Course Code: ESO-04

Assignment Code: ESO-04/ AST/ 2006



Dear Student,

As we explained in the Programme Guide for Elective Courses of Bachelor's Degree Programme (BDP), you will have to complete three assignments for an eight-credit elective course in Sociology. Of the three assignments, the first and second are Tutor Marked (TMAs) and the third is Computer Marked (CMA). The blockwise distribution of the three assignments is as follows:

Assignment 01 (TMA) is based on Blocks 1,2, 3 & 4

Assignment 02 (TMA) is based on Blocks 5,6,7

Assignment 03 (CMA) is based on Blocks 1 to 7

Before attempting the questions in assignments, please read carefully the guidelines for doing assignments, given in the Programme Guide of BDP for 2005.


The completed assignments should be sent as per the following schedule.


Number / Date of
Submission / Whom to send
Assignment 01 (TMA) / 31.3.2006 / To
The Coordinator of the
Study Centre allotted to you
Assignment 02 (TMA) / 30.04.2006 / -do-
Assignment 03 (CMA) / 30.04.2006 / To
The Registrar
SR&E Division
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi
New Delhi-110068


Elective Course in Sociology ESO-04

Social Stratification ESO-04

Tutor Marked Assignment – 01


Programme Code: BDP

Course Code:ESO-04

Assignment Code : ESO-04/AST 01/TMA/2006

Maximum Marks : 100

Answer all the questions.

A) DCQ (Descriptive Category Question)

Answer the following in about 500 words each.

1. Discuss basic tenets of the conflict theory with those of the functional theory. 20

2. Discuss and describe caste mobility in traditional India. 20

B) MCQ (Middle/ Analytical Category Question)

Answer the following in about 250 words each.

3. Outline the characteristics of occupational ranking in terms of prestige and 12

occupational ranking.

4. Write about stratification in tribal societies in India . 12

5. Compare and contrast the attribute and the interactional approach to caste. 12

6. Write about the definition of social mobility and its various dimensions. 12

C) SCQ (Short Category Question)

Answer the following in about 50 words each.

7. Outline agrarian class structure in the British period. 6

8. Write a note on entrepreneurship development in India. 6


Elective Course in Sociology ESO-04

Social Stratification ESO-04

Tutor Marked Assignment – 02


Programme Code: BDP

Course Code:ESO-04

Assignment Code : ESO-04/AST 02/TMA/2006

Maximum Marks : 100

Answer all the questions.

A) DCQ (Descriptive Category Question)

Answer the following in about 500 words each.

1. Define and discuss the concept of status and class. 20

2. Describe the bases of inequalities. How natural are natural inequalities. 20

B) MCQ ( Middle/ Analytical Category Question)

Answer the following in about 250 words each.

3. Write about traditions societies vis-à-vis modern societies. 12

4. Discuss caste and community in historical perspective. 12

5. Write a note upon sanskritization and westernization. 12

6. Enumerate and explain caste as explained by its attributes. 12

C) SCQ (Short Category Question)

Answer the following in about 50 words each.

7. Distinguish between ‘Kacca’ and ‘Pukka’ food, with examples. 6

8. Describe kshatriyaisation. 6


Elective Course in Sociology ESO-04

Social Stratification ESO-04

Computer Marked Assignment – 03


Programme Code: BDP

Course Code:ESO-04

Assignment Code : ESO-04/AST 03/CMA/2006

Maximum Marks : 100


i) This assignment has 50 questions. Each question carries two marks. All

questions are compulsory.

ii) Every question has four alternative answers; of these only one is correct. Select

the correct answer and write in the appropriate box in the answer sheet

according to the method described in the instructions.

iii) Use only black lead pencil to fill in the answer sheets.

1. Who did for the first time give a sociological explanation to social inequality?

  1. J.J.Rousseau
  2. Kingsley Davis
  3. C.Wright Mills
  4. Wilbert E More

2. The conflict approach to social stratification has emerged as an antithesis of the

  1. Diffusionist approach
  2. Evolutioninst approach
  3. Functionalist approach
  4. All of the above

3. According to C.Wright Mills the ‘power elite’ of the American society comprises

people from

  1. Military
  2. Business corporations
  3. Politics
  4. All of the above

4. A distinction between hierarchical and dichotomous views of class is given by

  1. Ossowski
  2. Raymond Aron
  3. D.D.Kosambi
  4. Daniel Thorner

5. Who defined power as the capacity of a person or group of people to execute his will

despite opposition from others?

