Section 1003 (g) of the

Elementary and Secondary Education Act

FY 2012


Alabama Department of Education

Federal Programs

5348 Gordon Persons Building

P.O. Box 302101

Montgomery, Alabama 36130-2101

For technical assistance, contact Marcus Vandiver at:

Telephone: (334) 242-8199

Fax: (334) 242-0496


This School Improvement Grant Application document is for Local Education Agencies and Schools submitting the Local Education Agency and School Application. Please adhere to the criteria below:



PART I - Indicate data sources used during planning by identifying strengths and weaknesses or program gaps. If the LEA and/or school did not review a particular data source, please write N/A. LEA improvement goals should address program gaps (weaknesses) as they relate to student achievement. Close attention should be given to the proficiency index. Please include all disaggregated subgroups including those with less than forty students.

(Duplicate and complete for each TIER I and TIER II school)


Briefly describe the process the LEA contact and school leadership team used to conduct the needs assessment (analysis of all data).
In October of 2010, the school leadership team and school staff, assembled in a meeting to disaggregate standardized assessment data, Pride survey data, School Incident Report data, Career and Technical Education Improvement Plan data and other local data. Additionally, the school leadership team met to review and suggest strategies, professional development, and budget requirements for the CIP plan. The leadership team met with selected parents to explain the purpose of the CIP and to gather input from these parents as far as areas that the parents would like to see the school focus on during the coming school year during a Parent Advisory Council Meeting. At completion of draft, faculty and staff reviewed it and had the opportunity to suggest modifications if needed. The CIP for the 2010-2011 school year will be published and shared at District and Parent First meetings. Requested modifications will be examined and decisions made by school leadership team and faculty/staff. The finalized CIP will be sent to the district school board for approval and signatures.
Highly Qualified Teachers (HQT): Describe how staffing decisions ensure that highly qualified, well-trained teachers provide instruction and
how their assignments most effectively address identified academic needs.
Teachers are recruited and hired based on appropriate SDE certification and highly qualified status. Highly qualified teachers are equitably assigned based their certification and highly qualified status and school academic needs. Staffing practices are a collaborative effort between central office and school staff. New teachers are supported by a mentor teacher and participate in on-going professional learning to ensure that all students receive quality instruction. / Weaknesses:
School Administrator and Special Services Evaluation
Strengths: / Weaknesses:
Educate Alabama – Teacher Evaluation
In 2009-2010 Tarrant City Schools evaluated teachers with a local system instrument approved by SDE. During the summer of 2010 administrators and teachers were trained on the new formative evaluation system, Educate AL, and its guidelines. The P.D. provided by SDE, and the system's preparation for the implementation of Educate Alabama has proven to be a strength / Weaknesses:
Self assessments used to help our system determine areas of focus with the new evaluation system revealed a continued need in the areas of culture and climate (indicator 2.2), and the ability to measure student progress through summative and formative assessment (indicators 2.8, 2.9).
School Technology Plan
Impact Survey strengths:
85% of Tarrant High School students will use a laptop throughout the day to enhance classroom learning and to prepare students for participation in the global community this year.
80% of teachers and administrators of the Tarrant City School system will become technology proficient through regular participation in professional development.
70% of instructional spaces, library media centers, and administrative offices will have adequate bandwidth to support the needs of administrators, teachers, school staff, and students throughout the school day.
80% of our teachers will use technology resources such as projectors, clickers, interactive boards, computer software, etc. to enhance classroom instruction.
The Tarrant City School System's website will be regularly up-dated to provide accurate information and communicate with parents, students, and stakeholders.
All core teachers will have elmos and projectors additionally tenth grade students will have access to IPOD touches and to create podcasts and access the web at home. / Weaknesses:
Impact Survey Weaknesses:
15% of Tarrant High School students did not access laptops throughout the day.
20% of the teachers and administrators of the Tarrant City School System did not become technology proficient.
30% of instructional spaces, library media centers, and administrative offices did not have adequate bandwidth to support the needs of administrators, teachers, school staff, and students throughout the school day.
20% of the teachers did not utilize technology resources such as projectors, clickers, interactive boards, computer software, etc. to enhance classroom instruction due to personal abilities and comfort levels with technology.
100% of teacher and student computers are 4 years old or older
Career and Technical Education Program Improvement Plan
100% Career and Technical Educational staff are certified. / Weaknesses:
Career Tech program to be scaled back in January. At that time we will close the carpentry program due to funding and lack of student participation.
Other Education Plans (e.g. Alabama Alternate Assessment)
N/A - No students participated in AAA in grades 10-12. / Weaknesses:
N/A - No students participated in AAA in grades 10-12.

