A former hockey star named O.K. Stinson was arrested for killing his wife, Rachel Stinson. After a lengthy trial, O.K. is found not guilty. Two weeks later a jogger finds what appears to be the murder weapon – a knife with Rachel’s blood and O.K.’s fingerprints. O.K. is arrested for his wife’s murder again.

The voter’s of California pass a ballot measure that increases the speed limit on I-5 to 100 miles per hour. The same bill decreases the legal driving age to 14. The Attorney General (the top lawyer of the U.S. government) sues California to prevent these new rules from becoming law.

Mr. Greene, a teacher at San Lorenzo High School, teaches in his history class that Christianity is the only true religion. One of his students gets angry and demands Mr. Greene get fired.

The Oakland Police Department has been given a warrant to search the house of a known gang member, Billy Baddy. They find nothing in the living room, bedroom, kitchen, or bathroom; but in his garage, inside a refrigerator they find fifty pounds of marijuana. What should happen to Billy Baddy? Why?

Larry Litterbug was arrested for throwing a Pepsi can out of his driver’s side window. He does not deny doing this. The judge sentenced Larry two a year of community service. Every weekend, Larry must walk around downtown Oakland (from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) and pick up garbage with his mouth and carry it to the nearest garbage can. Larry is appealing this conviction. What should happen? Why?

In an effort to lower the crime rate in Oakland, Mayor Quan ordered police to arrest anyone with a gun and have the guns confiscated.

A police officer approaches a young man named John Jones; he thinks is suspicious because of his baggy jeans. The officer asks Johnny to open the trunk of his car. Inside the car, the officer finds half of a joint. The officer then arrests John.

The city of Oakland orders Mr. Greene to move out of his home, a home that has been in his family for a hundred years. The city of Oakland is willing to pay the “fair market value” for the house in order to build a Wall Mart on the property. Mr. Greene doesn’t want to move.

Mr. Greene is arrested in the middle of night and has been in jail for three months. He still doesn’t know why he was arrested.

As the country’s budget declines President Obama has ordered that the citizens of the nation open their homes to soldiers in order to cut costs for the federal budget.