  1. Karl Marx
  2. Max Weber
  3. Pareto
  4. Mosco

6. Which of the following is a wrong match?

  1. Circulation elites-V.Pareto
  2. Historical materialism-Mosca
  3. Power elite-C.W.Mills
  4. The iron law of oligarchy -Robert Michels

7. The theory of social typology opines that

  1. Every individual is a representative of a permanently distinctive human type
  2. Social conditioning of the individuals accounts for their racial differences
  3. Race is a social rather than biological distinction
  4. Physical characteristics of individuals do not correspond to their intellectual superiority or inferiority

8. According to Lenski, the maximum degree of social stratification was seen in

  1. Primitive societies
  2. Medieval societies
  3. Modern industrial societies
  4. All of the above

9. Power become a crucial variable of stratification during the period of

  1. Hunting and gathering societies
  2. Agricultural societies
  3. Horticultural societies
  4. Pastoral societies

10. Which of the following is not an occupational stratum of East European socialist

countries identified by Frank Parkin?

  1. White collar intelligentsia
  2. Skilled manual positions
  3. Blue collar professions
  4. Unskilled manual positions

11. In the post industrial societies conflicts are centered around

  1. Capital
  2. Labour
  3. Material rewards
  4. None of the above

12. Power is viewed as the basis of stratification by

  1. Melvin Tunim
  2. Kingsley Davis
  3. Ralph Daherndorf
  4. Karl Marx

13. Which of the following is a wrong statement ?

  1. The existence of universal education can bring about equality of social status to a large extent
  2. Access to education facilities the upward mobility of the individuals in the social strata
  3. Education ensures uniformly the same pattern of social change and mobility in all societies
  4. Accessibility to education is determined by the overall ideological preference of a given society

14. Evolution of modern democracy has strong roots in

  1. Egalitarian ideology
  2. Religious ideology
  3. Capitalist ideology
  4. Communalist ideology

15. Which of the following sociologists did not consider division of labour as the basis of

social stratification ?

  1. Karl Marx
  2. Emile Durkheim
  3. Max Weber
  4. None of the above

16. The movement, which does not bring about a change in the social position of the

individual or group that has moved is termed as

  1. Vertical mobility
  2. Ascending mobility
  3. Descending mobility
  4. Horizontal mobility

17. Which of the following is a wrong statement?

  1. There is no definite trend towards either an increase or decrease in vertical mobility in any society
  2. It is not possible to generalise the rate of vertical mobility in a society
  3. There is no society in which vertical mobility is completely free and easy
  4. The degree of vertical mobility will be the same in the same society but it varies from society to society

18. Which of the following is a feature of estate systems of the medieval Europe?

  1. Their status system was legally defined
  2. They were associated with a general division of labour
  3. They were political entities
  4. All of the above

19. The freedom struggles in the Third World countries were the struggle against

  1. The colonizers
  2. All that created inequality
  3. Both of the above
  4. None of the above

20. Caste system is called as closed system of stratification because

  1. Little mobility is possible in caste system
  2. Caste system is associated with tradition
  3. Caste is closely associated with religion
  4. None of the above

21. Which of the following is an expectation that people in our society have from


  1. Upholding the values of democracy
  2. Cultivation secularism in the multi-religious society
  3. Inculcating rational outlook
  4. All of the above

22. Which of the following is a measurement of mobility ?

  1. Intragenerational and intergenerational
  2. Horizontal and vertical
  3. Spatial and geographical
  4. All of the above

23. The caste system in India is stratified on the basis of

  1. The principle of purity and pollution
  2. Economic status
  3. Geographic location
  4. All of the above

24. Among the Khasi of Meghalaya the chiefs and ministers of the Syiemships were

elected from particular

  1. Geographical location
  2. Clan
  3. Moiety
  4. Phratry

25. Which of the following is not stratum identified by Ghansyam Shah among the

Chaudharis of Gujaat?

  1. Land lords
  2. Rich peasants
  3. Middle peasants
  4. Poor peasants

26. Which of the following is a wrong statement ?

During the classical age of Indian history

  1. The Brahmans were positioned on the top of social ladder
  2. The castes were multiplied at the middle order through pratiloma and at the lowest level through anuloma marriage
  3. New groups were incorporated at the Kshatriya level
  4. There was a rise and fall of mercantile community

27. Which of the following is a correct statement ?

  1. Both Varna and caste system of stratification are all-India phenomenon
  2. The Varnas are placed in a strict order whereas caste do not have any such order
  3. In real life situation Varna is more of a notion and caste is a social practice
  4. All of the above

28. Which of the following is an approach adopted for the study of caste and class in

India ?