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Alabama High School Graduation Examination (AHSGE)
64% of eleventh graders passed the reading section of the spring 2010 AHSGE.
63% of eleventh graders passed the reading section of the spring 2011 AHSGE.
62% of eleventh graders passed the math section of the spring 2010 AHSGE.
75% of eleventh graders passed the math section of the spring 2011 AHSGE. / Weaknesses:
36% of eleventh graders failed the reading section of the spring 2010 AHSGE.
37% of eleventh graders failed the reading section of the spring 2011 AHSGE.
38% of eleventh graders failed the math section of the spring 2010 AHSGE.
25% of eleventh graders failed the math section of the spring 2011 AHSGE.
Alabama Reading and Mathematics Test (ARMT)
N/A / Weaknesses:
Alabama Science Assessment (ASA)
N/A / Weaknesses:
Stanford 10
N/A / Weaknesses:

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Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS)
N/A / Weaknesses:
Alabama Direct Assessment of Writing (ADAW)
64% of students scored an achievement level III, meets standards, when writing from a narrative prompt.
69% of students scored on a level III when writing from an expository prompt.
These figures according to the 04/2010 test data. / Weaknesses:
15% of Tarrant High School students scored achievement level I and 54% earned a level II when writing from a persuasive prompt.
ACCESS for English Language Learners (ELs)
60% scored a Level 4.0 or higher in the writing domain
20% of the EL students in 10-12 exited the EL program according to ACCESS 2010
80% scored a Level 6 in the speaking domain / Weaknesses:
60% of students scored a Level 3.0 or below in the reading and listening domains
Additional Assessments (e.g. Alabama Alternate Assessment)
N/A - No students participated in AAA in grades 10-12. / Weaknesses:
N/A - No students participated in AAA in grades 10-12.
Local Assessments (e.g. LEA, school. and grade-level assessments, program specific assessments)
Tarrant administered the ADAW to every grade level student, 2009-2010.
37 % of eleventh graders scored an achievement level III, meeting standards when given a narrative writing prompt, 23% of eleventh grade students scored an achievement level IV, exceeding standards when given a narrative writing prompt. 44% of twelfth graders scored an achievement level IV on expository text. 32% of twelfth graders scored an achievement level III on narrative writing prompts. / Weaknesses:
45% of twelfth grade students scored an achievement level II, partially meeting standards when given a persuasive writing prompt. 33% of eleventh grade students scored an achievement level II, partially meeting standard, when given an expository and narrative prompt.

