World Language
Assessment/Activity Worksheet
LEVEL: / Novice LowStrand: / Connections
Standard: / Knowledge
Level of Proficiency/Domain: / Novice Low
Benchmark: / 3.1.N.a: Reinforce previously learned content knowledge through the
target language.
Assessment/Activities (before, during, after):
Does not apply
Does not apply
Does not apply
Learning Activities/Facts/Information:
Recommendation: Collaborate with academic teachers to compile a list of key academic content that best relates and is most useful to learn in the target language.Possible topics:
Kindergarten – First Grade
– counting 1-100
– colors
– animal needs
– writing words
– flags representing a country
– skill of describing
– community helpers
– familiar holiday with different traditions (i.e. Christmas in Mexico, Christmas in Puerto Rico)
Second – Third Grade
– counting 100-1,000
– adding and subtracting
– weather and climate
– writing short phrases
– animal habitats
– geography of 1 country
– measuring using metric scale
– unfamiliar holiday (i.e. Día de los Muertos, Los Reyes Magos)
Fourth Grade – Fifth Grade
– counting 1,000-1,000,000
– New World explorers
– writing sentences and paragraphs
– geography of regions
– money exchange rates
– holiday of minority group in target country (i.e. Januká, Festival of Xilonen)
The Weather / El tiempo
Gladys Rosa-Mendoza
Ginger Foglesong Guy
Numbers/Los númerosRebecca Emberly
Colors/Los colores
Rebecca Emberly
New Vocabulary: NA
World Language
Assessment/Activity Worksheet
LEVEL: / Novice LowStrand: / Connections
Standard: / Point of View
Level of Proficiency/Domain: / Novice Low
Benchmark: / 3.2.N.a: Use audio, visual, and/or print materials available only in the
target language to recognize that a topic or situation may be viewed differently in
one’s own culture than in the target culture.
Assessment (before, during, after):
Briefly state the topic (art, music, history, and literature) and ask students to write three predictions of what a native target language speaker’s point of view of the topic may be.
· 2-1 Exit cards, where student has to list at least two new pieces of information learned or found interesting/helpful and at least one about idea or sub-topic about which they’d like to learn more.
· Summarize the main idea of the discussion per the visual aids and its significance to the target culture.
Working in groups of 2 to 4, create a video, interview or newscast in the target language, using newly acquired information in regards to:
· Arts of a target language native
· Music in the target language
· A historical event of a country where the target language is spoken
and videotape the outcome to present in front of the class. The remainder of the class will fill out a grading rubric for each presentation.
Project Rubric: (Use if applicable)
Total Points: 25 points
· Grammatical use of target language
· Content in target language
· Summary of others’ points of view
· Expression of personal points of view
· Ease of comprehension to a target language speaker
Learning Activities/Facts/Information:
1. Show a video in the target language, where native speakers reflect on different aspects of the topic (music, arts, literature, architecture, or history). Ask the students to share their takes on the views discussed by the speakers and how it compared to their predictions.2. Research two to three facts that support or dispute the native speaker’s points of view on the topic (arts, architecture, history, music, and literature of the target culture).
3. Using your research notes, visual aids, and provided vocabulary for inspiration, write a journal putting yourself in the shoes of a citizen of the country where the target language is spoken. In your entry you are to discuss the topic (arts, architecture, literature, history, or music) and your impression and points of view, pros and cons, on the topic as the native. /
Google images
CDs, DVDs, etc.
Computer access, books/magazines/library access
Journals, classroom notes, research notes
New Vocabulary: terminology needed to discuss Art in the target culture, a historical event within the country where the target language is spoken, Music in the target language