  1. Interactional versus atributional
  2. Structural versus cultural
  3. Marxist versus functional
  4. All of the above

29. Louis Dumont describes caste hierarchy as a system based on

  1. Religious principle
  2. Political power
  3. Economic efficiency
  4. None of the above

30. Karl Marx explains Indian caste system a s a kind of system derived from

  1. Cultural and religious ideology
  2. Economic system
  3. Status formations
  4. Purity and pollution ideology

31. Which of the following is a criticism of the attributional approach to the study of

caste system?

  1. The caste ranking do not always correspond to the highness or lowness of the attributes
  2. It is not possible to put the attributes in an all-acceptable order
  3. The same attributes ranked differently in different situations
  4. All of the above

32. Who argued that castes stand in a ritual and secular hierarchy expressed in rules of


  1. Louis Dumont
  2. F.G.Bariley
  3. M.N.Srinivas
  4. G.S.Ghurye

33. From his field study Bailey reaches the conclusion that

  1. With an improvement in the political and economic status, castes tend to change their interaction pattern
  2. The mobility in the caste status is independent of political and economic factors
  3. There are certain attributes which are crucial in determining the status of a caste
  4. All of the above

34. Regulations regarding the acceptance and distribution of food is called as

  1. Ritual regulations
  2. Secular regulations
  3. Commensal regulations
  4. All of the above

35. Which of the following is a correct statement?

According to Louis Dumont

  1. Caste is not a form of stratification but a special form of inequality
  2. Relationship between castes take place on the basis of certain fundamental assumptions which contribute the essence of caste
  3. The values of hierarchy not only ranks people differently but also holds together the society
  4. All of the above

36. The process of sanskritisation results in the positional change of a caste group at the

  1. Local level
  2. Regional level
  3. National level
  4. All of the above

37. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar has converted to

  1. Jainism
  2. Islam
  3. Christianity
  4. Buddhism

38. In India the social frame work which is closely related to the organization of

production is based on

  1. Ethnicity
  2. Kinship
  3. Caste system
  4. All of the above

39. Between 1960 and 1965 the rate of growth of employment in the factories

  1. Declined drastically
  2. Increased drastically
  3. Remained the same
  4. None of the above

40. One of the main drawbacks of Indian labour movements is

  1. Lack of working class ideology
  2. Lack of class solidarity
  3. Both of the above
  4. None of the above

41. Which of the following groups canbe categorized as a new working class ?

  1. Scientists
  2. Manufacturers
  3. Traders
  4. Shopkeepers

42. Which of the following is not a theoretical approach adopted to the study of


  1. Sociological approach
  2. Psychological approach
  3. Dialectical approach
  4. Political approach

43. The elite approach to the study of social inequality is based on the proposition that

  1. A few govern the society regardless of class origin or political status
  2. The owners of means of production govern the society
  3. Both of the above
  4. None of the above

44. According to Weber an increasingly powerful elites in the modern societies is the

  1. Political elite
  2. High government officials
  3. Intellectual elite
  4. Business elite

45. Which of the following is a wrong match?

  1. B.B.Misra-the bureaucracy in India
  2. Edward Shils-elites in South Asia
  3. I.P.Desai-elites and society
  4. Akhileshwar Jha-intellectuals at cross road

46. The medium of instruction of the ruling class of the Mughal period was

  1. Sanskrit
  2. Persian
  3. Urdu
  4. Arabic

47. Select the wrong match

  1. B.V.Shah-students of colleges and university Of Baroda
  2. J.Dibona-Allahabad students
  3. B.G.Desai-high school students of Baroda, Gujarat
  4. Yogendra Singh-scheduled caste students of 13 States of India

48. Inter-class and intra-class mobility is seen in

  1. Horizontal mobility
  2. Vertical mobility
  3. Both of the above
  4. None of the above

49. Who opined that Britishers in India succeeded in altering the nature of class

circulation and not its social base?

  1. A.R.Desai
  2. Andre Beteille
  3. Yogendra Singh
  4. Utsa Patnaik

50. In the cultural domain of Indian society the process of change have been

conceptualised as

  1. Sanskritisation
  2. Conversion
  3. Cultural renaissance
  4. All of the above

Course Code : ESO-04

Assignment Code : ESO-04/ AST/2006

Bachelor’s Degree Programme




Elective Course in Sociology-04

(Social Stratification)

School of Social Sciences

Indira Gandhi National Open University

Maidan Garhi, New-Delhi-110068



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