Connected Person/Family and Friends

Report (Form C) England


The child

If the child is now living with you, briefly describe how you came to be caring for this child, including the date you were approached or offered to care, or how you came to be aware that the child is unable to live with their birth parents.
Describe your relationship with the child. How long have you known them? How well do you know them? Is the child used to visiting your home? What do you do when you spend time together?
Why do you think the child should live with you? If they are with you, how has it worked out so far?
What risks do you think might exist for the child, and how can you and your family keep them safe and secure?


What are your views about the arrangements that have been made for the child to have contact with their family and friends?
What can you offer to help contact work well for the child? What help or support do you need to do this?


Do you have your own worker to support you in your role? If so, has this been helpful? If not, would this be useful?
Have you been provided with written information about the child? If not, would this be useful?
Have you had the opportunity to meet with other members of your family to discuss this situation in a family group conference or other meeting? If not, would this be helpful?
Have you been offered training or a support group? If not, would this be helpful?
What help or support do you think you might need to help you or the child?
Do you have a good understanding of what will happen in the future about planning for the child’s care?
Have you been provided with written information about your role as a carer? If not, would this be useful? If you wish to be a foster carer, do you understand the expectations around supervision, training and record keeping?
Are you aware of where to go if you want advice from the local authority or independent advice?
Is there anything else you would like to say?
Name (Applicant 1)
Name (Applicant 2)


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