2015 Summer Chrysalis Workshop Choices

Session I: Friday, 2:00 – 3:30(chose one workshop)

  1. Paint Your Shoes!

It’s fun! Bring a pair of shoes you have—or take a trip to a thrift shop. Pick out leather or “look like leather” shoes (no canvas or paten). Ones that work best are those that have divisions on them so you can use lots of colors. Sandals work great or leather tennis shoes.Cost is $12 for paint and supplies (paid to instructor). Class limit 12.

Sharon Larson learned to do this in a Florida craft class.

  1. Writing Spiritually

Gain the skills and knowledge to embrace writing in a personalized way that opens you to the Spirit in order to deepen your relationship with God, and heal spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Participants will need a notebook, journal or paper and writing materials. Computers okay, if medically necessary.

Stephanie Friantis our keynote. Class limit 20.

  1. Eden Energy Medicine Part 1: Fine-tune the Instrument of You
    Tune in and listen to your body's own rhythms with the help of Eden Energy Medicine (EEM). EEM is a tuning fork for your body's energetic "strings." HaveFUN learning an easy 5-minute Daily Routine and basic energy principles that will increase your vitality, harmony, and sense of well-being. Your Instrument will be humming happily by the end of this introductory class.NOTE: part 1 EEM can be taken without part 2.

Tina Simonetta Samuels is a licensed massage therapist and a certified Eden Energy Medicine practitioner. For 13 years Tina was the Coordinator for Chrysalis while living at Clearwater Forest with her family.

Christine Simonetta has been a licensed massage therapist for 23 years, and has studied Eden Energy Medicine for a decade. She provided massage for many years at Chrysalis. Christine and Tina are soul sisters, and sisters-in-law.

Session II: Friday 4:00 – 5:30(chose one workshop)

  1. Let’s Play with Zentangle!

If you find it difficult to sit and meditate but you can hold a pen, Zentangle may just be the type of meditation you need. Using one stroke at a time, you indulge in spontaneous creativity with your unconscious mind and relax at the same time. What you create is always a surprise because this art form isn’t pre-planned; you just do it! There are no mistakes. Just doing it makes you smile inside as well as outside. We will play with black ink Zentangles and shading using the Zentangle Method. Cost is $10 for materials (paid to instructor). Class limit 20.

Cathy Beedle is a Certified Instructor and Master Healer in Spring Forest Qigong.

  1. Social Justice in the Bible

“An eye for an eye”--can we learn anything about justice from the Bible? We’ll explore various passages with this in mind.

Rev. Judy Kim isa Chrysalis favorite who has led Bible studies and worship for us before and been a keynote.

  1. Sharpening Our Senses: Measuring ourselves by the grasses and the mountains.

When you take a walk, what is going on in your head? What catches your attention? We'll take a short walk and carry hand lenses and binoculars to "play" with different ways of looking at nature around us.

Karen Gatsche is Clearwater Forest’s “missionary in residence”, living onsite as a volunteer. She is training to become a master naturalist.

Session III: Saturday 4:00 – 5:30(chose one workshop)

  1. Weaving in the Wilderness

Surrounded by the sights, sounds, and smells of the forest, explore outdoor weaving as a spiritual prayer practice. You will create a simple loom, and then begin a meditative journey using, fabrics, fibers, beads, charms, and found objects to weave your thoughts and prayers into your piece. All materials will be provided, but you are invited to bring your own sticks, and any found objects you would like to incorporate in your weaving.Cost: $5.00 (paid to instructor) Limit: 15 participants

Val Cook is a member of the steering committee and creative artist extraordinaire.

  1. “The Light Between Oceans” by M. L. Stedman book discussion

The Light Between Oceans is a mesmerizing story of an Australian lighthouse keeper and his wife who, after finding a baby in a shipwrecked boat,face the consequences of deciding to raise the baby as their own. The book's many characters each have conflicting perspectives as they search for a morally "right answer."
Carol Frechette is a steering committee member, frequent workshop andlake aerobics leader, and passionate reader.

  1. Adult Immunizations

"You Might be a Baby Boomer If..." There are many immunizations you might have heard of, might have had, or might be new to you. Come find out about recommendations for adults related to the Hepatitis A and B Immunizations; Td, Tdap, and Dtap; the Shingles Vaccine or Zostavax; the new Prevnar 13 pneumococcal vaccine and the PPV23 pneumococcal vaccines; and more.

Karen Volk and Rita Vaughnare both experienced registered nurses with a passion to keep us women informed and up to date with the latest medical news.

  1. Eden Energy MedicinePart II: "Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord"

In this second class, Tina and Christine guide you into a deeper appreciation of your energetic Divine design. Focusing on our feet, the techniques shared will not only pamper those unsung heroes of the body, but balance, calm and restore all the body’s energy systems. Discover what it really means to be "grounded,” and experience the exquisite harmony as you connect with Self, Earth, and Spirit. Not only will you sing a joyful song as you leave class, you'll dance!NOTE: You must take EEM part 1 in order to take EEM part 2.

Tina and Christine (see description under EEM part 1).

ALSO--Plan on these additional activities and opportunities:

During exercise times, you can…

  • Have a blast doing Lake Aerobics
  • Stretch in Yoga
  • Challenge yourself in the High Ropes—there are new elements to try!
  • Join a group in the Initiative Course

During Saturday free time, you can…

  • Sign up for tie dying
  • Take a pontoon ride
  • Make use of the several watercraft options
  • And more….