Abu Hureyra
TRENCH E (AH2) Levels

Level classification key

F floors

W mudbrick wall

M collapsed mudbrick or mudbrick debris

K mudbrick fill

L clay fill

S mudbrick or mud wash

H hearth or firepit

P pit

C occupation debris

B burial

R animal burrow

X mixed deposit

N natural surface

I indoors (at time of use)

O outdoors (at time of use)

T level floated

Level number Level number Phase Level description Level Indoors

as dug classification or


1 72/1 9 mudbrick fragments, brown soil M O

2 72/2 9 brown fill of burial pit B O

3 72/3 9 mudbricks and fill, remains W I

of wall (same as 5)

4 72/4 8 mudbrick debris, floor MFC O

surfaces and ash patches

(same as 7)

5 72/5 9 mudbricks and fill, remains W I

of wall (same as 3)

6 72/6 8 gray ashy occupation debris, CF O

floor surfaces

7 72/7 8 mudbrick debris, floor MFC O

surfaces and ash patches

(same as 4)

8 72/8 8 mud wash and ash patches SC O

(same as 13, 15)

9 72/9 9 dark brown fill of burial pit B O

(same as 14, 17)

10 72/10 9 brown pit fill with mudbrick PM O


11 72/11 9 brown fill of burial pit B O

12 72/12 8 trodden surfaces and FC O

occupation debris

13 72/13 8 mud wash, ash patches, SCM O

occupation debris and mudbrick

collapse (same as 8,15)

14 72/14 9 burial pit fill of soft brown soil BPC O

(same as 9,17)

15 72/15 8 mud wash, ash patches, SCM O

occupation debris and mudbrick

collapse (same as 8,13)

16 72/16 9 pit fill of soft brown soil PC O

17 72/17 9 soft brown soil with clay in BPC O

burial pit (same as 9,14)

18 72/18 7 ash and occupation debris C O

19 72/19 7 mudbrick collapse, mud wash MSC O

and occupation debris

20 72/20 7 mudbrick collapse and wash MS O

21 72/21 6 mudbrick and clay fill KLT I

22 72/22 6 mudbrick and clay fill KLT I

23 72/23 6 mud wash and occupation debris SC O

24 72/24 6 mudbrick wash and ash SC O

25 72/25 6 mud wash and occupation debris SCT O

26 72/26 5 mudbrick collapse and MCT I

occupation debris

(same as 332)

27 72/27 6 mudbrick fill K I

28 72/28 6 mud wash, ash, floor surfaces SCF O

29 72/29 6 channel filled with ash (same CT O

as 220)

30 72/30 6 mud wash, ash, plaster floor SCF O

31 72/31 6 mud wash, ash, floor surfaces SCF O

32 72/32 6 mud wash and ash SC O

33 72/33 6 mud wash and ash SCT O

34 72/34 5 mudbrick wash and occupation SC O

debris (same as 337)

35 72/35 5 soft clay fill with occupation LCT I

debris (same as 336)

36 72/36 5 mud wash and occupation debris SCT O

37 72/37 6 burial pit, soft clay fill BL I

38 72/38 5 mudbrick wall and collapse WMT O

(same as 339)

39 72/39 5 mud wash and occupation debris SCT O

40 72/40 5 gray plaster floor and F I

clay make-up (same as 350)

41 72/41 6 mudbrick wall W I

42 72/42 5 burial pit with dark clay fill BL I

43 72/43 4 occupation soil and wash CST I

44 72/44 4 clay floor, mud wash, FST I

white plaster floor

45 72/45 5 mud wash and occupation debris SC O

(same as 358)

46 72/46 5 brown clay fill with occupation LC I

debris (same as 351)

