Sending Taking Control campaign materials to your GP practice, hospital or other medical facility: template letter
One of the best ways you can help any Diabetes UK campaign is by making sure the people who need to see our campaign materials can do so easily. You can place leaflets, posters and flyers wherever seems appropriate in your local area.Other groups have found that clinics, hospitals and GPs’ practices tend to be some of the most useful places to spread the word.
You can speak to staff and hand over the relevant material in person, but you can also use our template letter and post materials directly to different practices or clinics. The template letter on the next page explains what campaign materials are available and how these can be best used.
Most materials are available for free from and also on the relevant campaign page. You can order some of these materials yourself and include them with the letter, or suggest that the relevant staff at the practice or clinic order the materials.
Please remember to edit the template letter on the next page before sending it. Remember in particular to edit those parts [IN BRACKETS AND IN BOLD].
If you do not already have connections with a particular practice, contacting them with these resources can also be a good way to build relationships, so please also remember to include contact details for your local group.
Once you have sent the below template letter, or distributed any campaign materials, please remember to fill in the feedback form on the Local Group Portal to let us know how you get on.
Dear [NAME],
As a member of [INSERT NAME OF YOUR DIABETES UK LOCAL GROUP] I am writing to request that [INSERT NAME OF PRACTICE/ CLINIC/ HOSPITAL YOU ARE WRITING TO] make Diabetes UK materials promoting diabetes education courses available to everyone using your services.
The Diabetes UKTaking Control campaign aims make sure quality diabetes education courses are available to everyone living with the condition.
That is why we are asking you to put up Taking Control posters and leaflets promoting the value of diabetes education around the offices, clinics and waiting rooms of your workplace. These are available for free from
Free resources to help healthcare professionals promote diabetes education are also available. The Taking Control Healthcare Professional Toolkit shares tips on referring patients and describes what courses involve. This is also available for free on
Diabetes education courses can help people avoid complications and maintain good health, with 9 out of 10 people feeling more confident about managing the condition after completing a course.
Further support for healthcare professionals on a range of diabetes related issues is also available on
If you have any questions about these materials or would like to discuss our group’s work further, please do get in touch.
Thank you for your support.
Best regards,