To:Property Appraisers
From:James McAdams
Date:September 02, 2005
Bulletin:PTA –05-12B
Undeliverable Hurricane Disaster Relief Checks
Attached are one or two Excel spreadsheets containing the names and addresses of hurricane disaster relief recipients from your county whose checks were returned to the Department of Revenue as undeliverable and without a forwarding address. The homestead-related recipients have been sent to you once before and represent those for whom addresses still have not been found. The mobile home-related recipients are being sent to you for the first time. If only one file is attached, the Department has returned checks for only that type of relief.
Although the law provides that the checks for these recipients be returned to the Property Appraiser for handling, the Department is offering to help re-mail these checks if an updated address can be provided. Please contact the individuals listed on the spreadsheet for their current mailing address and notify Sharon Gallops at the email address below of the correct address. We will then re-mail the check.
Please note that state warrants become stale-dated twelve months after issuance. It is therefore imperative that these individuals are contacted in a timely manner. This effort will prevent undue burden on your constituent from filing for a replacement check through Abandoned Property under the Department of Financial Services.
Please be sure that this email gets to the person in your office responsible for the hurricane disaster relief payment program. Thank you for your continued cooperation in this implementation effort.
Your specific data entry application software or data entry questions should be addressed to Barry Kantrowitz (phone: (850) 922-4123; email: ).
Your questions concerning the hurricane disaster relief program may be addressed to Sharon Gallops (phone: (850) 414-6108; email: ) or Jane Marshall (phone: (850) 414-6104; email: ).