47 72/47 5 clay floor FT O

48 72/48 4 clay floor make-up and FST I

mud wash

49 72/49 5 hearth of burned clay and ash HT I

50 72/50 4 clay floor with pebbles, FC I

occupation soil

56 72/56 6 mudbrick wall W I

57 72/57 6 mudbrick wall W I

58 73/E3/1 9 red-brown mudbrick collapse MSX O

and wash

59 73/E3/2 9 red-brown mudbrick collapse MSX O

and wash

60 73/E3/3 9 red-brown wash and occupation SCX O


61 73/E3/4 9 red mudbrick collapse M O

62 73/E3/5 9 weathered brown wash SX O

63 73/E3/6 9 burial, brown fill L O

64 73/E3/7 8 dark brown wash and occupation SCX O


65 73/E3/8 8 brown wash and occupation SCXT O


66 73/E3/9 8 pit fill, dark brown soil and PC O


67 73/E3/10 9 burial, soft red clay fill BL O

68 73/E3/11 9 burial, soft red clay fill BL O

69 73/E3/12 8 pit fill, dark ashy with stones PC O

70 73/E3/13 8 gray ashy wash SCT O

71 73/E3/14 8 brown silty wash and occupation SCT O


72 73/E3/15 8 gray ashy occupation soil, mud CST O

wash and plaster fragments

73 73/E3/16 8 ashy occupation soil and CST O

mud wash

74 73/E3/17 8 burial in yard B O

75 73/E3/18 8 pit fill, burned dark ashy soil PCT O

76 73/E3/19 7 mudbrick wall W I

77 73/E3/20 8 pit fill, black ashy with burned PCT O


78 73/E3/21 8 gray ashy pit fill PCT O

79 73/E3/22 7 wash and occupation soil, SCT O


80 73/E3/23 7 mudbrick wall W I

81 73/E3/24 8 brown pit fill and pebbles P O

82 73/E3/25 7 ashy occupation soil, hearths and CST O

mud wash

83 73/E3/26 7 mud wash, occupation debris, SCT O

many animal bones

84 73/E3/27 6 mud wash and occupation debris SC I

in room 4

85 73/E3/28 7 mud wash, occupation debris, SCT O

many animal bones

86 73/E3/29 7 brown occupation debris CT O

87 73/E3/30 7 mud wash and occupation debris SCT O

88 73/E3/31 7 mud wash and occupation debris SCT O

89 73/E3/32 6 plaster floor in room 4 F I

90 73/E3/33 8 gray ashy soil C O

91 73/E3/34 7 burial in building collapse B I

92 73/E3/35 7 mudbrick collapse M I

93 73/E3/36 7 mudbrick collapse (same as 187) M O

94 73/E3/37 7 mudbrick collapse M O

95 73/E4/1 9 red mudbrick collapse, floors, MFSP O

mud wash, silted-up pit

96 73/E4/2 8 gray ashy occupation debris CXT O

(same as 123)

97 73/E4/3 9 child burial pit B O

98 73/E4/4 9 child burial pit B O

99 73/E4/5 9 child burial pit B O

100 73/E4/6 9 soft brown pit fill P O

101 73/E4/7 9 adult burial pit B O

102 73/E4/8 9 child burial pit B O

103 73/E4/9 9 soft brown pit fill PT O

104 73/E4/10 8 dark ashy pit fill PCT O

105 73/E4/11 9 burial pit B O

106 73/E4/12 7 mud wash and occupation debris SCT O

107 73/E4/13 8 black ashy pit fill with stones PC O

108 73/E4/14 8 dark ashy pit fill PCT O

109 73/E4/15 7 occupation debris and mudbricks CMXT O

110 73/E4/16 7 clay floor with occupation debris, FCST I

mud wash

111 73/E4/17 7 ash pit H O

112 73/E4/18 7 black ashy firepit H I

113 73/E4/19 7 black ashy firepit H I

114 73/E4/20 7 mudbrick collapse MT O

115 73/E4/21 7 mudbrick and plaster collapse, MSCT I

wash and occupation debris

(same as 121)

116 73/E4/22 7 mud wash S I

117 73/E4/23 7 firepit with dark fill H I

118 73/E4/24 7 mudbrick and black plaster MT I


119 73/E4/25 7 ashy fill of firepit HT I

120 73/E4/26 6 mudbrick wash and occupation SCT O

debris (same as 236)

121 73/E4/27 7 mudbrick collapse, wash and MSC I

occupation debris (same as 115)

122 73/E4/28 9 mudbrick wash S O

123 73/E4/29 8 gray ashy soil, mudbrick collapse SCMFX O

and plaster surfaces

(same as 96)

124 73/E4/30 9 pits in surface SC O

125 73/E4/31 8 ash pit H O

126 73/E4/32 9 burial of child, soft brown fill B O

127 73/E4/33 9 burial of child, soft brown fill B O

128 73/E4/34 7 mud wash and occupation debris SC I

129 73/E4/35 7 mud wash and occupation debris SC I

130 73/E4/36 7 mudbrick collapse M I

131 73/E4/37 7 mudbrick collapse, clay floors MF I

132 73/E4/38 8 pit fill of ashy soil, bones and PBC O

child burial

133 73/E4/39 7 mud wash S O

134 73/E4/40 7 mudbrick collapse and plaster M I

135 73/E4/41 7 mud wash and occupation debris SC O

136 73/E4/42 6 mudbrick collapse, wash and MSCT O

occupation debris

137 73/E4/43 6 mudbrick collapse with plaster MCT I

fragments and occupation debris

(same as 226)

138 73/E4/44 6 mudbrick collapse and mud wash MST O

(same as 227)

139 73/E4/45 6 firepit (same as 228) H O

140 73/E4/46 6 firepit with ash (same as 229) H O

141 73/E4/47 6 mudbrick wash and plaster ST I

142 73/E4/48 9 pit (same as 230) PT O

143 73/E4/49 6 mudbrick collapse (same as 222) M I

144 73/E4/50 6 mudbrick wash (same as 223) ST I

145 73/E2/1 9 red mudbrick collapse and MF O

clay floors

146 73/E2/2 9 weathered brown mudbrick wash SX O

147 73/E2/3 8 gray ashy soil (same as 170, 173) CXT O

148 73/E2/4 8 gray ashy soil (same as 174) CXT O

149 73/E2/5 7 mudbrick collapse, plaster MC O

fragments and ashy occupation

debris (same as 177)

