Name and Address : Dr. V. GOPAL
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Assistant Director,
Centre for Publications & Extension Services (Prasaaraanga)
Phone No.(08570) 202598 (O)
Fax No. 91-08570-278230; Mobile: 094900 51969
Email –
Permanent Address : Dr. V. Gopal, S/o Late. V.Satyanarayana
D.No.5-4-91, Nayabadi,
Yellareddy, Post & TQ
Nizamabad – District (503 122), A.P.
Date of Birth : 10th April, 1965
I. Educational Qualifications:
1. Ph.D. (Linguistics): Title of the Thesis: Problems of Learning Telugu as
a Second Language – A Study on Banjara People.
Area of Focus: The Problems and Perspectives of Banjara People – Telangana Zone - (2008) from P.S.Telugu University, Hyderabad.
2. M.Phil. (Applied Linguistics):
Title of the Dissertation: Socio – Linguistics – study of Banjara (1996) Recipient of Gold Medal.
· Area of Specialization: The Impact of Maharastra People on Telugu Language – 1996 from P.S.Telugu University, Hyderabad.
3. M.A. (Applied Linguistics): Passed with first Class from P.S.Telugu University, Hyderabad (1994) Recipient of Gold Medal.
· Specialization: Applied Linguistics
· Other Subjects: Lexicography & Morphology and Phonetics
4. Diploma in Computers : A Post Graduate Diploma in Computer
II. Academic Achievements:
· I was the only Double-Gold Medalist in Applied linguistics in the history of P.S.Telugu University, Hyderabad.
III. Teaching Experience: 10 Years.
1. Teaching Assistant From 1998 - 2009 to till the date of joining as Assistant Director at Publications.
IV. Research Experience: 17 Years
(Including M.Phil & Ph.D)
V. Orientation Programme: 72nd Orientation Programme, 30th July to 30th August, 2012 at UGC Academic Staff College, Osmania University, Hyderabad 500 007.
VI. Workshops Participated (National) : 5
1. Participated National Seminar-cum-workshop on ‘Preparation of Material for Teaching Telugu as second Language to Hindi Speakers’ at P.S.Telugu University, Hyderabad (from-25th to 28th March 2008).
2. Participated National workshop on ‘English –Telugu Electronic Dictionary for Machine Translation” (First Phase) at P.S. Telugu University, Hyderabad and Anusarak Project, IITK Centre and the University of Hyderabad from 18th to 28th May, 1999.
3. Participated National workshop on ‘English – Telugu Electronic Dictionary for Machine Translation’ (Second Phase) at P.S. Telugu University, Hyderabad (from 19th to 31st July 1999).
4. Participated National Seminar – cum – workshop on Language planning for Administration: Technical Terms at P.S.Telugu University (5th to 10th Feb 1996). Basic Administrative Terminology in Telugu.
5. Participated National Workshop on Language Planning: Modernization at P.S.Telugu University (13th to 16th March 1995)
VII. Publications:
Books: 1
1. Telugu Bhasadhyayanamulo Lambadi Vidyarthula Samasyalu – Parishkaralu. Dravidian University Publication, 2010. ISBN 978-93-81112-09-0
VIII. Editorial Board Member: 5
1. Editor and writer for preparing Telugu text book at Secondary and Higher Secondary level as per Maharashtra state curriculum framework for std 11th –2012
2. Editor and writer for preparing Telugu Text book at Secondary and Higher Secondary level as per Maharashtra state curriculum framework for std X – 2011-2012.
3. Assistant Editor – Vajrakosam (Telugu Dictionary), Dravidian University Publications, ISBN No: 978-93-81112-17-5.
4. Assistant Editor – Dravidian Studies: A Quarterly Research Journal in English, Dravidian University, ISSN No.0976-5182. (2011 to 2012)
5. Assistant Editor – DRAVIDI: A Quarterly research journal in Telugu – Dravidian University. (2011 - 2012)
IX. Projects: 2
1. Non- Andhra’s and their Socio – Cultural History: A. Survey. (In Progress)
2. Collection Telugu Literary Poets, Artist and Writers and Their Bio-data and Photos. (In Progress)
X. Articles /Papers Published 4
1 “Telugu Prachurana Avirbhava Vikasalu”, Telugu Vaani (International journal) 4th World Telugu Conference, Tirupati, Special Issue 2012 (ISBN No.81-86073-373-7)
2 “Telugu Prachurana Charitra” Prachurana Kala – Nirvahana Naipunyam, Edited by Prof. D.V.Sravan Kumar, and published by Centre for Publications and Extension Services, Dravidian University, Kuppam 2012 (ISBN No.978-93-8112-45-8)
3 “Telugu Bhashadhyayanmulo Lambadi Vidhyarthula Samasyalu Parishkaralu”, Aadunika Samajamlo Girujana Bhasha, Samskruthulu Edited by Dr. B. Tirupathi, and published by Centre for Publications and Extension Services, Dravidian University, Kuppam, 2012 (ISBN No.978-93-81112-53-3)
4 Problems of Lambadi Students in Learning Telugu Language: Their Solutions. Dravidian Studies, a Quarterly Research journal, Dravidian University, Kuppam, Vol. VIII, No.1-1-2, January - 2011, (ISSN No.0976-5182)
XI. International & National Conference: 02
1. 2012: Deputed to the Dept. of Culture, Hyderabad, attended official work relating to the 4th World Telugu Conference at Tirupati from 27th to 29th December – 2012.
