JAM (Joints and Mobility)

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kevin Deluzio

Friday, April 25, 2008

10:30am – 12:00pm

Location: McLaughlin 312

Chair: Nicole (1)

Article Selection: Simon

Snacks: Stacey

Drinks: Scott

In Attendance: Dr. K. Deluzio, H. Linley, S. Jones, S. Brandon, N. Badke, Johan.

1.  Review of “Adapting human motion for the control of a humanoid robot” by Pollard, N.S. et al. (2002) (30 minutes)

2.  Round Table Discussion: Research Developments (40 min)

Scott - Gait project is (finally) winding down. Is taking part in Queen’s-McGill Rowing Regatta this weekend.

Nicole - Demonstrated moving dot programs on projection screen, using both Matlab and Labview. Consensus was that Labview program looked “smoother”.

Simon - Finished gait, incorporated PCA into project. Is taking the weekend off. (Yay!)

Heather - Is finally feeling significantly better, is eating again, and is hoping to find out what is/was wrong soon. Has happily managed to put in 4 full days of work this week.

Johan - Introduced self to group: 3rd year Queen’s mech. eng. student from Indonesia. Has finished exams and is ready to get to work as summer student.

Kevin - Now that courses are finished, it is back to research... and cheering for the Habs!

3.  General Business

3.1  Meeting place: Kevin has formally made the decision that the JAM meetings will be held at HMRC again from this point forward.

3.2  Laser Pointer: It was decided that a laser pointer/slide advancer device would be a beneficial tool for JAM to purchase. Johan will look up a few possible options for <$50, and JAM will review these options next week.

3.3  Gait Lab Demonstration: High school students will be coming through on May 9th. Two ideas that incorporated both the Optotrak and the force plates were a jumping activity and a karate chop activity. More work needs to be done to create the demo. This demo could potentially also be used for a presentation at miniU (May 23-25). Heather will send out an email to organize a meeting to discuss the demo.

Upcoming Duties for May 2, 2008:

Chair: Nicole (2)

Article Selection: Simon

Snacks: Heather

Drinks: Stacey