NACM/Association Name

Partnership Agreement for Dual Membership Discount

To assist court managers with their professional development and provide added value to current and future members of NACM and Association Name, the respective Boards of Directors of each association have agreed to the membership discounts outlined below. Members joining or renewing with both associations will receive a dues discount.

Individuals who are members of Association Name qualify for a 20% discounted NACM regular member membership rate. In turn, individuals who are members of NACM qualify for a ____% (must not be less than 10%) discounted Association Name membership rate.

The total amount of the discount for dual membership will be $ per year, shared byAssociation Nameand NACM as follows -

  • NACM agrees to a $25 (20%) discount for Association Name members who join NACM.
  • Association Name agrees to a $ (____%) discount for NACM members who join Association Name.

Without Discount:Discounted:

Association Name Regular Membership: $ $ (____%)

NACM Regular Membership: $125 $100 (20%)

Total Membership Dues: $ $ (___%)

As part of the Partnership Agreement, Association Name and NACM agree to advertise the dual membership discount to their members.

Current members:

  • Current Association Name members wishing to take advantage of the dual membership discount with NACM shall attach a copy of their current year Association Name dues receipt to their NACM invoice or application to receive the reduced NACM rate.
  • Current NACM members wishing to take advantage of the dual membership discount with Association Name shall attach a copy of their NACM receipt to their Association Name invoice or application to receive the reduced Association Name rate.

New members:

  • Individuals who are neither Association Name nor NACM members shall first join Association Name noting their intent to join NACM. The reduced Association Name rate will be honored and a receipt provided to attach to the NACM application to receive the NACM reduced membership rate.

As part of the Partnership Agreement, Association Name will receive the following additional benefits from NACM:

  • Complimentary listing as a Partner Association in the Court Manager, Court Express, NACM website and conference programs during the duration of this agreement
  • Access to the NACM membership database for Association Name (including email addresses)

-Requests can be made twice a year

-Send an email to

-Indicate that Association Namehas a dual membership agreement with NACM

-Include name and email address of person to whom the membership emails should be sent

-Email addresses are for a one-time use only and cannot be used for multiple emails

  • Complimentary distribution area at NACM annual conference for Association Name marketing materials

As part of the Partnership Agreement, NACM will receive the following additional benefits from Association Name:

  • Complimentary advertising on the Association Name website for the duration of this agreement or in an association publication (1/4 page, two per year of this agreement)
  • Access to the Association Name membership database (including email addresses)

-Requests can be made twice a year

-Send an email to ______.

-Indicate that NACM has a dual membership agreement with NACM

-Include name and email address of person to whom the membership emails should be sent

-Email addresses are for a one-time use only and cannot be used for multiple emails

  • Complimentary exhibitor booth space at Association Name conferences

The Agreement may be rescinded by NACM or Association Name upon 60 days written notice to the other party.


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Association Contact:

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NACM Contact:

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