Lesson #1

Creation & Fall

Genesis 1 – 3

Class Set-up

-Do this while getting snack, making last minute copies, etc.

Recap Sections of Bible

-Old Testament

  • Law
  • History (Writings)
  • Prophets

-New Testament

  • Gospels
  • History
  • Epistles
  • Revelation

This Month’s Section—Law

-Books of the Law

  • Genesis
  • Exodus
  • Leviticus
  • Numbers
  • Deuteronomy

-What does this section do?

  • Tells the story of God 1st working in the world
  • Where everything comes from
  • Why the world is the way it is
  • What God is doing about everything

-What time does this section cover?

  • From the beginning (called Creation)
  • To the Israelites entering the Promised Land

-What famous stories are in the Law?

  • Creation (Adam & Eve)
  • Noah & the Flood
  • Abraham & Isaac
  • Joseph
  • Moses & the Exodus
  • The Ten Commandments
  • All those laws to the people of God

This Week’s Focus

-Creation & the Fall

  • Where do we find it?
  • Genesis 1 – 3

Teaching Time

Beginning Notes

-We want to encourage Bible reading & study—therefore—showing the kids where these things occur, in the Bible, is very, very important

-Use picture Bibles for younger students, but encourage older or more experienced readers to read along

  • If need be—students can color during Bible time (if they will listen)

-This is important!!!!!!!!

  • Summarize when necessary to explain
  • But always read the Bible to teach it to children

Read Genesis 1 (5:19 on audio Bible)

Highlights to point out

-God exists before the world we see

-God created everything we see, hear, and feel

  • And it was good

-Everything has a kind

  • Cats are like cats—not people
  • Dogs are like dogs—not people

-People are very important because we bear the image of God

  • We share His attributes (love, compassion, mercy, justice)
  • We have been given dominion
  • We care for the world
  • We care for the things in the world
  • The world serves us—not the other way around


-Coloring pages (2)

-Lego creation time

  • With a few bricks—let kids “make” something
  • Teaching point
  • God uses nothing to create everything

Application Points

-The creation not being good now

  • Means something has gone wrong (not God’s fault)

-God is bigger than we can imagine

-God is our maker

  • He owns everything
  • He knows each of us

-God has given us a special place in His world

Read Genesis 2 (3:25 on audio Bible)

Highlights to point out

-This is not a different story from Genesis 1

  • This is the expanded details of the story

-Adam was not lonely (not in the Bible)

  • God decided Adam needed a partner

-Men and women are different & that is awesome

  • God gave them different jobs
  • God gave them different bodies
  • God gave them different relationships

-Men & women form relationships

  • Defined by God


-Coloring page (1)

-I’m different activity

  • Have students stand up
  • Let them observe (nicely) differences in each other
  • Question—how are you like your parents?
  • How are we all alike?
  • Teaching point
  • God made one race (human) that we all share

Application Points

-God made Adam special from the rest of creation

  • Eve too

-God has not overlooked anything in His creation

-God has given everyone a job in life

Read Genesis 3 (3:45 on audio Bible)

Highlights to point out

-The serpent appealed to human nature

  • Curiosity and self-reliance

-Adam & Eve both knew better

  • And were both there with the serpent

-Adam as the leader bears the ultimate responsibility

  • Eve did sin—but Adam is the representative of people

-Jesus has already been promised

  • The seed to crush the serpent is Christ


-Follow the leader

  • Place kids in lines (3 – 4 kids per line)
  • Cover leaders eyes and have them directed by others
  • Have leaders, lead line across the room
  • It will be a little chaotic
  • Teaching point
  • Being guided while blind is no fun
  • God gave Adam & Eve everything they need
  • They still sinned
  • God is not blind to our sin
  • He promised—and has provided Jesus for our sin

Application Points

-Adam & Eve sinned

  • This changed the relationship b/t God & people

-We have everything bad b/c of sin

  • Creation was made good

-God provided for Adam & Eve

  • A sacrifice in their place (animal)
  • Made them clothes

-God has promised Adam & Eve He will end sin

  • In Jesus
  • The ultimate sacrifice for sin