English to Enjoy 1AScheme of Work

Module: Me, My Family and FriendsUnit 2: At school

Task: Make name tags for your new friendsLearning targets: ISa ISc ISe KSa KSb KSf ESa

Communicative functions / Language forms and functions / Language skills / Generic skills, values and attitudes / Vocabulary
Identify common school items
Ask and talk about things
Ask and answer simple yes/no questions
Count from one to ten
Give and respond to simple instructions / Ask and talk about things.
What is this?
It is an eraser.
What are these?
They are pencils.
Ask and answer simple questions.
Is it a pen? Yes, it is.
Are they pens? No, they are not.
Talk about singular nouns.
It isa card.
It is an eraser.
Use plural forms of countable nouns.
They are pens.
Give instructions.
Drawa picture. / Listening
Identify basic consonant sounds
Identify basic vowel sounds
Recognise the difference in the use of intonation
Identify key words in short utterances
Locate specific information in response to simple questions
Recognise language patterns and vocabulary items
Pronounce letters of the alphabet and words in isolation
Pronounce words in connected speech
Use simple phrases and sentences to communicate
Imitate appropriate stress, rhythm and intonation
Use simple formulaic expressions to greet someone politely
Recognise the beginning and end of sentences
Distinguish between capital and small letters
Recognise familiar words in new texts
Locate information in a short text
Space letters, words and sentences
Use capital and small letters
Use basic sentence punctuation
Use neat and legible handwriting / Collaborative skills
Identify and accept different roles in collaborative work
Work cooperatively with others to complete a task
Communication skills
Interact with teachers and classmates in classroom situations and activities
Understand, respond to and make short simple requests and instructions
Use appropriate expressions to exchange greetings
Provide, use and exchange simple information on familiar topics
Self-management skills
Evaluate their own feelings, strengths, weaknesses, progress and objectives
Study skills
Locate and extract specific information and main ideas from short given texts
Values and attitudes
Develop confidence in using English through performing tasks on their own or in groups
Appreciate the beauty of the language / school items
numbers ‘one’ to ‘ten’
Text types
the b sound