Legislative Review and Recommendation Procedure
Section l. The Legislative Branch must approve each nomination of the NUSGA Committee Executive separately by a simple majority vote at the chair’s discretion. Should an officer not be approved, the Cabinet must provide another nominee and present the person for the confirmation process.
Section 2. The following are instituted as standing Legislative Committees of the NUSGA:
- Student Grievances Committee
1.The Co-Chairs of the Student Grievances Committee are responsible for
ensuring that all the duties of the committee are carried out.
2.The NUSGA Recording Secretary shall be one of the two Co-Chairs of the Student Grievances Committee.
3.The committee shall work with the Niagara University Academic Vice President and Student Life Vice President and the Director of Campus Activates in relaying the objections and grievances of the student body.
4.The committee shall monitor the Student Grievances box in LowerLevelGallagherCenter and deal with issues brought to their attention in a swift and deliberate manner.
5.The committee shall have the right to voice their opinion and report to NUSGA on any matter dealing with day to day life for matriculated undergraduate students at NiagaraUniversity.
B. Community Action Committee
- The co-chairs of the Community Action Committee shall report all matters concerning the local community, NUSGA alumni and relations with area schools.
- The NUSGA Vice President shall be one of the two Co-Chairs of the Community Action Committee
- The committee shall examine the needs of the surrounding community and meet those needs through community service projects.
- The committee shall work to build relationships with the surrounding community, and area universities.
- The committee shall keep updated records concerning community events and alumni information on file in the NUSGA office.
C. Production Committee
- The Production co-chairs are responsible for ensuring that all the duties of the Production Committee are carried out.
- The NUSGA Programming Director and one member of the Campus Programming Board shall be the Co-Chairs of the Production Committee
- The Committee shall report to the NUSGA all those matters that involve the production, programming, and publicity of a NUSGA-sponsored activity or lecture.
- The committee shall be responsible for all NUSGA programming on the campus of NiagaraUniversity.
- Constitutional Review Committee
- The Constitutional Review Co-Chairs are responsible for ensuring the duties of the Constitutional Review Committee are carried out.
- The NUSGA Parliamentarian shall be one of two committee Co-Chairs.
- The Committee shall keep an up-to-date NUSGA Constitution on file.
- The Committee shall meet at least once a semester to review any constitutional questions or controversies.
- The Committee shall recommend any changes to the NUSGA Constitution that they feel are necessary and proper to the NUSGA Cabinet and/or Legislative Branch.
- Finance Committee
- The Finance Co-Chairs are responsible for ensuring the duties of the Finance Committee are carried out.
- The NUSGA Treasurer shall be one of the two committee Co-Chairs.
- The committee shall keep a copy of the NUSGA Budget Rules on file in the NUSGA office and maintain copies for any member of the University community who request one.
- The committee shall be responsible for updating the NUSGA Budget Rules at least once every semester if they deem those changes to be necessary and proper to the NUSGA budget process.
- The committee shall assist the NUSGA Treasurer in the budget process that occurs in the beginning of each semester.
- Historical Committee
- The Historical Co-Chairs are responsible for ensuring the duties of the Historical Committee are carried out.
- The NUSGA Communications Director shall be one of the two committee Co-Chairs.
- The committee shall be responsible for keeping an accurate record of NUSGA’s past and chronicling the development of the organization over its existence.
- The committee shall be responsible for outreaching to former members of NUSGA in an effort widen the connection of past and present.
- Athletics Committee
- The Athletics Co-Chairs are responsible for ensuring the duties or the Athletics Committee is carried out.
- The Athletics Committee shall report to the NUSGA all matters concerning athletics at Niagara University and is required to keep updated Club and Division I schedules on file in the NUSGA office.
- The Committee shall work closely with the direction of Recreational and Intramural Sports and the Director of Athletics for NiagaraUniversity by relaying student positions on relevant athletic issues
- The Committee shall have one member at the Student Athletic Advisory Committee general meetings run by the Athletic Department
- The Committee shall aid the Niagara University Athletic Department and the Campus Activities Office in organizing student participation at sporting events and support in both Division I and Club Athletics.
