U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Health Resources and Services Administration

Healthcare Systems Bureau

Poison Control Program

Poison Center Support and Enhancement Cooperative Agreement Program, Incentive Awards

Announcement Type: New Competing

Announcement Number: HRSA-10-051

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) No. 93.253


Fiscal Year 2010

Application Due Date: April 16, 2010

Date of Release: March 4, 2010

Date of Issuance: March 5, 2010

Rebeca Sanchez-Barrett

Public Health Analyst

Poison Control Program

Telephone: 301/443-0324

Fax: 301/443-1221

Legislative Authority: Section 1273 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300d – 73), as amended by P.L. 110-377, the Poison Center Support, Enhancement, and Awareness Act of 2008.


Table of Contents

I. Funding Opportunity Description 1

Purpose 1

Background 1

II. Award Information 3

1. Type of Award 3

2. Summary of Funding 3

III. Eligibility Information 3

1. Eligible Applicants 3

2. Cost Sharing/Matching 3

3. Other 4

IV. Application and submission information 4

1. Address to Request Application Package 4

2. Content and Form of Application Submission 5

i. Application Face Page 8

ii. Table of Contents 8

iii. Application Checklist 8

iv. Budget 8

v. Budget Justification 8

vi. Staffing Plan and Personnel Requirements 10

vii. Assurances 10

viii. Certifications 10

ix. Project Abstract 10

x. Program Narrative 11

xi. Attachments 13

3. Application Due Date 14

4. Intergovernmental Review 14

5. Funding Restrictions 14

6. Other Submission Requirements 14

V. Application Review Information 15

1. Review Criteria 15

VI. Award Administration Information 17

1. Award Notices 17

2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements 18

3. Reporting 19

VII. Agency Contacts 20

VIII. Tips for Writing a Strong Application 21



I. Funding Opportunity Description


The purpose of the Incentive Cooperative Agreement Program is to encourage and support development and implementation of innovations or improvements that enhance accessibility of poison education, prevention and treatment programs and services. This program is designed to complement the goals of the Poison Center Support and Enhancement Grant Program. Overall, projects funded under this program shall expand the organizational capacity of Poison Control Centers (PCCs) by promoting standardized poison prevention and/or poison center services, utilizing a social marketing approach.


The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Poison Control Program (PCP) was established in February 2000 under the Poison Center Enhancement and Awareness Act. Funds were first appropriated in FY 2001 to carry out the purposes of the Act. The program was reauthorized in 2008 under the Poison Center Support, Enhancement, and Awareness Act of 2008.

The PCP is charged with promoting a comprehensive system for the delivery of high quality poison control services nationwide by implementing a grant program to support and enhance PCCs across the country. The goals of the PCP are:

1)  Administer a program to support and enhance PCCs’ infrastructure;

2)  Improve access to high quality poison prevention and treatment services;

3)  Facilitate the collaboration and integration of poison control center services;

4)  Promote poison prevention and the availability of poison control resources through education and outreach to the public; and

5)  Increase communication between HRSA, PCCs, and other key stakeholders.

The PCP carries out the strategic goals of HRSA, the program, and the legislative requirements through the following initiatives:

1)  Administering a national toll free poison hotline (1-800-222-1222) to access the nations’ 60 poison control centers.

2)  Providing translation services to all 60 poison control centers (PCCs) through a service called Language Line. Language Line provides translation services in 161 languages.

3)  Establishing a national media campaign to educate the public and health care providers about the national toll-free hotline, poison prevention and the availability of poison control resources in local communities.

4)  Initiating a partnership with the Home Safety Council to develop poison prevention materials for people with limited literacy skills.

5)  Implementing a Technical Assistance Resource Center (TARC). Through TARC, HRSA provides technical assistance (TA) to PCCs. Services include strategic planning, health education development and evaluation, staff training support, data analysis, website design, and media development.

6)  Supporting the development of uniform patient management guidelines for use by poison control centers.

In addition to these initiatives, these program grant categories have been established:

Support and Enhancement: The Support and Enhancement Grants are awarded for a 5-year period to certified poison control center for the purpose of preventing and providing treatment recommendations for poisoning and complying with certification requirements. It is the largest grant category within the PCP, and the majority of PCCs are provided funding through this grant program.

