the ROI Art Collection. It will be hung in the West Wing entrance foyer for one year. We will continue to admire the 2015 winning work, Rose Window by Elvis Richardson, which will be relocated in the foyer of the Alfred Street entrance of the East Wing.

Helga Groves has held 36 solo exhibitions, including showing regularly at the Sutton Gallery, Fitzroy, and has been curated in group exhibitions at the National Gallery of Australia, Art Gallery of NSW and National Gallery of Australia.

ROI residents and local artists gathered on 16 September to enjoy the announcement and celebration of the Art Prize. Major sponsor for the second year, Nelson Alexander, generously provided support for the promotion of the Art Prize; Two Tall Chefs, a delicious cheese platter; andTisdall Wines, high quality wines.

This year ROI was fortunate to receive 43 high calibre entries from established and early career artists working in media including drawing, collage, photography, painting and limited edition prints. Their association with the City of Yarra ranged from it being the location of their studio, home or place of work to their gallery or dealer.

The Art Committee once again did a wonderful job in organising and running this event – thank you!

Bike Parking and Storage

You will have received a notice from the Roi Owners’ Corporationasking you to apply for a bike tag as part of the bicycle registration process. Whilst there is no limit on the number of bikes per resident, bikes will need to be registered to be kept in Roi bicycle storage facilities. Once bicycles have been tagged, an audit will be carried out and untagged/abandoned bikes will be removed and donated to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre. The registration process allows us to maintain the convenience and safety of our bicycle storage facilities.

Sharing our Space

We have all chosen to live in this community of almost 400 people because of its many benefits. However, it’s a shared space, and while the vast majority of residents respect each other’s comfort, it’s necessary to remember there are some Rules to protect us all. Generally, it’s just common sense, but in the document you will find detailed advice about all day to day matters. Please ensure you have a copy of the Owners’ Corporation Rules – available from your landlord, agent or

The new, updated Roi Welcome Book, containing a background to the building, the building rules and general information for ensuring the pleasure, safety and comfort of residents, will be distributed shortly. It will also be placed on the Roi website when it is setup. Thank you to Peter Burt for doing such a great job on this well designed booklet.

Thank you also to Mario who does so much to ensure that Roi is a clean and enjoyable space to live in.


In the next few weeks the BBQ area situated on the 3rd floor of the East Wing will be used more frequently for summer and Christmas BBQs. This area is accessible by residents via the East Wing lifts to level 3. There are two BBQ’s and two sets of tables and chairs in the BBQ area. Please ensure you clean the BBQ’s after using them and take your rubbish and bottles with you.

For the convenience of guests, a toilet is located on B1 adjacent to the East Wing lift.Smoking is not permitted in the BBQ area and neither are pets.

Please consider residents in adjoining and adjacent units especially with regard to noise and music, and vacate the BBQ area by 10pm.


Plans for garden enhancements in our common space are progressing.You will have noticed some improvements to the gardensand in the coming monthsyou will see some additional plants added to our entrance gardens. We are also exploring options for installing vegetable boxes, containing herbs,in the rooftop garden and BBQ area for communal resident use.If you are interested in contributing to the development and maintenance of the new productive growingspaces orhave anyideasor feedback on the improvements to the gardens at Roiplease

Food Know How – A Recipe for Taste, Not Waste

Do you know how much food you throw away each week? In Victoria about 50% of the average domestic rubbish bin is food waste. This is like throwing around $2,200 a year in the bin! Or tossing away one in every five bags of shopping that you buy.LESS food waste in the garbage bin is MORE compost for the garden. Join the Food Know How Program and learn how to make the most of your food (and save time and money!)

Joining the Food Know How Programis easy!

Food Know How Program Members have access to:

  • priority VIP access to Food Know How cooking workshops
  • priority VIP access to composting/worm-farming and bokashi workshops
  • free movie screening
  • free Food Know How Kitchen Caddy and other great tools to help you reduce food waste, save money and time
  • free online tools, videos and tips to help you reduce the amount of food you throw away
  • the chance to win great prizes throughout the Program
  • food saving tips, secrets and ideas of other Food Know How Members
  • a Food Know How Household Facilitator who will answer any queries you have about reducing your food waste.

…and….its freeto residents of Yarra Council (that’s us at Roi)!

Visit: to sign up for free or call 9426 1414.


Doors out of the stairwells should be kept closed at all times, at which time doors that are meant to be locked will only be able to be opened by swiping your fob.

Fire Alarm Training & Evacuation Procedure Training

More than 30 residents attended the fire training and evacuation training session and we all felt we learnt something new, not only specifically related to Roi. Another session will be held next year.

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Roi Owners Corporation Committee