Section 3. Committee Membership
- Membership of all Standing committees shall consist of at least 8 matriculating undergraduate students (2 co-chairs, 6 members).
- Nominations of chairpersons and other membership of the standing committees will be presented by the NUSGA Cabinet to the Legislative Branch of the NUSGA for confirmation by a simple majority vote at the Chair’s discretion.
- There will be two co-chairs appointed by the Cabinet for each committee.
- One NUSGA Cabinet Member or other member of NUSGA
- One at-large member of the matriculated undergraduate population
- Every NUSGA delegate must be a member of one committee, with no more than three delegates from the same class serving on the same committee.
Section 4. Additional Student Representation.
- The Pro Tempore Delegation
- The Pro Tempore Delegation will consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Two Senators
- The Pro Tempore Delegation will be appointed by the President of the NUSGA Legislative Branch, and confirmed by the Legislative Branch of the NUSGA.
- The Pro Tempore Delegation will serve as the Freshman Delegation to the NUSGA Legislative Branch until the election of the incoming Freshman class delegation, and will be responsible for the welfare of the Freshman Class for the time.
B. University Judicial Board (UJB)
- Two representatives will be chosen in a campus wide election, and are directly accountable to the UJB Chairperson
- In the event that this position becomes vacant, the new position must be filled by the NUSGA President, in conjunction with the NUSGA Cabinet.
- Academic Senate
- Two representatives will be chosen in a campus-wide election, and are directly accountable to the chairperson of the Academic Senate.
- In the event that this position becomes vacant, the NUSGA President, in conjunction with the NUSGA Cabinet, must fill the new position.
Section 5. Filling Vacancies and Non Expired Terms
A. In the event that an appointed member of the NUSGA is not able to fill his/her position, the President of the NUSGA will nominate another member to the position. The nominee’s name must be delivered to the Parliamentarian of the NUSGA no later than one week after the time of the original member’s resignation from the NUSGA, at which time, the name will be placed on new business for the next general legislative session of the NUSGA. The nomination must be confirmed by a simple majority vote of the members present at this meeting.
Section 6. The Legislative Process
- All legislation, programs and Executive Branch reports containing legislation shall be sent to the appropriate legislative committee at the time of introduction on the floor to the Legislative Branch. The appropriate committee will conduct an open meeting at which the principles of the motion committee may state their views concerning the motion and answer questions. The committee will report the bill, with its recommendations; back to the Legislative Branch at the next regularly scheduled general legislative session. At this time, debate on the measure as introduced will be undertaken, and final consideration will take place.
- If agreed upon by a three quarter majority of the present voting membership of the NUSGA Legislative Branch, legislation may be debated immediately upon submission to the Legislative Branch without commission to the appropriate legislative committee.
Article II-Duties of the Membership
Section 1. The Class Officers
A. The President
- The President shall act as the official representative, and the chief presiding officer for their respective classes.
- The President shall represent his/her respective classes’ activities to the NUSGA.
- The President shall present the NUSGA’s views, issues and positions to his/her respective classes.
B. The Vice President
- The Vice-President shall preside at the meetings of the NUSGA at which the Class President is absent.
- In the temporary absence of the Class President, the Vice-President shall be come acting Class President with all of the duties of that office.
- The Vice President shall assist the Class President in all responsibilities pertaining to the class.
C. The Treasurer
- The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial affairs of the respective class, in conjunction with the ClassAdvisor.
- The Treasure shall monitor all monetary transactions.
D. The Secretary
- The Secretary is responsible for the coordination and dissemination of all correspondence and media relating to respective class events.
- The Secretary of each delegation must submit a copy of the minutes of each of their weekly meetings to the Recording Secretary of the NUSGA to increase communication between the NUSGA Cabinet and the class delegations.
Section 2. The Senators
- Senators are required to represent their constituency to the fullest extent through the development and administration of programming and student issue surveys, to be distributed twice each semester.