Incentive: The Incentive Grant Program encourages and supports development and implementation of innovations or improvements that enhance or improve the quality and accessibility of poison education, prevention and treatment programs and services. In previous years, incentive grants have been awarded for 2-year and 3-year periods to encourage collaboration and partnering among PCCs and other health and/or public health entities, strengthening their operational infrastructure, improving their ability to increase access to high quality services and promoting poison prevention education and outreach to high-risk and underserved populations. Under this current incentive program, grants will be awarded for a 3-year period to support the development of model programs designed to expand the organizational capacity of PCCs by promoting standardized poison prevention and/or poison center services using a social marketing approach.

FY 2010 Incentive Cooperative Agreement Program Description

The PCP seeks to fund programs that are designed to strengthen the organizational capacity of PCCs, so that in the face of a changing environment, technologies, economy and healthcare delivery system, poison control centers will be prepared to maintain high quality poison prevention services. Such capabilities can be garnered through partnerships, strong programs, efficient organizational processes and innovative technological systems.

All proposals submitted in response to this announcement shall support innovative projects promoting standardized poison prevention and/or poison center services using a social marketing approach. Proposals should describe the extent that proposals are designed to encourage innovative efforts outside the scope of or that expands existing education and outreach programs being conducted by the awardee. Applications must include at least one partnership with an organization that directly serves the proposed target population. This may include, but not be limited to, injury prevention, literacy or national organization, a state health department, a maternal and child health agency, or other organizations serving underserved, high-risk populations.

An evaluation component is necessary with all proposals submitted in response to this announcement. In order to move the field of poison prevention forward and develop model programs, evaluation is critical. The goal is to identify aspects of poison center services and prevention messages that work well, meet the needs of a specific target population, and/or decrease morbidity and mortality due to poisonings in the center’s service area. Proposals must clearly outline the evaluation methodology, including formative, process, and outcome evaluation components in the methodology, with outlined indicators of success and impact. All evaluation results must be included in the final report at the end of the project period.

All collaborating/partnering organizations must have individual Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) (see page 12 for information on the DUNS number), and agree to work cooperatively and directly with the PCC and HRSA in meeting the objectives of the project. Proposals that include partnerships must include letters of agreement that confirm the organization’s role in the project. The letters of agreement shall include the level of understanding and effort of involvement of the collaborating/partnering organization, a list of staff in which the organization intends to dedicate to the project, and any other the resources that the organization will contribute to ensure the success of the project, including any matching funds.

II. Award Information

1. Type of Award

Funding will be provided in the form of a cooperative agreement. A cooperative agreement, as opposed to a grant, is an award instrument of financial assistance where substantial involvement is anticipated between HRSA and the recipient during performance of the project.

2. Summary of Funding

This program will provide funding for three years, for Federal fiscal years 2010-2012. Approximately $1,000,000 is expected to be available annually to fund approximately ten (10) awards with a ceiling amount of $100,000 per applicant. Funding beyond the first year depends on the availability of appropriated funds for the HRSA Poison Control Program in subsequent fiscal years, awardee satisfactory performance, and a decision that funding is in the best interest of the Federal government.

III. Eligibility Information

1.  Eligible Applicants

Awards under this cooperative agreement program are limited to U.S. Poison Control Centers (PCCs) that are certified by the American Association of Poison Control Centers and professional organizations in the field of poison prevention and/or control.

2.  Cost Sharing/Matching

Cost sharing and/or matching are not required for this program.

3. Other

Applications that exceed the ceiling amount will be considered non-responsive and will not be considered for funding under this announcement.

Any application that fails to satisfy the deadline requirements referenced in Section IV.3 will be considered non-responsive and will not be considered for funding under this announcement

A poison control center shall maintain the expenditures of the center for activities of the center at a level that is not less than the level of such expenditures maintained by the center for the fiscal year preceding the fiscal year for which the award is received (Section 1273(f)).

Maintenance of Effort

Award funds shall not be used to take place of current funding for activities described in the application. The grantee must agree to maintain funding for grant activities at a level which is not less than expenditures for such activities during the fiscal year prior to receiving the grant. In-kind amounts can be substituted for actual dollar amounts.

