English to Enjoy 1AScheme of Work
Module: Me, My Family and FriendsUnit 2: At school
Task: Make name tags for your new friendsLearning targets: ISa ISc ISe KSa KSb KSf ESa
Communicative functions / Language forms and functions / Language skills / Generic skills, values and attitudes / VocabularyIdentify common school items
Ask and talk about things
Ask and answer simple yes/no questions
Count from one to ten
Give and respond to simple instructions / Ask and talk about things.
What is this?
It is an eraser.
What are these?
They are pencils.
Ask and answer simple questions.
Is it a pen? Yes, it is.
Are they pens? No, they are not.
Talk about singular nouns.
It isa card.
It is an eraser.
Use plural forms of countable nouns.
They are pens.
Give instructions.
Drawa picture. / Listening
Identify basic consonant sounds
Identify basic vowel sounds
Recognise the difference in the use of intonation
Identify key words in short utterances
Locate specific information in response to simple questions
Recognise language patterns and vocabulary items
Pronounce letters of the alphabet and words in isolation
Pronounce words in connected speech
Use simple phrases and sentences to communicate
Imitate appropriate stress, rhythm and intonation
Use simple formulaic expressions to greet someone politely
Recognise the beginning and end of sentences
Distinguish between capital and small letters
Recognise familiar words in new texts
Locate information in a short text
Space letters, words and sentences
Use capital and small letters
Use basic sentence punctuation
Use neat and legible handwriting / Collaborative skills
Identify and accept different roles in collaborative work
Work cooperatively with others to complete a task
Communication skills
Interact with teachers and classmates in classroom situations and activities
Understand, respond to and make short simple requests and instructions
Use appropriate expressions to exchange greetings
Provide, use and exchange simple information on familiar topics
Self-management skills
Evaluate their own feelings, strengths, weaknesses, progress and objectives
Study skills
Locate and extract specific information and main ideas from short given texts
Values and attitudes
Develop confidence in using English through performing tasks on their own or in groups
Appreciate the beauty of the language / school items
numbers ‘one’ to ‘ten’
Text types
the b sound