2. 2012: A Three day National Conference on the Emerging Trends in Expectations for Generation Libraries Andhra Pradesh Library conference, Organized by central library, Dravidian University, Kuppam 24th – 26th February 2012.
XII. Seminars – Papers Presented: 09
National :
1. 2012: National Seminar on Mahakavi Gurajada Apparao 150th Birthday Celebrations, Organized by Yogivemana University, Kadapa, Cultural Affairs Department of A.P and P.S.Telugu University, Hyderabad 21st September 2012.
Paper: Vyavaharika Bhashodyama Karthaga Gurujada
2. 2012: National Seminar on “Folk Theatre Performance and its Variation” Organized by the TORCH at Mahaboobnagar 25th and 26th March, 2012
Paper: Janapada Pradarshana Kalalu – Gollasuddulu – Pradarshana vidhanam.
3. 2012: A Two day National Seminar on Promoting Education in Human values through innovative approaches in schools, Organized by the Dept. of Education and Human Resource Development, Dravidian University, January 5th & 6th, 2012.
Paper: Place of Human values in the School Curriculum.
4. 2011: A Two Day National Seminar on Veayi Padagalu – Adhyayan Avasyakata Organized by the Department of Telugu & Translation Studies, Dravidian University, 2nd and 3rd December 2011.
Paper: Veayi Padagalu – Manava Prapancham.
5. 2011: A Two day national seminar on Art of Publications management skills, Organized by the Centre for Publications & Extension Services, Dravidian University, 17th 18th August 2011. Paper: Telugu Prachuranala Charitra.
6. 2010: A Two day National Seminar On Tribal Language and Culture in Modern Society, Organized by The Dept. of Telugu, Dravidian University 21st to 22nd, Sept, 2010.
Paper: Telugu Bhasadyayanamulo: Lambadi Vidyarthula Samasyalu – Parishkaralu.
7. 2010: A One-day National Seminar on P.S.Kasipandian contributions to Dravidianism 19th of October 2010. Dravidian University, Kupppam.
Paper: Tribal Culture With Special Reference to Lambadi People in Nizamabad District.
8. 2010: A Three day National Conference on the eve of Bidecennial Celebrations conducted by FOSSILS Organized by The Dept. of Folk-lore, Dravidian University, 8th to 10th April, 2010. Paper: Bhodana Bhasaga Telugu – Banjaravidyarthula samasyalu.
9. 2008: National Seminar on Sri Narayana guru’s ‘Social Reform Movements in South India’ Organized by Dept. of CDL & Philosophy, Dravidian University, Kuppam on 28th & 29th of November, 2008
Paper: Reforms of Sri Narayana guru: A Reflection on Tribal Culture.
XIII. Seminar Participated:
Participated in Language Planning for Administration Technical Terms, Organized by Central Institute of Indian Language, Mysore, Held from 25th to 28th of March 2008.
XIV. Other Academic Achievements:
1. Worked as Assistant for bringing out “Telugu Vaani” (Special Edition) on the eve of 5th All India Telugu Conference at Chennai – 2007
2. Participated in 4th World Telugu Conference from 27th December 2012 to 29th December 2012.
XV. Extension Activities:
1. Deputed to Department of Culture A.P to Co-ordinate the 4th World Telugu Conference from 27th to 29th December 2012.
2. Deputy Warden for Boys Hostel at Dravidian University, 30th April 2010 to July – 2011.
3. Participated as Municipality Resource Person in the preparation of Micro – Plan during Janmabhomi – 3rd to 12th June 2000.
XVI. Inspection Committee Member: SDCE Study Centers:
1. Tadepally Gudem West Godavari Dist., 9th Sept.2010.
2. Vijayawada, Krishna Dist., 9th Sept., 2010.
3. Bangalore, 27th July, 2010.
4. West Mednapur, West Bengal, 25th May 2010. etc..
XVII. Observer Duties:
1. UG & PG SDCE, Examinations, August, 2012, 30th August to 24th September 2012
2. P.G Degree II & III Semester, Five year Integrated II, IV, VI, VII Semester and three year U.G Degree Examinations – 9th May 2011
3. SDCE UG and PG Supplementary Exams-22nd Jan 2011 to 19th Feb 2011.
4. SDCE UG and PG Exams – 3rd Jan 2011 to 18th Feb 2011. etc..
XVIII. Invigilation Duties:
1. I CET – 2012 Exam – 18th May 2012, Dravidian University Campus.
2. Dravidian University Semester Exams – 19th to 31st December, 2011.
3. DUCET, 2010 (M.Phil/Ph.D) Entrance Examinations on 20 November - 2011)
4. Distance Education Examinations, held from 16th to 25th October, 2008.etc..
XIX. Membership in Different Bodies:
1. Editorial Board member – Publications, Dravidian University.
- Assistant Editor – Vajrakosam (Telugu Dictionary), Dravidian University Publications, ISBN No: 978-93-81112-17-5
- Editor and Writer Yuvabharathi - 11th Standard - Maharashtra State Board of Higher Secondary Education, Pune. (2012)
- Editor and Writer for Telugu Text Book 10th Standard - Maharashtra State Board of Secondary Education, Pune. (2012-2013)
- Assistant Editor – Dravidian Studies, A Quarterly Journal in English, ISSN No: 0976-5182 (2011 to 2012)
- Assistant Editor – Dravidi, A Quarterly Journal in Telugu. (2011 – 2012)
2. Member of Anti Ragging Committee, Dravidian University, Kuppam. 2009 & 2010.
3. President – Old Students Association, Potti Sree Ramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad.