District 11 Fall Meeting

September 19, 2006 6:30 pm

Edgewater East Motel

Minutes from the Spring meeting reviewed and a motions to accept the minutes without any changes from Gordon Thorne, 2nd by Dan Stauber. Motion made by Dan Dougherty to keep the league fees. 2nd by Gordon Thorne.

Speakers Steve Peterson re: Mens Adult League. Discussion 90 teams in the metro area. Mars and Hermantown currently hasmens leagues. As well as the Decc.

Mark Jorgenson – USA Hockey offers free website service to associations.

HEP – Parent and player education material can be ordered off the Minnesota Hockey website.

Schwans – Fundraising brochures handed out.

Mark showed the New Standard of Play video.



Districts Peewee B2 Silver Bay

Peewee B1 Moose Lake

Peewee A Hermantown

Bantam B Cloquet

Bantam ATwoHarbors.

Regions – Girls

U14a Proctor

U12a Mars-Duluth

U12b Silver Bay

State – U12B Cloquet

U14B Duluth

State Banquet discussed versus Breakfast. Breakfast must be served at 8am.

Season tournaments – Clark reminded everyone to have rules accompany your sanction forms and for those who are still using MAHA in your rules to change it to say Minnesota Hockey.

Criteria Proof of Insurance USA Team membership card

1 check for each sanction form sent in for tournaments. 8 and 6 game tournaments need official sanction forms.

A rule book should be on desk for easy access for tournament directors. If the teams books are incomplete you need to call Pete Hill (218-428-1497) or Clarke Coole (218-590-0703 or 218-728-8000 or 218-525-7402)

Lisa Buzinski it the contact person for tournaments in Hermantown.

Coaches Clinics will be held Dec 8-10, 06

If you need to get recertified for level 3 you can do this on the internet.

Girls Program

Cloquet U12B and 2 U10’s

Duluth U12B and U14 A

Moose Lake U12B and U10

PR/Her/Twig U12 and U10

Silver Bay U12B

Mite and Mini Mite Referees – games need USA Hockey sanctioned referees.

Riche Dille is the referee scheduler.

New Coaches screening and screening forms. Minnesota Hockey will email the District director and he will forward on those who have been approved to coach.

Criteria for Books was handed out they need to be in that order before Pete will sign the rosters.

Website information for District 11 is

Canadian Levels of play compare to ours

Canadian Us

A B2



All associations need to have an Ace Coordinator or their rosters will not be signed by the District Director

It is recommended that Girl U8 , Mini Mites and Mites use the Blue Pucks.

Helmet Policy –

While on the ice all coaches will where the helmet with the chin strap secured.


1st time – Warning

2nd time – 30 day suspension

3rd time – Hearing

Junior A Coaches are not required to wear helmets.

Residency Waivers – Refuse them. They can go to the District Director and Pete will handle it.

Girls League meeting in Eveleth Oct 20nd.

Boys League meeting at Daha October 15 at 5pm

Get Clarke the level and number of teams by October 9, 2006

Daha will be having all the mites together but split by ability.

Decision will be by Dec 20th at what level they are.

Advised to have squirts at only 35 games/scrimmages

Motion by Mike Guzzo to have the Bantam B at all one level during the regular season split evenly to the B1 and B2 level

2nd by Dan Stauber. Motion Carried.

Motion by Dan Stauber for the Peewee B to all play at the same level and split evenly to a B1 and B2 for playoffs.2nd by Pat Meiser. Vote 6-1 Motion Carried.

Squirt B

If an association has enough for 2 teams they are required to have an A team and a B team.

If their winning percentage is 750 you are to play the the Squirt A level for playoffs. This will be reviewed at the spring meeting.

Motion made for the above by Mike Guzzo 2nd by Terry Burn.

Vote 6-1

A motion by Mike Guzzo for the District to pay for Shari Olson to call to the Minnesota winter meeting , 2nd by Dan Dougherty

Vote 6-1 Motion Carried.

Motion made to adjourn by Pat Meisner 2nd by Mike Guzzo

Motion Carried