- All members shall develop a set of goals that they hope to reach and/or accomplishments they hope to complete by the end of the academic year. These are to be collected by the Vice President of Cabinet at the second general legislative session the NUSGA and will be kept on file in the NUSGA office. These will be used during periodic performance appraisals conducted by the President and Vice President of the NUSGA.
Section 3. Commuter Representatives (CR)
- Four of the Five CR’s shall be responsible for the duties outlined in Article II, Section 2 of the NUSGA Bylaws.
- One of the CR’s shall be appointed by the NUSGA President to serve as the Commuter RepresentativePrincipal, with the duties outlined in Article II, Section 1, Sub-Section A of the NUSGA Bylaws.
- The CR’s shall be responsible for relaying relative commuter student concerns to the NUSGA.
- The CR’s shall be responsible for relaying relative NUSGA and University concerns to commuter students.
- The CR’s shall be aware of and maintain a proper balance and harmony between the surrounding communities, Niagara University, and its students.
Section 4. Legislative Body Duties
- All members of the Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Delegations are required to sit office hours each week. Each delegate and class officer will sign up at the beginning of each semester for one-hour period per week to assist the NUSGA Cabinet in the day-to-day administrative operations.
- All members of the Legislative Branch shall check their mailboxes everyday. Prompt replies are expected.
- All members of the Legislative Branch shall alert the Recording Secretary of any planned absence from a general NUSGA meeting by no later than three days before said meeting.
Section 5. Appropriate Dress
- The following items may not be worn at any NUSGA meeting:
- Sneakers, Flip-flops, Slippers
- Hats
- Sweatpants, Sweatshirts, “hoodies”, T-shirts
- Unless these items are promotional NUSGA attire to be worn for a limited or reasonable length of time.
- In the event that these items are worn the remainder of dress should attempt to conform to NUSGA’s appropriate dress.
- Jeans or jean material
- Shorts of any kind
- Any clothing with holes, rips, or tears
- Any clothing that does not have sleeves
- This type of clothing may be worn women if it is accompanied by a light jacket, sweater, etc to cover the shoulders.
- The following are recommendations for dress at NUSGA meetings:
- General
- Belts on pants with belt loops.
- Skirts of appropriate and professional length.
- All clothing should be worn in good taste.
- If sandals are to be worn they must have a heel strap.
- Men’s Dress
- Khakis or dress pants
- Collared shirt- button down or polo
- Dress shoes
- Women’s’ Warm Weather Dress
- Dress shirt or tank top with clothing covering shoulders
- Dress pants or skirt of appropriate length
- Dress shoes or dress sandals
- Women’s’ Cold Weather Dress
- Dress shirt or sweater
- Khakis, dress pants, long skirt
- Dress shoes or dress boots
- Budget Meeting Dress
- Business Suit for Men
- Business Suit for Women with pants or skirt
- Ties required for men
- No Polos
- No Khakis
- No Promotional Wear
- No sandals
- All decisions of appropriate dress fall on the discretion of the Parliamentarian.
- The Parliamentarian may be instructed to rule on dress of any member by another member of the Executive Board or Legislative Body.
- If the Parliamentarian is not notified prior to the start of the meeting of relevant cause for inappropriate dress the member of NUSGA will be asked to remove themselves from their delegation with loss of vote and be ruled as absent.
- This member will be asked to sit in the non-voting section of NUSGA and expected to remain for the entire Legislative Session.
- All clubs and club sports that wish to address NUSGA must also follow these appropriate dress guidelines. If a club or club sport is listed on the agenda and does not follow these guidelines their issue will be tabled until the next general NUSGA meeting. If a club or club sport does not follow the appropriate dress guidelines at a Budget Meeting their budget will be tabled with a 0% deduction.
Article III – Administrative Operations.
Section l. Meeting Time
- The NUSGA Legislative Branch shall meet as often as the Cabinet or the presiding officer deems necessary. A meeting can be called by any delegate of the NUSGA. It is the responsibility of this delegate to have a quorum and at least four (4) Cabinet members present.
