Department/School Name:

Area of Specialization:

Rank of Appointment:

Recruitment Plan and Anticipated Timeline for Tenure Track Search

1.  All search materials including job ad and selected advertising venues will be submitted to Graystone Advertising Group at ith cc to Susan Ganley at by (date).

Submit the following information:

·  Job Ad (including a long and a short version)

·  Names of advertising venues aiming to optimize the diversity of the applicant pool

·  Your budget limits (or estimate) for advertising

·  Indicate your request for a price quote for:

­  Web only

­  Print only

­  Both web and print

Graystone will get back to you with a sample job ad and price quote within 24 hours (or sooner if you make an urgent request). For questions and consultation, call Susan Ganley at 800-544-0005 x344 or 1(203)549-0060

2.  The position will be advertised online through the following professional associations and organizations (dates of advertising period):

3.  The position will be announced and advertised in the following outlets/venues to optimize the diversity of the applicant pool and to reach women, applicants from diverse ethnic backgrounds, and applicants with disabilities (dates of advertising period):

4.  The position will be announced through the following professional media (e.g. LinkedIn; professional list serves, etc.):

5.  The announcements will be e-mailed , with cover letter, to the following universities and colleges:

6.  The job ad and position description will be posted on the department/school website and distributed to other campus departments/schools. Faculty will be asked to encourage prospective applicants, particularly those who might be affirmative action candidates, to apply.

7.  Announcements will be posted on CSU Careers website via the Faculty Affairs Office.

Timeline for Recruitment and Search

Task/Activity / Anticipated Dates
Submit Materials to Graystone Advertising Group
Review of Applications
Phone/Video interviews
Short List Selection
On-campus Interviews
Committee Recommendation
Chair/Director Recommendation
Recommendation forwarded to the Dean