IV. Application and Submission Information

1.  Address to Request Application Package

Application Materials and Required Electronic Submission Information

HRSA is requiring applicants for this funding opportunity to apply electronically through Grants.gov. All applicants must submit in this manner unless the applicant is granted a written exemption from this requirement in advance by the Director of HRSA’s Division of Grants Policy or designee. Applicants must request an exemption in writing from , and provide details as to why they are technologically unable to submit electronically though the Grants.gov portal. Your email must include the HRSA Announcement Number for which you are seeking relief, the Name, Address, and telephone number of the Organization and the Name and telephone number of the Project Director, as well as the Grants.gov Tracking Number (GRANTXXXX) assigned to your submission along with a copy of the “Rejected with Errors” notification you received from Grants.gov. Make sure you include specific information, including any tracking or anecdotal information received from Grants.gov and/or the HRSA Call Center, in your justification request. HRSA and its Grants Application Center (GAC) will only accept paper applications from applicants that received prior written approval.

Refer to Appendix A for detailed application and submission instructions. Pay particular attention to Section 2, which provides detailed information on the competitive application and submission process.

Applicants must submit proposals according to the instructions in Appendix A, using this guidance in conjunction with Application Form SF-424. These forms contain additional general information and instructions for the applications, proposal narratives, and budgets. These forms may be obtained from the following sites by:

(1)  Downloading from http://www.hrsa.gov/grants/forms.htm


(2) Contacting the HRSA Grants Application Center at:

910 Clopper Road

Suite 155 South

Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Telephone: 877-477-2123

Instructions for preparing portions of the application that must accompany SF-424 section below.

2. Content and Form of Application Submission

Application Format Requirements

See Appendix A, Section 5 for detailed application submission instructions. These instructions must be followed.

The total size of all uploaded files may not exceed the equivalent of 80 pages when printed by HRSA, approximately or a total file size of approximately 10 MB. This 80-page limit includes the abstract, project and budget narratives, attachments, and letters of commitment and support. Standard forms are NOT included in the page limit.

Applications that exceed the specified limits (approximately 10 MB, or that exceed 80 pages when printed by HRSA) will be deemed non-compliant. All non-compliant applications will be returned to the applicant without further consideration.

Application Format

Applications for funding must consist of the following documents in the following order:

HRSA-10-051 7

SF-424 Non Construction – Table of Contents

%  It is mandatory to follow the instructions provided in this section to ensure that your application can be printed efficiently and consistently for review.

%  Failure to follow the instructions may make your application non-compliant. Non-compliant applications will not be given any consideration under this funding opportunity announcement.

%  For electronic submissions, applicants only have to number the electronic attachment pages sequentially, resetting the numbering for each attachment, i.e., start at page 1 for each attachment. Do not attempt to number standard OMB approved form pages.

%  For electronic submissions no table of contents is required for the entire application. HRSA will construct an electronic table of contents in the order specified.

%  When providing any electronic attachment with several pages, add table of content page specific to the attachment. Such page will not be counted towards the page limit.

Application Section / Form Type / Instruction / HRSA/Program Guidelines /
Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424) / Form / Pages 1, 2 & 3 of the SF-424 face page. / Not counted in the page limit.
Project Summary/Abstract / Attachment / Can be uploaded on page 2 of SF-424 - Box 15. / Required attachment. Counted in the page limit. Refer to the guidance for detailed instructions. Provide table of contents specific to this document only as the first page.
Additional Congressional District / Attachment / Can be uploaded on page 2 of SF-424 - Box 16. / As applicable to HRSA; not counted in the page limit.
HHS Checklist Form PHS-5161 / Form / Pages 1 & 2 of the HHS checklist. / Not counted in the page limit.
Project Narrative Attachment Form / Form / Supports the upload of Project Narrative document. / Not counted in the page limit.
Project Narrative / Attachment / Can be uploaded in Project Narrative Attachment form. / Required attachment. Counted in the page limit. Refer to the guidance for detailed instructions. Provide table of contents specific to this document only as the first page.
SF-424A Budget Information - Non-Construction Programs / Form / Page 1 & 2 to supports structured budget for the request of Non construction related funds. / Not counted in the page limit.
SF-424B Assurances - Non-Construction Programs / Form / Supports assurances for non construction programs. / Not counted in the page limit.
Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF-LLL) / Form / Supports structured data for lobbying activities. / Not counted in the page limit.
Other Attachments Form / Form / Supports up to 15 numbered attachments. This form only contains the attachment list. / Not counted in the page limit.
Attachment 1-15 / Attachment / Can be uploaded in Other Attachments form 1-15. / Refer to the attachment table provided below for specific sequence. Counted in the page limit

%  To ensure that attachments are organized and printed in a consistent manner, follow the order provided below. Note that these instructions may vary across programs.