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School Demographic Information related to student discipline (e.g. total office referrals, long- and short-term suspensions, expulsions, alternative school placements, and School Incidence Report (SIR) data).
Compared to the 08-09 SIR report there was a 66 percent decrease in total incidents on the 09-10 SIR report. / Weaknesses:
.09-10 SIR report shows that fighting was the primary disciplinary problem with a total of 66 incidents.
.09-10 SIR report indicates that defiance of authority was another problematic area with a total of 43 incidents.
83% of Tarrant High School teachers indicated a need for professional development in classroom management, discipline, and human relations on the Tarrant City Schools Title II Professional Learning Survey 2010.
School Demographic Information related to drop-out information and graduation rate data.
Credit recovery program being used to keep students on track for on-time graduation.
.Student-parent conferences held on regular basis to keep students on track for on-time graduation.
.Intervention classes on schedule for students needing a section or sections of the AHSGE.
The school employs a graduation coach and conducts AHSGE goal setting sessions with students following their tenth grade year.
Supplemental Educational Services are available for THS Students. / Weaknesses:
20% of 2009-2010 of the senior class did not meet minimum requirements for credit-based diploma in order to graduate on time.
School Demographic Information related to teacher attendance, teacher turnover, or challenges associated with a high percent of new and/or inexperienced faculty.
94% of Tarrant High School staff is highly qualified.
The Employee Leave Report Data for 2009 shows only 22% usage of eligible sick leave time.
Tarrant High School retained 66% of the school's teaching staff including special education / Weaknesses:
The Employee Leave Report Data for 2009 shows 53% usage of eligible personal leave time.
Tarrant High School will have 34% new and/or inexperienced faculty for the 2010-2011 school year.
School Demographic Information related to student attendance, patterns of student tardiness, early checkouts, late enrollments, high number of transfers, and/or transiency including migratory moves (if applicable).
During the 2009-2010 school year 238 out of 300 students had less than 5 absences, 79% of total student population. / Weaknesses:
During the 2009-2010 school year, 62 out of 300 students had more than 5 absences, which were referred to early warning court, 21% of total school population.
School Perception Information related to parent perceptions and parent needs including information about literacy and education levels.
Parent Perceptions (of the surveys returned):
According to the Title I Parent Survey, 55% of parents feel that they know and play an active role in their child's academic goals. / Weaknesses:
Yearly enrollment reduction due to transfers to various school districts.

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School Perception Information related to student PRIDE data.
77.7% of students perceive tobacco as harmful or very harmful.
.72.5% of students perceive alcohol as a moderate or great risk.
.76.9% of students perceive marijuana as harmful or very harmful / Weaknesses:
.11.614 was the average age of first usage of tobacco.
.10.906 was the average age of first usage of alcohol.
.11.880 was the average age of first usage of marijuana.
School Process Information related to an analysis of existing curricula focused on helping English Language Learners (ELLs) work toward attaining proficiency in annual measurable academic objectives (AMAOs).
In collaboration with the classroom teacher the EL teacher used the SIOP lesson plan method to model lesson plans, provide extra sensory, graphic, and interactive support.
.Used ACCESS ELP standards and WIDA "Can-Do Descriptors" to implement instructional strategies. The ELP standards are the starting and ending points in the curriculum.
.EL students are enrolled in READ 180/AHSGE Remediation to help with reading comprehension.
Beginning AHSGE grammar prep started in 9th grade.
A Newcomer's Program is available to students new to the US.
Professional Development for teachers on interpreting student ACCESS scores and how to use these scores to implement strategies in their curriculum.
Podcasts were used to give students more in-depth information on content.
Bilingual texts and teacher were available for students. / Weaknesses:
Continued staff development is needed targeted towards WIDA instructional strategies to scaffold learning for EL students and make content more comprehensible.
Teachers need more professional development on accommodating EL's in the classroom.
School Process Information related to an analysis of existing personnel focused on helping English Language Learners (ELLs) work toward attaining proficiency in annual measurable academic objectives (AMAOs).
Use of certified EL master's level, highly qualified teacher for Tarrant Middle/High School.
.Parent Meetings implemented by EL teacher to inform parents of academic language proficiency, and social interactions.
.Free Parent EL classes are available.
Provide bilingual peer tutoring. / Weaknesses:
More Professional Development for teachers understanding the importance of accommodating work and tests for ELs so the content is comprehensible and language is not the barrier to learning new concepts.
The school demonstrates a need for cultural awareness to increase student achievement and lower the student's affective filter.
Make counseling available for EL parents so they know their child's graduation options.
School Process Information uncovered by an analysis of curriculum alignment, instructional materials, instructional strategies, reform strategies, and/or extended learning opportunities.
Grade-level assessments in content areas are developed and administered based on content standard.
.The core areas include English Language Arts, Reading, Social Studies, Science, and Math.
.Read 180 assessment data is used to establish students grade reading levels.
.The use of Plato computer program is used as credit recovery / Weaknesses:
Some students who are in need of invention have schedule conflicts due to core requirements and time restraints.
Interventionist to address reading and math deficiencies not available every period.
Lack of parental involvement to extend learning opportunities through outreach programs, family nights, and reading opportunities.
Other School Culture-Related Data.
Strengths: / Weaknesses:

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