Student Government Officer Duties

(One position available for SGA school officers)


- Runs the class/SGA meetings

- Serves as the association’s representative to the administrative team; meets with them to discuss new ideas

- Represents Broadview Middle School at school events

-SGA president will meet with thePTA School Board and serve as board member during his/her term.


- In case the president cannot perform his/her duties, he/she will take over as president - Helps manage the meeting and create the meeting agendas

-Reads minutes of last meeting


- Takes minutes at each class/SGA meeting

-Takes attendance at each meeting, SGA class events and activities.


- After each fundraiser, he/she will announce how much money was made and give an updated report of the balance

-Comes up with ideas on how to raise money (fundraising).

Historian/ Parliamentarian

- Takes photographs at SGA events

-Class photo album

Sergeant of Arms (SGA school officer only, 9-12 can run for this position)

-Responsible for keeping order during meetings

-Responsible for set up of meetings

-Will lead officers in the Pledge of Allegiance before each meeting


I, ______(print your name) wish to declare my candidacy for Broadview Middle School Class/SGA Officer. By signing this declaration of candidacy, I confirm that I have read the entire document and I will:

• Consider my position as a student body officer as a trust and not use it for personal gain.

• Be constantly aware of my position of student leader, and thereby always act in a manner that demonstrates self and school pride.

• Solicit ideas and opinions from all students of the school and work to incorporate their views in the deliberations and decisions of the SGA.

• Devote sufficient time, thought, and commitment to my student government responsibilities to insure that the goals of the SGA will be accomplished.

• Remember that the basic function of SGA is to serve the best interest of the student body.

• Remain conscious of the view of others have of my actions and do my best to be a good role model for others to follow.

• Maintain at least a “C” average for with no "F's". I realize that I will be removed from office upon failure to do this.

•Obey all school rules, policies, and all laws of the community. Should my actions at school or in the community ever result in suspensions from school, I shall expect to be removed from office for the remainder of the year. This shall apply to any violation, on and off school premises at any time, during the entire year in which I am holding office.

Meet district eligibility requirements.

Attendance will be taken at all SGA/Class meetings and events. I realize

that I will be removed from office upon missing 2 meetings/events. All excuses must be submitted 24 hours prior to meetings or events.

Commitment Statement:

I acknowledge and understand that by seeking a position as Class/SGA officer that I am pledging myself to service for the period of one year beginning at the end of the election year and running through the end of the next school year. Procrastination, uncooperative attitudes, non-participation, or non- commitment will not be tolerated. I understand that there are times when my participation during off school hours is required, and my continuance in an officer position will depend on my dependability and work ethic. Class/SGA officers are required to be at Class/SGA and meetings. I understand that applying to be an officer requires participation and assistance in SGA events is mandatory or you may be removed from your position. Officers must also meet academic eligibility requirements or be removed from office.

I therefore commit to these responsibilities and state that I am willing to serve as an officer of T. Dewitt Taylor Middle-High Schools Student Government Association.

I have read and understand this declaration of candidacy and commitment statement and agree to uphold them on and off campus.

______Signature of Applicant Date

______Parent/Guardian Date


Due Wednesday,September 14, 2016, by 8:00 a.m. to Mr. Kamara, or Ms. Slyvestre, Guidance office.

Name______(Please print)

Circle the position for which you are running: Class Officers :

SGA Officers:

PRESIDENT Grade: ___


SECRETARY Grade: ___

TREASURER Grade: ___


6th Grade Representative:___

6th Grade Representative: ___

I have read the attached information, and the description of the office for which I am seeking. I understand the requirements and expectations of Class/ SGA officers, and I would like to submit my name as a candidate.

______Student Signature

Email address (if applicable) ______Cell phone: ______

I give permission for my child to run for Class/SGA officer. I have read the attached information. I understand that my child, if elected, will be required to attend meetings and stay after school occasionally to help with various projects.

______Parent Signature

Name of parent (please print) ______Email address (if applicable) ______

On a separate sheet of paper, answer the following questions and attach it to this application:

1. Why do you want to be an officer?

2. What are your qualifications?

3. What personality traits do you have that will make you a good leader?

4. What goals or ideas do you have that you would like to accomplish next year?

5. What have you accomplished this year as a part to contribute to Taylor Middle-High School?

Applicants who fail to answer these questions will not be considered a candidate.