Drew University US/A Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
12:00 PM EC 145
In Attendance: Gamin Bartle, Carla Brady, James Brown, Suzanne Ceravolo, Deshawn Cook, Greg Ellmer, Wayne Hunter, Kerry Klug, Dawn LoMauro, Joyce Maglione, Frank Merckx, Lauren Nelson, Christina Notas, Nancy Opperthauser, Chrisa Racine, Sonja Sekely-Rowland, Shawn Spaventa, Joe Strong, Deb Strong, Audra Tonero
- Welcome
- Committee Reports
Treasurer: Sonja Sekely-Rowland
Sonja now has banner access.
US/A operating budget has been cut 54% to $2,708. Sonja was informed that this is a permanent cut and that it is going to be subject to a definite cut next year.
The picnic last year cost more than $2,500.
The co-chairs will be talking to President Bull regarding this cut.
Travel and Entertainment budgets have been cut across the board.
Sonja will be creating an itemized list of where US/A budget goes.
E & A: Joe String, Wayne Hunter.
Chief Financial Officer interviews completed. An offer has been made and we should have the position filled in the next 3-4 weeks.
Facilities: Joe String reporting.
Working on energy programs for lighting to reduce costs. An expected savings of $400,000 per year.
Madison House is getting a much needed fresh coat of paint.
Welch Hall bathrooms are being renovated.
Human Resources: Suzanne Ceravolo, Deb Strong.
JAA: Kerry Klug
By-Laws: Deshawn Cook
Nominating: Audra Tonero
Programs/Staff Development: Dawn LoMauro
Committee will be meetong on Wednesday, October 3rd.
Service: Tina Notas.
The holiday program will be going on again with Deirdre House in Morristown. This year we will be focusing on under privileged families with children. In early November we will get a list of families.
Frank Merckx discussed that in the Spring Drew University will be working on 3 Habitat for Humanity builds.
University Senate: Greg Ellmer
During the 2nd meeting: Bill Brown presented tweaks to the Human Rights Policy. The Drew copyright policy was also reviewed but not yet voted upon.
Members At Large: Gamin Bartle and Jim Brown.
Compensation: Joyce Maglione and Frank Merckx.
Consultant is working on benchmarking staff positions by work content questionnaires.
Some discussion on whether there still are floating holidays. It is not listed under benefits on the HR site.
Web: Lauren Nelson.
Received website access from Brian Gardener.
Will be getting the Twitter up and running.
- Twitter will be used for programming and service efforts. Positivity and morale booster presence. Potential Pub/Starbucks trips for US/A members.
Dining Services
Human Resources Director:
Honorary Degree
- Old Business
- Co-Chair Report: Christa Racine and Shawn Spaventa
- Peggi Howard has agreed to step-in as the cabinet representative.
- Christa worked on a workable department list for US/A members to attend certain departmental meetings.
- What are we going to say in these meetings: We advocate for staff needs, talk about picnic, service luncheon, holiday donations, interest in getting involved?, who and what we are and what we do.
- Michael Bressman will be picking a date for the Employee of the Year meeting: in early to mid November.
- New Business
- Next Meeting Date November 6, 2012