--Refer to it when you have questions about this class--
Mrs. Dobbs’ Achieve 3000
Daily Classroom Expectations
Daily Required Materials: (should be brought to class EVERY day)
*Binder or pocket folder with paper *Daily bell work *Pencil/pens
*Agenda *Achieve 3000 tracking sheet *ear-buds (*optional, but used often)
Enter Mrs. Dobbs’ Room:
§ Go to your assigned seat, get out pencil and paper and begin work on the day’s bell ringer activity. There is no need to talk.
Late to Class:
§ Excused Tardy = being late to class with a signed note from a teacher
§ Unexcused Tardy = when you are late and you don’t have a note from a teacher
Bell Ringers:
§ Every day you will have a bell ringer to complete. These will be displayed on the overhead screen and are to be kept in your Related Arts binder. You must have the following for each bell ringer:
*Date *Bell ringer # *Sentence *Written answer *Underline supporting detail
§ Each bell ringer is worth 25 points, and will be graded after we complete 5 of them.
If you are ever absent from class, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to get the missed bell work from a classmate since we check these together in class daily. You must do this the first day that you return to class. DO NOT WAIT until a cycle of bell work is due…you won’t have time. Bell work is late as soon as class ends and will receive half credit once it’s received.
Forget My Materials for Class:
· You will receive a Hall Pass that you can use in case you need to go back to your locker or to the restroom. If you don’t have the pass, and you are wanting to leave class….you will receive a T3 card.
You must ALWAYS have your agenda in order to leave class.
When I Finish My Assignment:
§ You always have work to be doing. When you finish your daily article, search for another article and complete the 5 literacy steps (posted on your computer). Be sure to record your work on your tracking sheet. *Never work on another class’ assignment...it will be thrown-away and you will get a T3 card for being off task.
Late Work:
§ Due dates are very important. Any article quizzes submitted after 3pm of the due date will receive ½ credit. Thought Questions carry a FIRM due date….if they aren’t submitted by 3pm of the due date, a zero will be entered as your grade. You will have been given plenty of class time to complete these as well as being able to work from any computer after school hours.
Missed Work:
· MISSED WORK FOLDERS are located on the cabinet door, beside the exit...it's YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to check them when you return to class!
Due Dates:
§ Due dates are made a week in advance and posted in the classroom and on my website. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to write the due dates on your tracking sheet as soon as they are given. Late article grades will receive ½ credit and thought questions will only receive credit if you are absent (excused) on the due date.
*Failure to submit your thought questions on the due date will result in a zero...this is a FIRM due date*
Have a Low Grade:
§ You MUST replace any grade below a 75% with another article (see last page of your tracking sheet). If you do not bring me your tracking sheet showing your work, your low grade will remain the same….this is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.
§ *If you do not have access to a home computer, you can come to my classroom any morning to work…I get here at 7:30. This is your way of being PROACTIVE.
How do I get a T3 card?
· Failure to follow the classroom expectations/rules/CHAMPS procedures (i.e., disrespect, being off task, late without a note, having food or drink, any website other than TeenBiz 3000,not following directions, logging-on early, not logging out of your account at the end of class, wrong voice level, blurting out, being unprepared, not upholding other rules/expectations, etc.) will result in a T3 Card.
Absent from class:
§ It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to be Proactive and check the “Missed Work Folder”. Complete/return work to me within 3 days (after 3 days = half-credit). You will need to get missed bell work from a classmate since we check it in class each day. Any graphic organizers must be completed by you…copying work from a classmate = cheating and will result in a zero for you and the classmate. Copy down the missed article from the “Success” board.
Posted Classroom Rules and Expectations:
We will follow CHAMPS at all times in this classroom!
· No Food/Drink in the Computer Lab (T3 card for violations...it will happen)
· Be on time (tardy with no note = T3 card)
· Be respectful to everyone
· Be prepared (binder, paper, pencil, tracking sheet and agenda) unprepared = T3 card
· Follow rules of computer usage noted in student handbook
“Focused Students Maintain Success”
and Achieve Greatness!
How to Access Mrs. Dobbs’ Website
Go to www.simpson.k12.ky.us
Click “Schools” on the top blue bar
Scroll down, click Middle School
Click “teacher Website” located on the left column
You’ll now see an alphabetical listing of teachers, click “Dobbs”