150 73/E2/6 8 dark ashy pit fill with pebbles PCT O

151 73/E2/7 8 pit fill, heavily burned dark ashy PCT O

soil, bones and pebbles

(same as 175)

152 73/E2/8 8 dark ashy pit fill with pebbles PCT O

153 73/E2/9 8 pit fill, dark ashy material PCT O

with pebbles, mudbrick

fragments and bones

154 73/E2/10 8 gray ashy soil CT O

155 73/E2/11 7 mudbrick collapse with MCT O

occupation debris

156 73/E2/12 9 burial pit BLT O

157 73/E2/13 8 gray ashy fill with pebbles, PCT O

mudbrick fragments

158 73/E2/14 8 pit fill, wash and occupation PSCT O


159 73/E2/15 7 mudbrick and plaster collapse M O

(same as 182)

160 73/E2/16 8 pit fill of dark ashy debris and PCT O


161 73/E2/17 7 gray ashy soil (same as 166, 177) CT O

162 73/E2/18 7 collapsed mudbrick, plaster MLBT I

fragments, clay and pebble fill,

burials (same as 169)

163 73/E2/19 7 mudbrick collapse with plaster MT I

fragments (same as 189)

164 73/E2/20 7 mudbrick collapse MT I

165 73/E2/21 7 mudbrick collapse and MCT O

occupation debris

166 73/E2/22 7 gray ashy occupation debris CT O

(same as 161, 179)

167 73/E2/23 8 pit fill, black heavily-burned PC O

ashy material, pebbles and bones

168 73/E2/24 7 mudbrick collapse MT O

169 73/E2/25 7 mudbrick collapse (same as 162) M I

170 73/E2/26 7 ash-filled firepit (same as 147, H O


171 73/E2/27 8 gray ashy soil CX O

172 73/E2/28 8 pit with brown silty fill PS O

173 73/E2/29 8 gray ashy soil (same as 147, 170) CX O

174 73/E2/30 8 gray ashy soil (same as 148) CX O

175 73/E2/31 8 pit fill, heavily burned dark ashy PCT O

soil and pebbles (same as 151)

176 73/E2/32 8 pit fill, black ashy soil PCT O

177 73/E2/33 7 mudbrick collapse and plaster M O

fragments (same as 149)

178 73/E2/34 7 mudbrick collapse M O

179 73/E2/35 7 gray ashy occupation debris C O

(same as 161, 166)

180 73/E2/36 7 ashy occupation and building CMT O

debris with plaster fragments

181 73/E2/37 7 mud wash and occupation debris SC O

182 73/38 7 mudbrick and plaster collapse M O

(same as 159)

183 73/39 6 burial pit with soft fill BC I

184 73/40 7 mudbrick collapse M O

185 73/41 7 ashy occupation debris CT O

186 73/42 6 pebble floor F I

187 73/43 7 mudbrick collapse (same as 93) M O

188 73/44 7 mudbrick collapse M O

189 73/45 7 mudbrick collapse (same as 163) M I

190 73/46 7 mudbrick collapse (same as 198) M O

191 73/47 7 mud wash and occupation debris SCT O

192 73/48 7 mudbrick collapse M O

193 73/49 6 mudbrick collapse and MC O

occupation debris (same as 213)

194 73/50 6 mudbrick collapse and MC I

occupation debris (same as 215)

195 73/51 7 mudbrick wash SC I

196 73/52 7 mudbrick collapse M I

197 73/53 7 mudbrick wash and occupation SC O


198 73/54 7 mudbrick collapse with stones M O

(same as 190)

199 73/55 6 soft brown occupation soil CT O

200 73/56 6 mud wash and occupation debris SC O

201 73/57 7 collapsed mudbrick, plaster MLB I

fragments, clay and pebble fill,


202 73/58 7 soft brown fill of pit PT O

203 73/59 7 mud wash, white plaster and SCT O

occupation debris

204 73/60 7 mudbrick wall W O

205 73/61 6 mudbrick collapse and MC I

occupation debris

206 73/62 6, 7 mudbrick wall WT I

207 73/63 6 mudbrick wall W I

208 73/64 6 mudbrick collapse and MCT I

occupation debris

209 73/65 6 black ash CT O

210 73/66 6 mudbrick wash and occupation SCT O


211 73/67 6 mudbrick wall (same as 217) W I

212 73/68 6 mudbrick collapse and MCT I

occupation debris

213 73/69 6 mudbrick collapse and MC O

occupation debris (same as 193)

214 73/70 6 mudbrick collapse and MCT O

occupation debris

215 73/71 6 mudbrick collapse and MCT I

occupation debris (same as 194)

216 73/72 6 mudbrick wall W I

217 73/73 6 mudbrick wall (same as 211) W I

218 73/74 6 white plaster floor FT I

219 73/75 6 plaster floor FT I

220 73/76 6 channel filled with ash, containing CT O

numerous seeds of Cicer arietinum

(same as 29)

221 73/77 6 mudbrick collapse M I

222 73/78 6 mudbrick collapse (same as 143) M I