- The NUSGA Cabinet shall determine the time, date, and place of the general legislative sessions of each academic year.
Section 2. Amending the Bylaws
- Amendments to, or suspensions of the Bylaws may be made by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the present voting membership of the NUSGA Senate.
Section 3. New Business
- Any new business that a voting member of the NUSGA wishes to submit must be delivered to the Parliamentarian in writing by 5:00pm three (3) days prior to the day designated for the general legislative sessions.
Article IV – Impeachment
Section 1. Reason for Impeachment
- Attendance: Absence from three (3) regularly schedule meetings per semester. The member will be expelled for the duration of his/her term if agreed upon by a 2/3 majority of the NUSGA voting members.
- If a member arrives after a general legislative session is called to order, they are deemed late.
- One (1) “late” is equivalent to one absence.
- If a voting member of the NUSGA plans on being absent, he/she must complete and submit a NUSGA absence form to the Parliamentarian before 5:00pm three (3) days prior to the day designated for the general legislative sessions.
- Failure to perform duties as chairperson or member will automatically subject the individual to dismissal from his/her committee or position.
- Failure to act in a manner consistent with the mandates established in the “Code of Conduct,” Article V, Section 3 of the NUSGA Constitution, subjects the member to impeachment.
Section 2. Procedure for Impeachment
- If a member of the NUSGA wishes to bring charges against another member of the NUSGA, he/she must delineate the charges in writing, and they must be forwarded to the President of the NUSGA for further consideration.
- The NUSGA President, in conjunction with the Cabinet, must make every attempt to address the matter as promptly as possible.
- Following receipt of the charges in writing, deliberation at a Cabinet meeting will determine if sufficient reason exists to refer this case to the Legislative Branch for further recommendation.
- The accused will be notified of the charges and specification in writing at least three (3) days before the judgment on the charges is made at a closed NUSGA meeting.
- A member designated by the President of the NUSGA shall read documentation of the charges against the accused at the impeachment proceedings.
- At this meeting of the NUSGA Legislative Branch, the accused must be permitted to offer testimony and answer questions relating to the charges pending against him/her.
- The NUSGA must allow witnesses to be called who can answer direction to the charges pending against the accused.
- The decision shall be determined by a 2/3 vote in a secret ballot of those members present in the NUSGA Legislative Branch to determine whether or not the member shall or shall not be found guilty of the charges.
- The sanctions, as outlined in Article IV, Section 3 of the NUSGA Bylaws, are also to be decided by the Legislative Branch of the NUSGA according to the aforementioned legislative procedure.
- Appeals may be forwarded to the Director of Campus Activities in cases where it can be specifically demonstrated by the accused that:
- A prejudicial error was committed depriving the member of a fair hearing.
- Newly discovered evidence is available which could not have been produced at the hearing.
- There is a flagrant discrepancy between the violation and resulting sanction.
- Any member of the NUSGA may consult with a Student Life administrator at any time, in an attempt to determine whether it is necessary to take further action, with regards to their specific case.
- Only one member may be brought up for impeachment at a time.
- Any violation of University Policy will result in the referral of the particular case to the Office of Student Affairs for resolution.
Section 3. Sanctions
- An impeached person is not allowed to serve in any official NUSGA capacity for a least one-year’s duration.
- The following options may be adopted formally as an alternative to impeachment if agreed upon collectively by a simple majority vote in a secret ballot only of the Legislative Branch of the NUSGA.
- Official Censure. This is a formal reprimand, whereby the accused shall submit an official letter of apology to each individual of both branches of the NUSGA, describing specifically the charges and nature of his/her actions.
- Informal Apology: This is a verbal apology to the members of the NUSGA, publicly indicating the charges against the accused and describing specifically the nature of his/her actions.
- Each of these, if decided upon by the Legislative Branch of the NUSGA as an appropriate action to take, must be delivered to the NUSGA Legislative Branch at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Article V – Procedure for Nomination